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Java News Roundup: JDK 20 in Rampdown, JDK 21 Expert Group, Apache Tomcat, JakartaOne
This week's Java roundup for December 5th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 20 in Rampdown Phase One, formation of the JDK 21 expert group, point and milestone releases of: Spring Shell, Spring Tools, Quarkus, Open Liberty, GraalVM Native Build Tools, Apache Tomcat, Hibernate ORM, Eclipse Vert.x, Resilience4j, JDKMon and Ktor; and JakartaOne Livestream 2022.
Triggermesh Introduces an Open-Source AWS Eventbridge Alternative with Project Shaker
Recently TriggerMesh, a cloud-native integration platform provider, announced Shaker, a new open-source AWS EventBridge alternative project that captures, transforms, and delivers events from many out-of-the-box and custom event sources in a unified manner.
Amazon Announces Preview of OpenSearch Serverless
AWS recently announced the preview of OpenSearch Serverless, a new option of OpenSearch service that automatically provisions and scales the resources for data ingestion and query responses. The minimum capacity required for the serverless option raised some concerns in the community.
Microsoft’s Distributed Application Framework Orleans Reaches Version 7
Microsoft Orleans, a .NET framework for building scalable distributed cloud applications, has been updated for .NET 7 and released as Orleans 7.0.0 on November 8th, 2022. The improvements in this release include better performance, simplified development dependencies and simplified identification schema for the grains, a unit of execution in Orleans.
Amazon EventBridge Pipes Support Point-to-Point Integrations between Event Producers and Consumers
At re:Invent, AWS introduced Amazon EventBridge Pipes, a new feature in Amazon EventBridge providing developers a more straightforward way to connect events from multiple services.
Mythical Man Month Author and Father of the 8-Bit Byte, Fred Brooks, Dies at 91
Dr Frederick P Brooks Jr, originator of the term "architecture in computing", author of one of the first books to examine the nature of computer programming from a sociotechnical perspective, architect of the IBM 360 series of computers, university professor and person responsible for the 8-bit byte, died on 17 November at his home in Chapel Hill, N.C. Dr Brooks was 91 years old.
AWS Announces Preview Release of Amazon Security Lake
At re:Invent, AWS announced the preview release of Amazon Security Lake. This managed service automatically centralizes an organization’s security data from the cloud and on-premises sources into a purpose-built data lake stored in their account.
Recap of AWS re:Invent 2022
After a virtual-only event in 2020 and a reduced-size 2021 edition, re:Invent was back last week in Las Vegas with over 50,000 attendees for the 11th edition. During multiple sessions and keynotes at the largest AWS yearly conference, the cloud provider announced new services and features, with the focus more on business solutions and data options than new building blocks.
Java News Roundup: JEPs Targeted for JDK 20, AWS Introduces Lambda SnapStart Feature
This week's Java roundup for November 28th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 20, JavaFX 20, Spring Integration 6.0, Spring Vault 3.0, Spring Cloud 2022.0.0-RC3, AWS introduces Lambda SnapStart, Quarkus 2.14.2, 2.13.5 and 2.15.0.CR1, Apache Camel 3.18.4 and progress on JHipster upgrade to Spring Boot 3.0.
AWS Announces the General Availability of Amazon Omics
At re:Invent, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon Omics, a managed service for storage, analysis, and elaboration of genomic, transcriptomic, and other omics data. The service is designed for healthcare and life science organizations to enhance patient care and advance scientific research.
AWS Announces Blue/Green Deployments for MySQL on Aurora and RDS
At the beginning of the re:Invent conference, AWS announced the general availability of RDS Blue/Green Deployments, a new feature for Aurora with MySQL compatibility, RDS for MySQL, and RDS for MariaDB to perform blue/green database updates.
Open Source SkyPilot Targets Cloud Cost Optimization for ML and Data Science
A team of researchers at the RISELab at UC Berkeley recently released Skypilot, an open-source framework for running machine learning workloads on the major cloud providers through a unified interface. The project focuses on cost optimization automatically finding the cheapest availability zone, region, and provider for the requested resources.
OmniFish on Providing Support for Jakarta EE 10 and GlassFish 7
OmniFish, the Estonia-based Jakarta EE consulting company, launched support for Jakarta EE in September 2022. This includes JakartaEE 10, GlassFish 7, and Piranha Cloud and its components like Mojarra. OmniFish recently also joined the Jakarta EE Working Group as a participant member. InfoQ spoke to Arjan Tijms, David Matějček, and Ondro Mihályi about OmniFish.
AWS Lambda SnapStart Accelerates Java Functions
At the recent re:Invent, AWS announced an update to its FaaS offering Lambda with SnapStart feature that reduces the cold start for Java Functions.
Azure SQL Database External REST Endpoints Integration Now in Public Preview
Microsoft recently announced the public preview of Azure SQL Database External REST Endpoint Integration – an ability to call a REST endpoint natively from Azure SQL Database.