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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Serverless Challenges in Hybrid Environments

    Sam Newman, independent consultant and author of the book "Building Microservices", talked at the Velocity conference in London on the challenges faced when hybrid systems rely on both serverless architectures and traditional infrastructure. In particular, Newman discussed how serverless changes our notion of resiliency and how the two paradigms clash at times of high load in the system.

  • What's New in MicroProfile 1.2

    The Eclipse Foundation recently released MicroProfile version 1.2. New APIs added to this release include improved communications among microservices, response to system faults, and the JSON Web Toolkit (JWT). Emily Jiang, CDI and MicroProfile development lead at IBM, and Michael Croft, Java middleware consultant at Payara, spoke to InfoQ about this latest release.

  • Kevin Webber on Migrating Java to the Cloud

    Kevin Webber spoke at Reactive Summit 2017 last month about migrating enterprise Java applications to the cloud by leveraging techniques like Event Storming, Domain Driven Design, and Cloud Native.

  • Monitoring Microservices - A Prediction for 2018

    The monitoring and distributed tracing of microservices has been a recognised challenge for a number of years. Recently Péter Márton, CTO of RisingStack, has written an article on experiences with various approaches including the OpenTracing initiative and has some recommendations, example code and makes a prediction or two about the future.

  • Expedia's Journey toward Site Resiliency: Embracing Chaos Testing in Dev and Production at QCon SF

    At QCon SF, Sahar Samiei and Willie Wheeler presented “Expedia’s Journey Toward Site Resiliency”, and discussed the building of a community of practice around resilience testing within Expedia. The results have generally been positive: Netflix’s Chaos Monkey has been running daily in production since May 15th; and resilience tests have been added to four Tier 1 service pipelines.

  • Service-Oriented Development: Rafael Schloming Shares Lessons Learned with Building Microservice

    At QCon San Francisco, Rafael Schloming presented “Service Oriented Development”, and argued that an organisation migrating to microservices must seek to break up their monolithic development processes in addition to attempting to break up the system architecture. Treating newly formed microservice teams as internal “spinoffs” provides boundaries and encourages self-sufficiency and autonomy.

  • Adrian Cockcroft Discusses Chaos Architecture: "Four Layers, Two Teams, and an Attitude"

    At QCon San Francisco, Adrian Cockcroft presented “Chaos Architecture”, and discussed the evolution of cloud native architecture, and how chaos engineering can be applied to produce better and safer systems. Effective chaos architecture and engineering was presented as consisting of “four layers, two teams, and an attitude”.

  • Designing Services for Resilience: Nora Jones Discusses Netflix Chaos Engineering at QCon SF

    At QCon SF Nora Jones presented “Designing Services for Resilience Experiments: Lessons from Netflix”. Key takeaways from the talk included: the customer experience is a priority; designing for resiliency testability is a shared responsibility; configuration changes can cause outages; and engineers should have have explicit monitoring in place to detect antipatterns in configuration changes.

  • Debugging Containerized Microservices: Idit Levine at QCon SF

    At QCon San Francisco Idit Levine presented “Debugging Containerized Microservices”, and outlined the issues of debugging a distributed microservice-based system, and provided three potential approaches to overcome the inherent challenges. The talk also introduced a new open source microservices debugger that Levine is working on, Squash, which integrates with the VS Code IDE.

  • Observability and the Monitoring of Cloud-Native Applications

    Cindy Sridharan summarizes her thoughts on observability and its relevance in monitoring cloud native applications in her recent article. Observability is a philosophy that encompasses monitoring, log aggregation, metrics and distributed tracing to gain deeper, ad-hoc insights into a system.

  • Real-Time Collaboration Comes to Atom

    At QCon San Francisco 2017, GitHub’s Nathan Sobo has unveiled Atom’s new real-time collaboration plugin, Teletype. Teletype aims to make it possible for two developers to code together with the same ease as coding alone.

  • About the SOA Heritage Impact on Microservices

    The heritage from SOA impacts the approach and design of a microservices architecture, how we select technology, and also the organisational aspects, Tareq Abedrabbo claimed at the recent Microservices Conference µCon London 2017. One example from his experience is that many organisations still have a separation between enterprise architects and developers.

  • Jonas Bonér on How Events Are Reshaping Modern Systems

    Jonas Bonér talked about event driven services and how event driven architectures (EDA) and event stream processing (ESP) technologies are helping with designing the modern applications based on distributed systems. He spoke at the recent Reactive Summit 2017 Conference.

  • Designing Event Sourced Microservices

    Event sourced microservices is an area that hasn’t been explored nearly as much as it should be, Greg Young claimed at the recent Microservices Conference µCon London 2017, but he also strongly emphasized that you should not event source all your microservices. Instead, he recommends looking at individual services and applying the event sourcing pattern to services that actually benefit from it.

  • Android Architecture Components 1.0: Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel and Room

    Google has made available Android Architecture Components 1.0, a collection of libraries to design “robust, testable, and maintainable apps.” The current components are Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel and Room with others on the way.