InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ
Mary and Tom Poppendieck on the Role of Architects, DevOps, and Diversity in IT
Mary and Tom Poppendieck talk to Charles Humble about continuous delivery, architects, management and other senior roles in IT, and diversity in the industry.
Trisha Gee on the Java Eco-System
What's the impact of Java 8 on the Java ecosystem and why did we have to wait so long for these improvements? Is the JCP the right tool for driving innovation and do we need a really new version of Java? One that would not need take care of backward compatibility? We met Trisha Gee - a great member of our Java community - in New York to talk about these topics.
Randy Shoup on Microservices, the Reality of Conway's Law, and Evolutionary Architecture
Randy Shoup talks about designing and building microservices based on his experience of working at large companies, such as Google and eBay. Topics covered include the real impact of Conway's law, how to decide when to move to a microservice-based architecture, organizing team structure around microservices, and where to focus on the standardization of technology and process.
Martin Kleppmann on Using Logs for Building Data Infrastructure, CAP, CRDTs
Martin Kleppmann explains how logs are used to implement systems (DBs, replication, consensus systems, etc), integrating DBs and log-based systems, the relevance of CAP and CRDTs, and much more.
Sadek Drobi on Architecture, Scala
Sadek Drobi explains ways to simplify software architectures by reframing the problem and requirements. Also: Scala,, and much more.
Roy Rapoport on Freedom to Decide and Open Sourcing at Netflix
Roy Rapoport, Insight Engineering Manager at Netflix, talks about how decisions are delegated to the lowest level possible; how open sourcing takes place and how sharing success criteria leads to team and business/IT aligment.
Colin Garlick on Architecture Design in an Agile World
Architecture design is defining the basic structure of our software for now and for the future. But how can this work, given that we are living in an agile world accepting the fact that we only have limited knowledge of our final system? InfoQ was talking with Colin Garlick about architecture design and responsibilities during software development.
Neha Narula on the Latest Research in Databases, Transactions, Distributed Programming
Neha Narula talks about the latest research and concepts in distributed programming and databases, reducing the overhead of transactions, are multicore systems like distributed systems, and much more.
Mitchell Hashimoto on Consul, Terraform, Atlas, Go as a Language for Tools
Mitchell Hashimoto explains how Vagrant, Consul, Terraform and Atlas help developers and ops to set up complex systems and keep them running. Also: Go as a language for tools.
Camille Fournier on Consensus Systems: ZooKeeper, Etcd, Consul
Camille Fournier explains consensus systems ZooKeeper, etcd, and Consul: how they work, what they do, how they differ from each other. Also: must-read papers in distributed programming.
Camille Fournier on the Software and Data Science Behind Rent the Runway
Camille Fournier explains how Rent the Runway uses software and data science to handle a massive shipping and warehouse operation, modelling inventory life cycles, optimising shipping and much more.
Matthew Skelton on DevOps and Continuous Delivery Challenges
Matthew Skelton talks about the challenges to DevOps and Continuous Delivery adoption, what's the impact of microservices in this space, how to leverage ITIL, and DevOps team topologies.