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  • Java 9 Will Remove CORBA from Default Classpath

    As part of the ongoing transition to the module system, CORBA and other Java EE modules won't be included in the default classpath from Java 9 onwards. These modules will still be available, but specific command line flags will have to be used to be able to use them. The change will only affect non-modular applications targeting Java 9, for modular ones already need to indicate their dependencies.

  • Confluent Platform 3.0 Supports Kafka Streams for Real-Time Data Processing

    Confluent Platform 3.0 messaging system from Confluent, the company behind Apache Kafka messaging framework, supports Kafka Streams for real-time data processing. The company announced last week the general availability of the latest version of the open source Confluent platform.

  • Combine SQL Server with Hadoop Using PolyBase

    With the recently released SQL Server 2016, you can now use SQL queries against Hadoop and Azure blob storage. Not only do you no longer need to write map/reduce operations, you can also join relational and non-relational data with a single query.

  • What Programmers Can Do to Write Better Code

    To write better code, programmers have to apply design fundamentals and read existing code, says Martin Thompson, a Java Champion and high-performance-computing specialist. InfoQ interviewed him after his Engineering You talk at QCon London 2016 about the challenges that the software industry is facing and what programmers can do to deal with those challenges and become better software engineers.

  • Working with Domain Experts in a DDD World

    Conversations with domain experts and the language used are central in Domain-Driven Design (DDD), but often this is hard because we don’t speak the same language, explained Cyrille Martraire in his presentation at the Domain-Driven Design Europe conference earlier this year when sharing his experiences working with domain experts in DDD-driven environments.

  • Microsoft Introduces Flow for Citizen Cloud Workflow

    On April 27, 2016 Microsoft announced a new personal workflow tool called Flow. The platform is an “IFTTT like” tool that focuses on the automation of personal tasks by orchestrating work across popular SaaS based services.

  • OSRAM Sylvania Opens Lightify REST API to Developers

    OSRAM Sylvania recently announced that it is now offering the developer community an open REST API for Lightify that developers can integrate into their own iOS and Android apps and web sites. Lightify is an Internet of Things (IoT) combination of hardware, the cloud, and your mobile device. Using OSRAM's free iOS and Android apps, you can control the light settings of your Lightify LED lights...

  • Technologies and Trends in Developing Complex Software Systems

    The Software-Centric Systems Conference explored new technologies, trends, and experiences in developing complex software systems. InfoQ spoke with Rob Howe and Martijn Rutten, two members of the program committee, about the main challenges that software development is facing, technology developments, driving innovation, and deploying agile to improve process reliability and deliver value.

  • Comparison of Event Sourcing with Stream Processing

    Event sourcing and CQRS are two patterns that has emerged in the Domain-Driven Design (DDD) community. Stream processing builds on similar ideas but has emerged in a different community, Martin Kleppmann noted in his presentation at the Domain-Driven Design Europe conference earlier this year comparing event sourcing with stream processing.

  • Vaughn Vernon: Challenges in Software Development of Today

    Projects and development teams are struggling with poorly designed systems, with many developers dedicated to patching systems just to keep them alive. Largely the software development culture is broken, Vaughn Vernon claimed in his presentation at the Domain-Driven Design Europe conference earlier this year, talking about problems he has encountered but also about solutions to these problems.

  • DevOps Days Kiel Day 2

    Round up of the talks at DevOps Days Kiel's second day.

  • Searching for the Right Abstraction in a Microservice Platform. Q&A with VAMP creator Olaf Molenveld are creating a new open source microservice deployment platform named VAMP, or Very Awesome Microservices Platform, which offers a ‘platform-agnostic microservices DSL’ for deployment, A/B testing, canary releasing, autoscaling, and an integrated metrics and event engine. InfoQ recently sat down with Olaf Molenveld, CEO and co-founder of, the company building VAMP.

  • Integrate 2016 Wrap-up: Microsoft Shares Azure App Service and Cloud Messaging Adoption Metrics

    InfoQ attended the recent Integrate 2016 event in London, where Microsoft Integration technologies took center stage. Day 1 focused on the BizTalk, Logic Apps and API Management teams. Day 2 was focused on Azure App Service adoption and the new server-less Azure Functions. Microsoft's Cloud Messaging team also spoke about adoption metrics and their work in the OPC UA working group.

  • DevOps Days Kiel Day 1

    Summary of DevOps Days Kiel day 1 talks.

  • Integrate 2016 - Day 1 Recap

    InfoQ is currently attending the Integrate 2016 event in London, where Microsoft Integration technologies take center stage. The event is a hosted by BizTalk360 in collaboration with Integration related Microsoft Product Groups.