InfoQ Homepage Architecture & Design Content on InfoQ
Unpacking How Ads Ranking Works @Pinterest
Aayush Mudgal discusses social media advertising, unpacking how Pinterest harnesses the power of Deep Learning Models and big data to tailor relevant advertisements to the pinners.
Understanding Architectures for Multi-Region Data Residency
Alex Strachan discusses challenges to build multi-region data storages, understanding why and when a business needs to do this, who are the real stakeholders, and who owns what.
Sleeping at Scale - Delivering 10k Timers per Second per Node with Rust, Tokio, Kafka, and Scylla
Lily Mara and Hunter Laine walk through the design of a system, its performance characteristics, and how they scaled it.
Several Components are Rendering: Client Performance at Slack-Scale
Jenna Zeigen discusses front-end performance issues encountered by Slack as they continue to grow and evolve the desktop app.
Durable Execution for Control Planes: Building Temporal Cloud on Temporal
Sergey Bykov discusses the concept of Durable Execution, with a real world example of how they used it to build the Control Plane for Temporal Cloud.
Protecting APIs in Financial Services with Zero Trust Overlay Mesh Networks
Clint Dovholuk reviews the three components of OpenZiti's architecture: controller, edge routers, and SDKs, in addition to diving into the internal physical and logical architecture of OpenZiti.
Effective Performance Engineering at Twitter-Scale
Yao Yue recapitulates scaling a project at Twitter while summarizing some key lessons learned about effective performance engineering.
Architecting for High Availability in the Cloud with Cellular Architecture
Chris Price discusses cellular architecture, its merits, design options with cellularization, and how to effectively isolate at the level of an AWS account.
From Smoothie Architecture to Layer Cake with Durable Execution
Sergey Bykov shows how Durable Execution of Temporal enables a transition and makes building scalable distributed applications qualitatively easier.
Relational Data at the Edge
Justin Kwan and Vignesh Ravichandran discuss Cloudflare’s edge database architecture, unique challenges and practices for data replication, failover and recovery, and custom performance techniques.
Survival Strategies for the Noisy Neighbor Apocalypse
Meenakshi Jindal discusses experience and lessons learned with a case study from the Asset Management Platform at Netflix about how they detected and survived a noisy neighbor.
Building a Large Scale Real-Time Ad Events Processing System
Chao Chu provides insights and practical knowledge for building streaming pipelines for an ad platform.