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  • ELIoT: Distributed Programming for the Internet of Things

    ELIoT (Extensible Language for the Internet of Things) is a simple and small programming language aiming to make distributed programming easier. A program in ELIoT may appear as a sigle program, but it actually runs on different computers, so, e.g., a variable or function declared on one computer is transparently used on another.

  • Software – Is it "Engineering" Yet?

    At the GOTO Amsterdam 2015 conference Mary Shaw talked about progress towards an engineering discipline of software. She explored what it means to have an engineering discipline, how far we have progressed toward having one for software, and what can be the next steps.

  • 10 Common DDD Mistakes to Avoid

    Not interacting with domain experts is one of a common set of mistakes done when using Domain-Driven Design (DDD), finding and correcting them early on may save a team time, Daniel Whittaker claims describing ten mistakes he regularly see developers do.

  • Design of a Hypermedia REST API Server and Consuming Client

    REST and hypermedia has a lot of benefits but they significantly complicates building both the client and the server API, thus useful only in some scenarios Jimmy Bogard states in a series of blog posts highlighting what’s needed to get a full hypermedia solution from server to client including choosing a hypermedia-rich media type.

  • Postman 3.0 Releases New Developer Experience - Q&A with Founder

    Postman is a popular Chrome application used to test, build, and document web APIs. InfoQ interviewed Abhinav Asthana, the founder and CEO of Postman, about the latest release to give our readers a better understanding of what Postman is, how it was created, why it’s popular with API developers, and what’s new in 3.0.

  • Microsoft Wants to Run AllJoyn over Thread

    Microsoft intends to bring together two communication technologies targeting the IoT landscape: AllJoyn and Thread.

  • QCon San Francisco 2015 (Nov 16-20): Track Topics Announced

    Track topics for QCon San Francisco 2015 have been finalized and published to the conference website. Registrations for the event - which has been completely sold out for the past four years - are up 200% compared to the same time last year.

  • Douglas Crockford Previews His Idea For a New Web

    At the Angular U conference in San Francisco, Douglas Crockford presented a radical new idea for upgrading the web. His proposal would replace parts of the web that don't work with newer, more secure alternatives, leaving behind existing web techologies such as SSL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Basho Data Platform Supports In-Memory Analytics, Caching, Search and Integration with NoSQL

    Basho Data Platform supports integration with NoSQL databases like Redis, in-memory analytics, caching, and search. Basho Technologies, the company behind Riak NoSQL database, announced in May, the availability of the data platform that can be used to deploy and manage Big Data, IoT and hybrid cloud applications.

  • Udi Dahan on Reuse in Business Logic and Microservices

    Reuse has been a watch word for almost everything that has happened in system development during the last thirty years, but reuse is like cyanide; in really small portions it can be healthy, using it too much it starts doing a lot of damage, Udi Dahan claimed in his presentation giving a different perspective on business logic at this year’s DDD Exchange conference in London.

  • Flocker v1.0 Provides Docker Volume Migration and Storage Abstraction

    At the London Microservice User Group July meetup, Kai Davenport presented a live demonstration of ClusterHQ’s Flocker v1.0 container data volume manager tool migrating a Docker storage volume between multiple containers running within a Docker Swarm.

  • Challenges When Implementing Microservices and Why Programming Style Matters

    Fred George talked about the Challenges in Implementing MicroServices and The Secret Assumption of Agile at the GOTO Amsterdam 2015 conference. InfoQ interviewed him about how make microservices as small as possible, challenges when implementing microservices and how to deal with them, why programming style matters, and what developers can do to develop their code writing skills.

  • DDD, Events and Microservices

    To make microservices awesome Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is needed, the same mistakes made 5-10 years ago and solved by DDD are made again in the context of microservices, David Dawson claimed in his presentation at this year’s DDD Exchange conference in London.

  • Software Defined Data Mart In The Enterprise Using Metanautix Quest

    Metanautix recently announced the newest version of its product, Quest. Quest allows enterprises to build software defined data marts that can run in virtualized servers. Designed from the ground up with security and auditability in mind, Quest can deal with Big Data workloads and encapsulate it into different logical views, ready for consumption by different departments in enterprise.

  • Adrian Cockcroft on the Challenges of Managing Microservices

    Adrian Cockcroft's devopsdays Amsterdam 2015 keynote addressed how CIOs' key goals - align IT with business, develop products faster, avoid security breaches - are attained through the adoption of DevOps practices and Continuous Delivery with containerized microservices. But managing microservices poses new challenges. Cockcroft proposes simulation as a solution to some of those challenges.