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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Apache Flink 1.0.0 is Released

    InfoQ's Rags Srinivas caught up with Stephan Ewen, a project committer for Apache Flink about the 1.0.0 Release and the roadmap

  • Apple and FBI Court Appearance Postponed

    The court appearance between Apple and the FBI, originally scheduled for later today, has been postponed a week until after Easter, following a request from the FBI to defer.

  • Does Running Java on Docker Containers Violate Agreements?

    In a recent blog post Henn Idan raised an issue that using Oracle Java in containers could be violating the Oracle licensing agreements. Is this an issue, or is it something that developers should be concerned about? InfoQ investigates.

  • Adopting Agile Beyond Software

    Eduardo Nofuentes talked about agile beyond software at 1st conference in Melbourne, Australia. He explored how you can deploy the agile principles and values outside software development, and gave examples of how he has used them to increase business agility when working with call centres and other non-software teams.

  • IBM Expands Watson Cognitive APIs

    IBM has recently expanded their collection of Watson Cognitive APIs to include beta updates to the Emotion and Tone Analysis APIs.

  • The Past, Present and Future of Enterprise Integration

    The way companies use integration technologies have changed significantly during the last 10 years. It will also will continue to change the coming 10 years, Senaka Fernando claimed in his presentation at the recent QCon London conference when describing his view on enterprise integration the last 10 years, todays situation and what he believes the next 10 years will bring.

  • Chaos Testing of Microservices

    The world is naturally chaotic, and we should both plan for and test that our systems can handle this chaos, Rachel Reese claimed at the recent QCon London conference describing how Jet, an e-commerce company launched in July 2015, work with microservices and chaos engineering.

  • Anti-Patterns Working with Microservices

    The main problem with monolithic applications is that they are hard to scale, in terms of the application, but more importantly, in terms of the team. The main reason for a switch to microservices should be about teams, Tammer Saleh claimed at the recent QCon London conference when describing common microservices anti-patterns and solutions he has encountered.

  • jDays 2016 Round-Up

    On 8th and 9th March, the jDays Conference was hosted in Gothenburg, Sweden, followed by an additional day of optional workshops. Currently in its third edition, jDays congregated forty speakers from several different countries, who covered a varied range of topics with a special emphasis in the Java language, methodologies and practices, and front-end technologies.

  • Microservices for a Streaming World

    Embrace decentralization, build service-based systems and attack the problems that come with distributed state using stream processing tools, Ben Stopford urged in his presentation at the recent QCon London conference.

  • Real-World Consistency Explained: Uwe Friedrichsen Discusses His Favourite Academic Papers

    At the microXchg 2016 conference, held in Berlin, Germany, Uwe Friedrichsen presented a deep-dive into “real-world consistency explained”. Friedrichsen referenced multiple academic papers and discussed topics such as ACID vs BASE, his belief that many developers may not fully understand consistency guarantees with a typical SQL database, and how consistency affects microservice systems.

  • Programming Patterns in Go

    Peter Bourgon has recently presented Successful Go Program Design, 6 Years On at QCon London 2016, discussing patterns to use or anti-patterns to avoid when programming in Go.

  • Moving from Transactions to Streams to Gain Consistency

    With many databases in a system they are rarely independent from each other, instead pieces of the same data are stored in many of them. Using transactions to keep everything in sync is a fragile solution. Working with a stream of changes in the order they are created is a much simpler and more resilient solution, Martin Kleppmann stated in his presentation at the recent QCon London conference.

  • Continuous Delivery for (Smart) Trucks

    Peter Thorngren, from Volvo Trucks, explains how the future world of smart trucks and autonomous transportation systems rely deeply on continuous delivery techniques like virtualization, test automation and continuous integration.

  • Azure Logic Apps Preview Refresh Released

    The Microsoft Integration Product team recently provided their first update since the Integration Roadmap that was released back on December 24th. On February 24th, 2016 Microsoft has announced the public preview of Logic Apps Preview Refresh.