InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ
Justin Sheehy on Riak
Justin Sheehy explains how Riak was created with ideas from Amazon's Dynamo paper, Riak features and how Riak compares to other NoSQL solutions.
John Leach on Virtualization and Unix Tools for the Data Center
John Leach explains how Brightbox uses Virtualization in the data center and whether Virtualization causes performance problems. Also: a look at a few Unix tools and Linux features that Ruby developers might not know about.
Ralph Johnson, Joe Armstrong on the Future of Parallel Programming
Ralph Johnson and Joe Armstrong discuss their ideas about parallel programming - whether shared memory is harmful, the place of message passing, fault tolerance, the importance of protocols and more.
Steve Vinoski on Erlang and Rest
Steve Vinoski talks about Rest and Erlang and about what got him convinced in these technologies. He discuses benefits of adopting them in terms of productivity and other aarchitectural properties.
Ralph Johnson, Joe Armstrong on the State of OOP
Ralph Johnson and Joe Armstrong discuss the state of OOP, what Smalltalk got right/wrong and the image concept. Also: Joe decides he likes OOP as long as its done the Erlang way: focused on messaging.
Carl Lerche on Rails 3 and Arel
Carl Lerche talks about the changes, design and new features in Rails 3. Also: the concepts and reasons behind Arel, the Rails 3 relational algebra library.
Dan Ingalls on the History of Smalltalk and the Lively Kernel
Dan Ingalls explains the ideas that went into Smalltalk, how it was developed at Xerox PARC, the ideas that went into Squeak, and his latest project the browser-based Lively Kernel.
Aaron Quint on the State of Javascript
Aaron Quint talks about his projects Sammy, a Javascript port of Sinatra, and Jim, a Javascript packaging tool, as well as the state of Javascript, jQuery, Node.js, CommonJS, and much more.
Udi Dahan on CQRS, DDD and NServiceBus
Udi Dahan talks about Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and its relationship to Domain Driven Design (DDD). Dahan also discusses his project, the NServiceBus. NServiceBus is an open-source service bus for Microsoft's .NET environment. In many ways, NServiceBus works like Microsoft's Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and can be used instead of WCF in some cases.
John Hughes on Why Functional Programming Matters!
John Hughes is the author of “Why functional programming matters” paper and in this interview he outlines the merits of functional programming and the reason for his involvement with it. He also goes over several core principles of functional programming like monads, handling of side-effects, etc.
Jon Travis on Hyperic HQU and Monitoring with Spring Insight
Jon Travis explains Hyperic HQU as well as Spring Insight, a tool for monitoring Java web apps, how it uses AspectJ to instrument Java code, how to use it to find performance problems and more.
Jim Coplien: Why DCI is the Right Architecture for Right Now
Jim Coplien, co-creator of Data, Context and Interaction (DCI) architecture, covers a variety of topics including DCI, the importance of language support for DCI and the state of Agile development. Coplien has championed the DCI architecture with Trygve ReensKaug, the inventor of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates data and its processing from presentation.