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  • Microsoft Announces Azure Event Hubs for Kafka Ecosystems in Public Preview

    During Build 2018, Microsoft announced it would support Kafka clients to integrate with Azure Event Hubs. The Microsoft engineering team responsible for Azure Event Hubs made a Kafka endpoint available for users of their service to stream event data into it.

  • AppDynamics Extends Business Transaction Tracing to SAP Environments

    AppDynamics, an application intelligence and performance management vendor owned by Cisco, has announced the availability of AppDynamics for SAP. New ABAP code-level monitoring provides visibility of customer experiences, from digital touch-points through mission-critical SAP business applications, from code-level insights to customer taps, swipes and clicks.

  • Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Announces Client Specification 1.0

    On May 16th, the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) released the Enterprise Ethereum Client Specification 1.0 which is an open, cross-platform distributed ledger framework. The focus of this framework is to create a standards-based, enterprise-ready approach to building blockchain applications while avoiding multi-protocol propriety approaches.

  • From Darwin to DevOps: John Willis and Gene Kim Talk about Life after The Phoenix Project

    IT Revolution recently published an audiobook with nearly eight hours of conversation between Gene Kim and John Willis; Beyond the Phoenix Project – the Origins and Evolution of DevOps.

  • AWS Blockchain Templates for Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric

    Amazon recently announced the introduction of blockchain templates for Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric. AWS Blockchain templates enable developers to quickly setup blockchain infrastructure and focus on building applications rather than having to deal with the underlying infrastructure, how to build, maintain and secure it.

  • Increasing the Resilience of APIs with Chaos Engineering

    The Gremlin team has described a simple chaos experiment as a method of validating that an organisation’s APIs are resilient. Using the principles of chaos engineering and techniques like running “game days” (a fire drill for IT systems and people) can provide value, as can the appropriate use of commercial and open source tooling emerging within this space.

  • Happy Cultures and How They Grow High Performers

    ITV's Tom Clark spoke at DOXLON in February, proposing the hypothesis that high performance is a side-effect of creating happy teams. Andy Flemming, contributor to Deliberately Developmental Organization, also recently spoke about how to reap business and strategic benefits by creating a culture with an intentional focus on transparency, and the learning, growth and happiness of individuals.

  • Migrating Medium to React.js and GraphQL

    Medium migrated their existing system to a new architecture based on React.js and GraphQL. Two major goals of their endeavour, as Medium engineer Sasha T. Solomon explained, were making the new system incrementally available to users while not hindering development of new features.

  • Firefox Introduces Web Authentication API

    With the Firefox 60 release on May 9, Firefox became the first major browser to support the Web Authentication API. This API enables users to avoid text-based passwords for websites and instead uses a local device with a biometric check or private PIN to generate a secure cryptographic identifier. Support for the API is in development for Chrome and Edge, and under consideration for Safari.

  • Q&A with Bob McWhirter on WildFly Swarm Rename to Thorntail

    In early 2015, Red Hat released Wildfly Swarm, which allows Java EE based applications to run as microservices. The approach allowed developers to migrate Java EE monolith applications to microservices by creating an uber-JAR that not only contains the Java program but embeds its dependencies as well. Wildfly Swarm was recently renamed to Thorntail. 

  • NGINX Releases Open Source Web Server with Dynamic Configuration

    NGINX recently released version 1.0 of Unit, an open-source web and application server. The server supports remote and dynamic configuration and incurs no service interruptions for configuration changes. Unit 1.0 also supports multiple languages (Go, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby) running on the same instance, including multiple versions of the same language.

  • Major Automakers Aim to Bring Blockchain to Cars

    Launched by four of some of the major automakers worldwide and a number of other companies, the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI) focuses on speeding up Blockchain adoption for mobility applications, from payments to ride-sharing and autonomous vehicles.

  • StackPointCloud Enhances Istio and Kubernetes Functionality in Cloud-Native Management Platform

    StackPointCloud, provider of a cloud-native management platform for Istio and Kubernetes, has added a series of tools to help enterprises deploy and use microservices and containers. Users can now manage Istio service meshes across Kubernetes clusters using their preferred cloud providers and StackPointCloud has partnered with Packet Host to help customers use ARM with their Kubernetes clusters.

  • AWS Open Sources and Expands Serverless Application Model (SAM) Implementation

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently open sourced its Serverless Application Model (SAM) implementation and added a new event source for CloudWatch Logs subscription filters. The preceding release featured a comprehensive expansion of options to configure and deploy REST APIs via Amazon API Gateway, including support for CORS headers, regional endpoints, and binary media types.

  • F# Web Development with the SAFE Stack

    The SAFE stack is a set of F# libraries used together to create web applications. Tomasz Heimowski recently presented the stack at F# eXchange 2018 in a live coding session. He demonstrated the whole experience by creating and deploying a rating application for his talk.