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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Innovation at AXA's Digital Agency

    The AXA Digital Agency deploys the Lean Startup approach, using design thinking, minimum viable product development and growth hacking, to innovate and support the digital transformation at AXA. An interview with Yves Caseau about the importance of innovation, adopting a lean startup approach, learnings from minimum viable products and growth hacking and advice for starting an innovation journey.

  • Building Microservices with Go and ‘Go kit’: Peter Bourgon Q&A

    At the Golang UK Conference, Peter Bourgon introduced ‘Go kit’, an open source microservice toolkit that can be used to facilitate and standardise the creation of Go-based services within the modern enterprise application stack.

  • AWS Simplifies Resource Access with VPC Endpoints, Initially Supporting S3

    Amazon Web Services recently introduced VPC endpoints to enable a "private connection between your VPC and another AWS service without requiring access over the Internet, through a NAT instance, a VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect". VPC endpoint policies provide granular access control to other service's resources. Initially available are connections to S3, other services will be added later.

  • Dino Esposito on CQRS, Messages and Events

    Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is the starting point of a change that will have a profound impact on system architecture, Dino Esposito claims in three articles in MSDN Magazine. It’s the first step in an evolution transitioning software architects from the idea of “models-to-persist” to the idea of “events-to-log” and about event-based data instead of data snapshots.

  • 10 Properties Defining Software Architecture

    Software architecture is a process; a sequence of strategic design decisions mapping specification and business goals to architecture design, and a thing; a set of views produced by the process that address different stakeholders, Michael Stal states describing how to define a software architecture.

  • Interview with Founder on the Future of API Documentation

    Documentation, one of the great neglected areas of software development, is finally getting some attention, with a number of relatively new tools. For an API documentation can be considered essential. Gregory Koberger is working on a system with the intent of connecting developer documentation more directly to APIs and the API dashboard.

  • Driving Transformational Behavior with Core Work Systems

    Mike Orzen will talk about using core work systems to drive transformational behavior at the Lean IT Summit 2015. An interview on the benefits that organizations aim for with lean IT, why adopting and reinforcing new behaviors is essential to create sustained change, core work systems and work processes for IT organizations, and common missteps in lean IT transformations and how to prevent them.

  • Microsoft Releases Azure Data Factory

    Any cloud provider that believes in data gravity is trying to make it easier to collect and store data in its facilities. To make data movement between cloud and on-premises endpoints easier, Microsoft recently announced the general availability of Azure Data Factory (ADF).

  • Ilan Goldstein on a Scrum Myth Buster Series

    This post covers scrum myths described by Ilan Goldstein, Certified Scrum Trainer.

  • The new QCon London - returning for its 10th year!

    QCon London 2016 will take place at the The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre on March 7-11, 2016 next year, and registration is now open.

  • Introducing DDD in a Project at “Which?”

    After failing with two proof of concept, mainly with scalability issues, when trying to renew their main website the business decided to take a more agile and incremental approach and in a restart of the project inspired by Domain-Driven Design (DDD) having developers talk with domain experts, Chris Patuzzo explains describing the principles of DDD in the context of a real project.

  • Internet of Things Design Manifesto 1.0 Released

    IOT Design Manifesto 1.0 has been recently released. This manifesto serves as a code of conduct for everyone involved in developing the Internet of Things, outlining 10 principles to help create balanced and honest products in a burgeoning field with many unknowns.

  • Lessons Learned Working with Distributed Systems

    Preparing for problems like partial failure is the best thing you can do when working with distributed systems, Vaughn Vernon explains in a conversation with InfoQ and refers to a blog post by Jeff Hodges noting its down-to-earth approach and practical advices e.g. designing for partial availability, and using capped exponential back off to restore full operation when dependencies are unavailable.

  • Meet Grid, The Guardian's Image Management Service

    The British newspaper The Guardian has open sourced Grid, their image management service. Grid utilizes numerous modern web-based technologies including AngularJS, Amazon Web Serivces, and ElasicSearch using ECMAScript 6 and Scala. Build by a small developer team over the past 11 months, it is currently used in production and available under a liberal open source license.

  • Pro or Against Agile Certification

    Some people stress the need for agile training with certification, as it helps to select candidates and lays a foundation for an agile transformation. Others are against certification, in their opinion they don't reflect people's abilities and skills properly and people who have no certifications might be better candidates than others who have. Are you pro or against agile certification?