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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Lagom, a New Microservices Framework

    Lightbend, the company behind Akka, has released an open source microservices framework, Lagom, built on their Reactive Platform; in particular, the Play Framework and the Akka family of products are used together with ConductR for deployment. By default, Lagom is message-driven and asynchronous, and uses distributed CQRS persistence patterns with event sourcing as the primary implementation.

  • OCF, AllSeen, Microsoft and the Future of IoT

    There are three major groups attempting to standardize a solution for IoT connectivity: OCF, AllSeen Alliance and Thread Group. Will they go on divergent paths or join efforts behind one body that will standardize the communications between all IoT devices?

  • All Things Containers From Solaris Zones to Docker

    InfoQ's Rags Srinivas caught up with Bryan Cantrill a day after the Containers Summit at New York City and discussed all things containers from Solaris Zones to Docker.

  • "Surviving Microservices" with Richard Rodger at microXchg: Messages, Pattern Matching and Failure

    At the microXchg 2016 conference, held in Berlin, Germany, Richard Rodger presented “Surviving Microservices”, a practical guide for developers wanting to keep their microservices architectures ‘healthy and performant’. Key topics discussed in the talk included the benefits of message-oriented systems, pattern matching with inter-service communication, dealing with failure, and Seneca.js.

  • Netflix Details Evolution of Keystone Data Pipeline

    Netflix has shed light on how the company uses the latest version of their Keystone Data Pipeline, a petabyte-scale real-time event stream processing system for business and product analytics. This news summarizes the three major versions of the pipeline, now used by almost every application at Netflix.

  • StopLight Launches Visual API Design Tools

    StopLight has launched a new visual API design tool and cloud service which aims to abstract away various API description specifications into a single interface.

  • Failure Testing of Microservices

    Failure testing should be a critical part of running your microservices, Kolton Andrus stated in his presentation at the recent Microservices Practitioner Summit. Verifying that your services behave as you expect is something you should do to prevent outages.

  • Don’t Think like an Engineer When Designing Microservices

    When designing microservices and their APIs, you need to think like a designer focusing on the users, Nic Benders claimed in his presentation at the recent Microservices Practitioner Summit. Design the API first, then build your services with an outside-in approach.

  • Microservices Ending up as a Distributed Monolith

    Services requiring an enterprise platform built of 100s of shared libraries to be able to run and only allowing approved network clients for talking to services are two anti-patterns, Ben Christensen explained at the recent Microservices Practitioner Summit sharing his experiences from building distributed systems and the trend he sees in increased coupling with binary dependencies.

  • Building Microservice Infrastructure with Cisco's Mantl 1.0

    At Cisco Live 2016, held in Berlin, the latest version of Cisco’s open source microservice platform, Mantl, was released. New features include multi-data center configuration via tooling like Project Calico, simplified version control of a developer's entire infrastructure configuration, and blue/green testing as part of a service upgrade process.

  • Visa Launches Visa Developer Suite of APIs

    Visa Developer opens the world’s largest retail payment network to the world of developers. The suite of APIs available via this newly launched platform include far more than the expected credit card validation and authorization systems by including APIs for micro-transactions, wish lists, and shopping carts.

  • Using Domain-Driven Design When Creating Microservices

    Microservices and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) are not only about Bounded contexts, although a fundamental tool for defining granularity of microservices there are other important concepts as well. Correspondingly DDD is just not about entities and repositories, Michael Plöd claimed in his presentation at the recent microXchg conference in Berlin showing how DDD can be used creating microservices.

  • Crafting Quality Software

    Tarcio Saraiva and Adam Crough talked about crafting quality software at the 1st Conference in Melbourne, Australia. InfoQ asked them to share their views on what software quality is, and to explain the business benefits and how it can be managed. InfoQ also asked them about the role for testing, how continuous integration supports quality, and advice for delivering high quality software products.

  • “It’s Not Just Microservices”: Fred George Discusses Technology, Process and Organisation Inhibitors

    At the microXchg 2016 conference, Fred George presented “It’s Not Just Microservices”, and argued that microservices can enable an organisation to ‘go faster’ and rapidly deliver business value. However, the implementation of microservices alone will not lead to success, and inhibitors to increasing business agility within the context of technology, process and the organisation must be removed.

  • Java EE and Microservices in 2016?

    At the end of 2015 Steve Millidge from C2B2 and a co-founder of Payara predicted that 2016 would be the year of Java EE microservices. Many efforts would tend to agree, including WildFly, TomEE and the KumuluzEE framework. However, other developers believe that there are fundamental problems with Java EE which make it a poor choice for microservices.