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  • Finding Bounded Contexts Using Domain Storytelling

    When working with Domain-Driven Design (DDD), bounded context is a core concept. Domain storytelling is a way of finding how people and systems work together within a domain which then can be used to identify the bounded contexts and how they are interconnected, Stefan Hofer and Henning Schwentner explained at the recent DDD Europe 2018 conference in Amsterdam.

  • Hyperledger Project Releases Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0

    In a recent blog post, the Hyperledger project announced Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0 has reached general availability (GA). The Hyperledger project addresses requirements for enterprises building, deploying and running distributed ledger applications. The Sawtooth 1.0 release includes updates to on-chain governance, advanced transaction execution, dynamic consensus and support for Ethereum.

  • Retroactive and Future Events in an Event Sourced System

    When Thomas Pierrain started a new project with an asset management company, one important requirement was the ability to go back in time to understand why they took decisions that today look strange. At the recent DDD Europe 2018 conference in Amsterdam, Pierrain discussed his experiences when building an event sourced system that included some temporal challenges.

  • Could the United States Supreme Court Constrain Cloud Computing?

    A U.S. Supreme Court decision could change the future of cloud computing by making U.S. companies subject to law enforcement demands for data from foreign servers. If the court rules that the data must be handed over, it is uncertain if the U.S. Congress would change the law, and what the actual content of a new law might be. This law would be still subject to interpretation and litigation.

  • Evolving CQRS and Event Sourced Systems

    After talking with people about upgrading of CQRS and event sourced systems, Michiel Overeem came to the conclusion that many working with event sourced systems lack an understanding and don’t know how to approach the problem. At the recent DDD Europe 2018 conference in Amsterdam he described how this was a trigger for him to do an exploratory research on how to evolve this kind of system.

  • Managing and Operating Kafka Clusters in Kubernetes

    Nenad Bogojevic, platform solutions architect at Amadeus, spoke at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2017 Conference on how to run and manage Kafka clusters in Kubernetes environment. He talked about provisioning Kafka clusters and configuring them using Kubernetes custom resources or ConfigMaps.

  • Eric Evans: Practicing Domain-Driven Design

    For Eric Evans, who gave a keynote at the recent DDD Europe 2018 conference in Amsterdam, it’s important to explore and practice building software. He enjoys working with strategic patterns in Domain-Driven Design (DDD), but what he finds really interesting is taking a difficult domain and reason about it differently; breaking out of the mental box trying to find new concepts.

  • As Banks Ban Cryptocurrencies Enterprises Start Joining the Blockchain

    While controversy and value swings continue to dog Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, interest in the associated blockchain technology is rising, with major players in the financial and other industries showing signs of taking it seriously.

  • Is REST the New SOAP?

    The REST debate was re-ignited a few weeks ago when Pakal de Bonchamp wrote an article complaining about many aspects of the approach and likening it to SOAP. His original article went into a lot of detail and sparked a lot of comments and then WeWork's Phil Sturgeon wrote a response which essentially refuted de Bonchamp's claims. The conversation between the two continues.

  • Microsoft Announces General Availability of Azure Event Grid

    Microsoft introduced Event Grid last year in August, and now it is generally available (GA). The Azure Event Grid is a service which enables developers to manage events in a unified way in Azure.

  • Blockchain and Smart Contracts in a Business Process

    Buying something through an internet portal, for example a car, normally involves two parties who don’t trust each other; a buyer and a seller. The portal is just a broker so either the buyer must transfer money before getting the ordered item, or the seller must send the item before getting the money. To overcome this lack of mutual trust, Bernd Rücker claims that a blockchain can be used.

  • Electric Cloud Enhances Platform With Additional Mainframe and Microservices Capabilities

    New ElectricFlow DevOps Automation support for mainframe includes native automation capabilities both pre- and post-deployment and pipeline governance and security. A new native microservices model allows microservices to be treated as first-level objects so that they can be modeled independently of applications and environments.

  • Events Should Be a First-Class Tool for Developers

    We should use events much more often in software systems, Randy Shoup declared in a recent blog post about how events should be first-class citizens in systems. He believes we often underestimate the value of events as a tool. One example is that they can help us decouple parts of a system so that we can reason about them independently.

  • Bloomberg Releases Open Source “PowerfulSeal” Kubernetes-Specific Chaos Testing Tool

    At the recent KubeCon North America conference, Bloomberg presented their new open source “PowerfulSeal” tool, which enables chaos testing within Kubernetes clusters via the termination of targeted pods and underlying node infrastructure.

  • Q&A on Istio, Microservices and Kubernetes with Lachie Evenson of Microsoft from Kubecon 2017

    InfoQ caught up with Lachie Evenson, program manager at Microsoft, who delivered an introductory talk on the Istio platform at Kubecon. In addition to Istio, he talked about microservices, Kubernetes and how it's relevant to enterprise developers and architects.