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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Moving a Monolithic Application towards a Microservices Architecture

    Migrating an existing system towards microservices is very different from building a new micoservices-based system, Joris Kuipers, architect at Trfork Amsterdam, claims in a presentation describing an ongoing process of refactoring a large monolithic application, based on CQRS using Axon framework, towards a microservices architecture.

  • Start with Events and DDD When Building Microservices

    Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a great technique bringing designs closer to the domains we are working in, but too often we make early decisions with a focus on structure, which is not the intention of DDD. Instead we should start with the events in a domain, Russ Miles claims when describing the advantages of going “events-first” when building microservices.

  • Is Gartner's Report of Java EE's Demise Greatly Exaggerated?

    Gartner has produced a report called “Market Guide for Application Platforms”, citing Java EE’s “revenue decline” in reporting “a clear shift” in the application platform market. The Java EE community takes issue with those findings, in personal comments to InfoQ.

  • Netflix Conductor, an Orchestration Engine for Microservices

    Netflix has developed an orchestration engine called “Conductor”, and has used it internally in production for the last year . During this time they executed some 2.6 million process workflows, starting with linear ones and ending with dynamic ones running over multiple days. Now they have open sourced Conductor, making it available to all those interested in workflow orchestration.

  • Focus on the Process, Not on Individual Microservices

    The key to success when working with a microservices based distributed system is to focus on the distributed process as a whole, not on the microservices themselves. The services are the least important part, Eric Ess claimed at the recent Microservices Conference in London, in his presentation on how to monitor distributed processes at

  • Julien Nioche on StormCrawler, Open-Source Crawler Pipelines Backed by Apache Storm

    Julien Nioche, director of DigitalPebble, PMC member and committer of the Apache Nutch web crawler project, talks about StormCrawler, a collection of reusable components to build distributed web crawlers based on the streaming framework Apache Storm. InfoQ interviewed Nioche, main contributor of the project, to find out more about StormCrawler and how it compares to other similar technologies.

  • Google Pushing for HTTPS

    Google wants to push for HTTPS everywhere with a combination of deprecating existing Chrome features in non-secure sites, as well as new features only supported in HTTPS.

  • Azure Functions Reach General Availability

    Microsoft recently announced an addition to its Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering called Azure Functions. Initially launched as a preview service in March 2016, Azure Functions provide developers with an event-driven serverless compute platform that allow organizations to pay for only what they consume.

  • Julien Le Dem on the Future of Column-Oriented Data Processing with Apache Arrow

    Julien Le Dem, the PMC chair of the Apache Arrow project, presented on Data Eng Conf NY on the future of column-oriented data processing. Apache Arrow is an open-source standard for columnar in-memory execution. InfoQ interviewed Le Dem to find out the differences between Arrow and Parquet.

  • Authentication Strategies in Microservices Systems

    Software security is a complex problem, and is becoming even more complex using Microservices where each service has to deal with security, David Borsos explained at the recent Microservices Conference in London, during his presentation evaluating four end-user authentication options within a microservice based systems.

  • Large Scale Experimentation at Spotify

    When you want to scale the number of A/B tests to do many experiments at the same time, you need to adopt your processes and platform, and it might also impact your culture. Doing product research with controlled experiments helps to confront your ideas about how customers will use your product in reality, and check if those ideas actually impact user behaviour.

  • Amazon Adds Finer Granularity of Control to Their Voice Recognition API

    Amazon’s Alexa Voice Service API, the NLP (natural language processing) API that powers Amazon Echo, has a new update that allows for developers to use Alexa to turn any device into a “smart” device through the use of the API’s voice recognition features.

  • Amazon Introduces AWS Batch Preview

    At the recent AWS Re:Invent event, Amazon announced a new preview service, called AWS Batch. AWS Batch allows organizations to optimize their scheduling and workload execution across a cloud-based landscape. Amazon has built this service in response to many AWS customers building their own batch platforms using EC2 instances, containers and CloudWatch.

  • Sharing Experiences from a Microservices Journey

    In our continued effort to showcase lessons learned by microservices practitioners, we look at an article Piotr Gankiewicz has recently written with his own tips and tricks. These include references to CQRS, asynchronous architectures, service discovery and how choosing the right database for each service is important.

  • Technologies for the Future of Software Engineering

    The Cloud, infrastructure as code, federated architectures with APIs, and anti-fragile systems: these are technologies for developing software systems that are rapidly coming into focus, claimed Mary Poppendieck. Systems are moving towards the cloud, and APIs are replacing central shared databases and enable the internet of things. We need to develop anti-fragile systems which embrace failure.