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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Developments in IT Project Management

    The demand for IT project managers is increasing. Agile methodologies support collaboration with distributed teams for creative problem solving. The Internet of Things, cloud, big data, and cyber security will continue to dominate the IT landscape. Project managers have to pioneer IOT initiatives, be prepared for the influx of data and ensure that deliverables from their projects are secure.

  • ITIL vs. DevOps: Different Viewpoints

    The discussion on ITIL vs. DevOps is a common one. There are different views: ITIL and DevOps have different mindsets; ITIL and DevOps are compatible; they are different but both have their place in the IT department. Charles Betz, member of the Open Group IT4IT Forum, argues that their principles are at odds. ITIL is trapped in a phased workflow mindset. DevOps embraces lean product management.

  • New Developments in Model Driven Software Engineering

    An interview with Rob Howe, host of the MDSE session at the software engineering conference and CEO of Verum, about the state of practice and recent developments in model driven software engineering, the usage of this technology, whether he considers model driven software engineering to be a proven mature technology, and what the future will bring us in model driven software engineering.

  • Docker, CoreOS and Industry Coalition Create Open Container Project

    At DockerCon 2015, Solomon Hykes announced that a broad coalition of vendors, users and industry leaders are coming together to form the Open Container Project (OCP) for the express purpose of defining common specifications around container format and runtime. The OCP will be run under the auspices of the Linux Foundation as a minimalist, non-profit, openly governed project.

  • Scaling Agile at

    InfoQ did an interview with Menno Vis, IT director of, about the benefits of increasing agility, how deploys Scrum, using roadmaps with agile, the challenges that have been faced when scaling agile, the main focus area's at for agile scaling, establishing loosely coupled teams, and the things that does for their people to have fun while doing their work.

  • Why Scrum is Not Enough

    When developing large complex systems and dealing with legacy code, organizations need to have systems in place to support integration and delivery. Modularization can help when agile is scaled with multiple teams that are working in parallel. It's not the framework or method that will do the job, but how your people will make it work to solve your problems says Hans Dekkers.

  • Scaling the Stack Overflow Monolithic App by Obsessing Over Performance

    At QCon New York 2015, David Fullerton presented a deep-dive into the monolithic C# / MS SQL architecture that powers the Stack Overflow website, which handles over 4 billion requests per month. Fullerton argued that by focusing on performance, scalability was included ‘almost for free’; and that by minimising the number of external application services, the need to pay ‘SOA tax’ has been avoided.

  • Monitoring Microservices and Containers: A Challenge by Adrian Cockcroft

    At GlueCon 2015, Adrian Cockcroft presented a list of rules for monitoring microservice and container-based applications. In addition to these guidelines, Cockcroft also highlighted a series of challenges for monitoring cloud-native container-based systems, and introduced his ‘Spigo/simianviz’ microservice simulation and visualisation tool.

  • Deploying Scrum and SAFe at Philips Lighting

    InfoQ interviewed Frank Penning, PMO manager from Philips Lighting, about the main challenges that Philips Lighting is facing in product development, why Scrum is not enough, how they apply SAFe, and the benefits that they have gained from deploying agile methods for product development.

  • Jetty 9.3 Celebrates 20th Anniversary, adds HTTP/2 Support

    On June 12, 2015, the Jetty Project released version 9.3 of their flagship open source embedded application server, that day being the 20th anniversary of the project's beginning. Features of the release include HTTP/2 server (and client) support, Java 8 as a minimum, more Java NIO integration and an overhauled scheduler. They also removed SPDY networking support and fixed over 400 bugs.

  • ECMAScript 2015 Has Been Approved

    The General Assembly of Ecma International has announced the approval of ECMA-262 6th edition, which is the Language Specification of ECMAScript 6 (ES6), also known as ECMAScript 2015.

  • DDD and Living Documentation

    Creating documentation is boring, it's often obsolete and misleading but with a new mindset both your documentation and code can improve, Cyrille Martraire explained in a presentation showing how to create living documentation when working with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) at this year’s DDD Exchange conference in London.

  • RedHat Microservices Architecture Developer Day London

    Last week, RedHat hosted a "Microservices Architecture Developer Day" in London, and presented a set of technologies and patterns that can be used to create microservice-based applications using open-source solutions like Kubernetes, Docker, Fabric8 and Maven. Read on for more details about the day, including links to the presentations and demo videos.

  • Oracle Proposes G1 as the Default Garbage Collector for Java 9

    Oracle is considering including JEP 248, making G1 the default garbage collector on server configurations, into the list of JEPs targeting Java 9. The decision has triggered some debate among the Java community, with many arguing that the CMS collector could have been more suitable.

  • Eric Evans on DDD, Microservices and Boundaries

    There is tremendous value in microservices, probably giving us the best environment we have ever had for doing Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Eric Evans stated in his keynote at this year’s DDD Exchange conference in London. Iteration is the most important key to good design and microservices is the second attempt, after SOA, to get things right.