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  • Uber Implements Disaster Recovery for Multi-Region Kafka

    In a recent blog post, Uber engineers highlight how they use a replication platform to implement disaster recovery at scale with a multi-region Kafka deployment. Uber has a large deployment of Apache Kafka, processing trillions of messages and multiple petabytes of data per day. Uber's engineers provided business resilience and continuity in the face of natural and human-made disasters.

  • Google Open-Sources Python Fuzzy Testing Tool Atheris

    Google recently announced the open-sourcing of a new fuzzy testing engine for Python. The new fuzzer, Atheris, strives to find bugs in Python code and native extensions. Atheris can be used in combination with the Address Sanitizer and Undefined Behavior Sanitizer tools that detect memory corruption bugs and undefined behavior (e.g., buffer overflows, misaligned or null pointers).

  • AWS Introduces Location Service in Preview

    In one of the latest announcements of re:Invent 2020, AWS introduced the preview of Amazon Location, a new mapping service for developers to add location-based features like geofencing and built-in tracking to web-based and mobile applications.

  • What's New in MicroProfile 4.0

    Delivered under the newly-formed MicroProfile Working Group, the much anticipated release of MicroProfile 4.0 was made available to the Java community. Features include alignment with Jakarta EE 8 and updates to all APIs. The standalone APIs remain unchanged. MicroProfile 4.0 was delivered with incompatible changes to five of the APIs, namely Config, Fault Tolerance, Health, Metrics and OpenAPI.

  • Cloudflare Introduces a Way to Build and Host Jamstack Sites with Cloudflare Pages

    In a recent blog post, Cloudflare announced a fast, secure, and free way to build and host JAMstack sites with Cloudflare Pages. It seamlessly integrates with a Git repository and existing JAMstack frameworks and is in beta now.

  • Google Cloud Introduces Filestore Backups

    Google Cloud has recently introduced a preview in all regions of Filestore Backups, a new product to simplify the migration of file-based applications to the cloud.

  • AsyncAPI and Postman Partner to Bring New Tooling to Asynchronous APIs

    AsyncAPI and Postman announced a partnership to support the AsyncAPI specification on the Postman platform. In their respective announcements, they detail how this partnership allows to boost the development of Asynchronous APIs. This will be done by building better tools to help engineers create and maintain Asynchronous APIs while using their favorite programming languages and frameworks.

  • AWS Introduces Batch Support for AWS Fargate

    During the first week of the annual re:invent, AWS introduced the ability to specify AWS Fargate as a computing resource for AWS Batch jobs. With the AWS Batch support for AWS Fargate, customers will have a way to run jobs on serverless compute resources, fully-managed from job submission to completion.

  • TypeScript 4.1 Adds Template Literal Types

    The TypeScript team announced the release of TypeScript 4.1, which includes powerful template literal types, key remapping of mapped types, and recursive conditional types.

  • AWS Announces a New Version of AWS Iot Greengrass

    Recently, AWS announced a new version of its IoT Greengrass edge runtime and cloud service during the annual re:Invent. The latest version 2.0 comes with pre-built software components, local software development tools, and new features for managing software on large fleet devices.

  • AWS Announces Cloudshell, a Browser-Based Shell to Interact with AWS Resources

    During the annual re:Invent, AWS introduced a Linux terminal available from the AWS console called AWS CloudShell. With CloudShell, operation teams and developers at customer organizations can access AWS resources with AWS-enabled shell prompt in a browser.

  • Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Azure Stack HCI

    In a recent Azure blog post, Microsoft announced the general availability of Azure Stack HCI, the new subscription service for hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) from Microsoft Azure. With the GA of Azure Stack HCI, Microsoft brings together the familiarity and flexibility of on-premises virtualization with powerful new hybrid capabilities.

  • Recap of AWS re:Invent 2020

    This year the annual re:invent conference organized by AWS was virtual, free and three weeks long. During multiple keynotes and sessions, AWS announced new features, improvements and cloud services. Here is a review of the main announcements impacting compute, database, storage, networking, machine learning and development.

  • AWS Announces Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager

    Recently AWS announced a new capability of SageMaker called Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager. This new capability in SageMaker makes it easy for customers to prepare, run, monitor, and update machine learning models on fleets of edge devices such as smart cameras, robots, and industrial machines.

  • AWS Introduces New Instance Types for Amazon EC2

    AWS recently announced new instance types for Amazon EC2 on different processors and for different EC2 families. Most of the new instances are already available, even if only in a subset of regions; others are expected by the end of the month.