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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Measuring in Agile Teams

    At the Agile Tour London 2015 Doug Talbot gave a talk titled "Do you know how fast you're going?". InfoQ interviewed him about difficulties with estimation and planning, the measurements that agile teams use, objectively measuring productivity, his view on the #NoEstimates movement, and asked him for ideas that can help teams to make measurement more meaningfully.

  • What is API Developer Experience and Why It Matters

    API developer experience is a relatively novel focus aimed to improve API design so it provides a seamless experience to developers when writing software. It can help increase programmers’ efficience and make it easier for developers to achieve goals on behalf of end users.

  • JavaOne 2015 Preview

    In preparation for JavaOne 2015, InfoQ held a Q&A session with a number of speakers at this year's conference that caught our eye.

  • Amazon EC2 Container Service Updates Released, Focusing on Automation, Configuration & Availability

    Amazon Web Services have released a series of updates for the Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) that include an ECS command line interface, Docker Compose support, task definitions that allow additional Docker configuration options, and an ECS scheduler update that adds support for availability zone awareness.

  • Interview with Runscope on API Testing and Monitoring

    Runscope, an API monitoring and testing vendor, announced the general availability of Live Traffic Alerts, a real time API performance monitoring solution for live production traffic for key API transactions. InfoQ used this opportunity to speak to Runscope about their vision and the value their platform brings to its consumers.

  • CQRS, Read Models and Persistence

    Storing events in a relational database and creating the event identity as a globally unique and sequentially increasing number is an important and maybe uncommon decision when working with an event-sourced Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) system Konrad Garus writes in three blog posts describing his experiences from a recent project building a system of relatively low scale.

  • JAX London 2015 Round-Up

    JAX London 2015, which took place from 12th to 15th October at the Business Design Centre in London, United Kingdom, gathered many of the experts in the areas of Java, Microservices and other modern development practices. Although the topics were varied, the overall message seemed to indicate both that these technologies are maturing, and that users are learning to use them more effectively.

  • Samsung SAMI – a D3 Platform for the IoT

    Samsung SAMI is a Data-driven Development (D3) platform for receiving, storing and sending data to/from IoT devices. Any device can send data in various formats which is then normalized into a JSON format and stored in the cloud. Data can then be requested by other devices.

  • Amazon Launches IoT Platform Beta

    At Amazon’s recent re:Invent developer conference in Las Vegas, the company announced a new Internet of Things (IoT) platform called AWS IoT.

  • AWS Unveils 2TB X1 and T2.Nano EC2 Instances

    At its re:Invent conference, Amazon Web Services has unveiled two new instance types for its EC2 service: X1, sporting 2TB of memory, and T2.Nano, aimed to the lower end of compute requirements.

  • Oracle Publishes Report on the State of Java’s Module System

    Mark Reinhold, Chief Architect of the Java Platform Group at Oracle, published a report on the State of the Module System with an emphasis on what the objectives are (and aren’t) and an explanation of how these are currently met. The publication has triggered comments among users on the apparent overlap with existing frameworks like OSGi. InfoQ looks at background and current state.

  • Interview with Form.IO: API Creation Using Web Forms

    <> is an open source platform that enables front end developers to autonomously build backend APIs using forms to drive their apps. The platform provides a single solution for creating both APIs and user interfaces for consumption by a front end javascript framework. InfoQ spoke with the founders of <> to learn more about the platform capabilities and the future they envision for it.

  • Facebook Open Sources Data Query Language GraphQL

    Facebook's Lee Byron talks to InfoQ's Rags Srinivas about GraphQL that powers billions of API calls on the site.

  • The AWS Well-Architected Framework

    Amazon has published the AWS Well-Architected Framework, a guide for architecting solutions for AWS, with design principles that apply to systems running on AWS or other clouds.

  • Q&A with Gene Kim on the DevOps Enterprise conference

    DevOps Enterprise, a conference focused on DevOps as it applies to the enterprise, will be held in San Francisco, between October 19-21. This 3-day conference is unusual in the DevOps community as most of the speakers have senior positions on very large enterprises such as Bank Of America, ING, Target or GM. InfoQ spoke with Gene Kim to learn more about this year’s edition.