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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Azure Stream Analytics Publishing to Power BI Reaches General Availability

    On Thursday, April 21 Microsoft announced the integration between Azure Stream Analytics and Power BI has reached General Availability (GA). Using this capability, customers can gain real-time insight into their business performance by analyzing in-flight data streams.

  • How Business Mapping Increases Agility at Lloyds Bank

    Tony Grout and Chris Matts spoke about the emerging areas of business mapping and skills liquidity at QCon London 2016 and how they apply them at Lloyds Bank. They showed how they deploy these techniques and explained how they combine business strategy with the abilities and aspirations of people to improve collaboration between business and technical stakeholders. InfoQ interviewed them.

  • Ticketmaster Launches API Suite

    Ticketmaster joined the event API landscape in late March with the launch of their developer portal, a suite of public-facing APIs, Web page widgets, and a forthcoming SDK for mobile application integration.

  • Microsoft Graph Unifies Access to All APIs

    At the Microsoft Build conference in San Francisco, InfoQ had the opportunity to speak with Gareth Jones, API architect for the Microsoft Graph API which aims at making life easier for developers by providing a unified API endpoint. With the prevalence of Microsoft products in most businesses around the world, it is interesting to see how Microsoft solves this issue at their scale.

  • Elephant in the Cloud - Hadoop as a Service

    Hadoop and other big data technologies revolutionized the way organizations run data analytics but the organizations are still facing challenges with operating costs of using these technologies for on-premise data processing. Ashish Thusoo recently spoke at Enterprise Data World Conference about Hadoop as a service offering that helps organizations bridge the gaps with these capabilities.

  • Microsoft Releases BizTalk Server 2016 CTP 1

    On March 30th, 2016 Microsoft announced the release of their BizTalk Server 2016 Community Technical Preview 1 (CTP). This release is one of Microsoft’s milestones they highlighted in their recent Integration Roadmap. In addition to the BizTalk Server CTP, Microsoft has also released an initial CTP for its Host Integration Server offering.

  • AirFlow Joins Apache Incubator

    AirFlow recently joined the Apache Incubator program. AirFlow is a workflow and scheduling system designed to manage data pipelines. Developed by AirBnb for their internal usage, it was open sourced last September, as previously reported by InfoQ.

  • Collision: Online Harassment and Machine Learning

    Online harassment is a serious issue, one that the engineers and designers behind the keyboard don't always think about when building software. Machine learning is become more prevalent but as more technology companies take advantage of it, they risk alienating their users even more by presenting content that isn't actually relevant.

  • A Whole System Based on Event Sourcing is an Anti-Pattern

    Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) was never meant to be the end goal of what we are trying to achieve, it is a stepping stone towards the ideas of Event sourcing, Greg Young stated in his presentation at the Domain-Driven Design Europe conference earlier this year. He noted though that just applying CQRS is still a valuable pattern.

  • Datawire Release Fault Tolerant Microservice Communication Framework ‘Datawire Connect’

    Datawire have released their open source Datawire Connect framework, which allows developers to ‘resiliently connect microservices’ using automatically generated RPC-style client libraries for Java, Python or NodeJS services. The client libraries generated provide service registration and discovery, dynamic load balancing and routing, automated timeouts and circuit breakers.

  • Atlassian Bamboo 5.11 Delivers Continuous Integration At Scale

    Atlassian, makers of development tools such as JIRA and Confluence, have just released version 5.11 of their continuous delivery tool Bamboo with a host of new features to help teams scale and collaborate. The key feature in this new release is the ability to scale from 100 to 250 elastic build agents.

  • Domain-Driven Design and Microservices

    Eric Evans' talk at QCon London prescribed Domain Driven Design as a mechanism to successfully handle the "big ball of mud" that can emerge as multiple teams attempt to integrate services from external teams.

  • Key Takeaways from the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference: Day Two

    This article presents a review of the second day at the O'Reilly Software Architecture conference, held in New York City 12-13th April. Sessions covered include 'Evolving toward microservices: How made the transition’, ‘Going cloud native: It takes a platform’, ‘Let's make the pain visible’, ‘Microservices in reverse’, and ‘The architect as coach’.

  • Google Cloud Machine Learning and Tensor Flow Alpha Release

    Late last month Google released an alpha version of their TensorFlow (TF) integrated cloud machine learning service as a response to a growing need to make their Tensor Flow library to run at scale on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Google describes several new feature sets around making TF usage scale by integrating several pieces of the GCP like Dataproc, a managed Hadoop and Spark service.

  • Atom Text Editor 1.7 Released, with MRU Tab Switching

    Text editor Atom has released version 1.7 with notable changes including MRU tab switching and a number of improvements for Windows users. In the blog post Atom 1.7 and 1.8 beta, software engineer Michelle Tilley describes how with v1.7 ctrl-tab now switches "between the most recently used (MRU) tabs in an Atom window instead of switching to the tab to the right of the current tab."