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Porting a Go-Based Face Detection Library to Wasm: Q&A with Endre Simo
Endre Simo, senior software developer and open-source contributor to a few popular image-processing projects, ported the Pigo face-detection library from Go to browsers with WebAssembly. The port illustrates the performance potential of WebAssembly today to run heavy-weight desktop applications in a browser context.
TypeScript 3.8 Adds Private Fields and Top-Level Await
The TypeScript team announced the release of TypeScript 3.8, which includes type-only imports and exports, private fields, and top-level await.
The Jakarta EE 9 Delivery Plan
Anticipating a mid-2020 GA release, the Jakarta EE platform project team presented the formal Jakarta EE 9 delivery plan to the Jakarta EE steering committee. It is expected that Jakarta EE 9 will be a stable tooling release from which vendors can support the new jakarta package namespace. Jakarta EE 9 may be considered a foundation for innovation to drive new features in Jakarta EE 10 and beyond.
Developer Surveys Survey: Including a Spotlight on Java Results
JRebel and Snyk have recently published their Java/JVM technology reports, and Codingame and Tiobe have published reports into language usage and adoption. InfoQ looks at the state of play of these reports, and what is happening in the Java and wider ecosystems today.
Balancing Coupling in Distributed Systems: Vladik Khononov at DDD Europe
We have been told that coupling is bad, so we decouple everything and break everything apart into tiny services that can be changed independently. But by following this reasoning we often end up with a distributed mess, Vladik Khononov noted in his presentation at the recent DDD Europe 2020 conference in Amsterdam. Instead of fighting coupling, he proposes that we use it as a design tool.
CodeNode in London Relaunched by Trifork as Conference Venue
CodeNode, former host of SkillsMatter, has been bought by Trifork and will re-open its doors in London.
Dissecting Bounded Contexts: Nick Tune at DDD Europe
There are many reasons for breaking up systems and making them more modular, Nick Tune noted in his keynote at the recent DDD Europe 2020 conference. We lower the cognitive load, teams can work independently, and from a business perspective we can do more granular investments. In his presentation, Tune discussed how by dissecting bounded contexts we can find more options when designing them.
What Will the Next 10 Years of Continuous Delivery Look Like?
Dave Farley and Jez Humble talked at the DeliveryConf about their expectations for the next ten years of Continous Delivery (CD). For CD to succeed, the IT industry needs to focus on three performance aspects: technical, organizational, and cultural–all profoundly interrelated. DORA's report has shown that technical practices can lead the change, but they alone aren't enough.
How Serverless Impacts Design: Gojko Adzic at DDD Europe
Serverless architectures are becoming mainstream and can reduce both time to market and operational costs. But to benefit from them, applications must be designed around the constraints of this architecture style. At the recent DDD Europe 2020 conference, Gojko Adzic discussed his experience using serverless and how DDD and a serverless architecture will impact the design of an application.
Event Sourcing Done Right - Experience from the Trenches: Dennis Doomen at DDD Europe
Event sourcing is just a tool; it’s not a top level architecture style and should not be used everywhere, Dennis Doomen pointed out in his presentation on the Event Sourcing day at the DDD Europe 2020 Conference in Amsterdam where he shared some of the practices he has found useful when applying event sourcing to a problem.
WKSctl: a Tool for Kubernetes Cluster Management Using GitOps
WKSctl is an open-source project to install, bootstrap, and manage Kubernetes clusters, including add-ons, through SSH. WKSctl is a provider of the Cluster API (CAPI) using the GitOps approach. Kubernetes cluster configuration is defined in YAML, and WKSctl applies the updates after every push in Git, allowing users to have repeatable clusters on-demand.
How to Scale a React Component - Jed Watson at React Conf 2019
Jed Watson, JavaScript architect, recently presented a talk at React Conf 2019 proposing solutions to the design and maintainability challenges posed by components, as they inevitably grow to accommodate a large series of use cases. Watson discussed the case of the react-select component, with 2.5M weekly npm downloads, and 100+ options to customize look and feel.
Compliance and the California Privacy Act - the Empire Strikes Back
On January 1, 2020, the California Privacy Act came into effect. Many companies have not complied with the law, and the long term effects of the legislation are unclear.
New Google Cloud Config Connector Treats Cloud Services Like Kubernetes Resources
The Google Cloud team have made the Google Cloud Config Connector generally available. Once installed into a Kubernetes cluster, it allows users to configures services, such as databases and virtual machines, as if they were native Kubernetes resources.
Linode Announces DDoS Protection Across Its Global Network
Linode announced the availability of its DDoS protection service across its network for detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks.