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  • US Supreme Court Declares Microsoft Case Moot, Microsoft Delivers Emails to US Government

    After the United States Congress passed the CLOUD Act, the United States Justice Department dropped its previous request for a search warrant. The United States Supreme Court then declared the Microsoft email case moot. The Justice Department went back to court, however, and got a new search warrant based on the new law to replace the one it originally got in 2013.

  • Microservices and Site Reliability Engineering

    A recent article talks about how the complexities introduced by microservices initially seem at odds with the concept of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), and how companies such as Google are tackling that to ensure that whilst development groups can continue to embrace microservices, they and their SRE teams have the necessary tools and understandings to make them work well together.

  • Bank of America - Blockchain Data Storage Patent Released

    On April 12, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) released a patent filing from the Bank of America outlining their plans for a permissioned blockchain implementation that enables personal and business data sharing. A user will authorize service providers to securely access their data, but only for the specific records they have access to.

  • Cloud Native Java Has A New Home: Jakarta EE

    Mike Milinkovich, executive director at the Eclipse Foundation, introduced a new Eclipse governance model and roadmap for Jakarta EE at this year’s JAX conference. Based on a recent survey of over 1800 Java developers, the new governance model will focus on support for cloud native application development and faster release cycles. Milinkovich spoke with InfoQ on the future of Jakarta EE.

  • Hazelcast Releases Jet 0.6 for Stream and Fast Batch Processing

    Hazelcast, maker of distributing computing technologies and tools, have released a new major version (version 0.6) of Jet, their open-source streaming processing engine.

  • OCI Standardizes Container Registry API Based on Docker’s v2 Protocol

    The Open Container Initiative launched the container distribution specification project to standardize the API for container image registries. It’s based on the Docker Registry v2 protocol, which is used by the Docker toolset as well as by public cloud vendors.

  • Intel Starts to Use GPUs for Malware Scanning

    Intel has announced its new Thread Detection Technology (TDT), a set of silicon-based capabilities which use the processor GPU to scan memory for malware. This will free the CPU from that task and help mitigate the impact of defending against Spectre and Meltdown.

  • 12th State of Agile Report Published

    The 2018 State of Agile Report has been published by CollabNet VersionOne. Some of the conclusions from the report are that the need for customer and user satisfaction is increasing, more and more organizations are scaling agile, distributed teams are becoming the norm in agile software development, and many organization have started or plan to start a DevOps initiative in the next 12 months.

  • Spring Cloud Stream 2.0 Released with Focus on Performance, Flexibility and Consistency

    Pivotal has announced the General Availability release of the Spring Cloud Stream 2.0. This release includes a complete revamp of content-type negotiation functionality (allowing user-defined message converters), polling consumers, micrometer metrics support, enhanced Apache Kafka Streams support, and more.

  • Dataiku's Latest Release Integrates Deep-Learning for Computer Vision

    Collaborative data science platform Dataiku's latest release of its Data Science Studio includes pre-trained deep learning models for image processing. The DSS platform implements each step of a data-science project from data-sourcing and visualization to production deployment. Its machine-learning module supports standard libraries and it integrates with Hadoop and multiple Spark engines.

  • What Resiliency Means at Sportradar

    Pablo Jensen, CTO at Sportradar, talked about practices and procedures in place at Sportradar to ensure their systems meet expected resiliency levels, at this year's QCon London conference. Jensen mentioned how reliability is influenced not only by technical concerns but also organizational structure and governance, client support, and requires on-going effort to continuously improve.

  • U.S. Congress Passes CLOUD Act - New Legislation Might Make Microsoft Supreme Court Case Moot

    On March 23, 2018, the CLOUD Act became law in the United States. It clarifies how US and foreign countries can gain access to data stored in cloud servers in each other’s jurisdictions. Companies such as Google and Microsoft facing requests for data they have stored in foreign countries support the legislation. Privacy and human rights activists have criticized the measure.

  • The Future of Microservices as the IT World Changes: Uwe Friedrichsen at microXchg Berlin

    You have finally mastered Microservices, including Docker and Kubernetes, and some other new cool trends. But are you prepared for the future, Uwe Friedrichsen asked in his presentation at microXchg 2018 in Berlin where he explored the future of IT and the consequences for microservices.

  • Chile’s Energy Regulator to Adopt Blockchain

    PV magazine, a publication focused on reporting photovoltaics (solar power generation), has announced the Chile Energy Regulator is set to adopt blockchain in March 2018. The regulator plans to use blockchain technology to transparently record market prices, marginal costs, fuel prices and compliance documentation.

  • Designing Reactive Systems Using DDD, Event Storming and Actors

    Domain-driven design (DDD) is often used for finding boundaries (bounded contexts) around microservices. But everything in domain-driven design (DDD) is not good for microservice, Lutz Huehnken claimed in a presentation at microxchg 2018 in Berlin where he discussed how DDD, Event Storming and the Akka-based Lagom framework can be used to build reactive systems.