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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Building 'Failure as a Service' at Netflix without the Simian Army

    At QCon New York 2015, Kolton Andrus discussed Netflix’s Failure Injection Testing (FIT) platform, which allows the injection and monitoring of arbitrary failure scenarios to a targeted group of customers using the Netflix production web services. FIT allows Netflix to maintain an ‘antifragile’ programming culture, which results in the creation of systems that are resilient to failure.

  • Taming Dependency Hell within Microservices with Michael Bryzek

    Michael Bryzek, co-founder and ex-CTO at Gilt, discussed at QCon New York how ‘dependency hell’ could impact the delivery and maintenance of microservice platforms. Bryzek suggested that dependency hell may be mitigated by making API design ‘first class’, ensuring backward and forward compatibility, providing accurate documentation, and automatically generating client libraries.

  • Twenty Minutes to Production with Zero Downtime using Docker

    At QCon New York 2015, Paul Payne discussed a project at Nordstrom that required modifying and re-deploying a live application service within twenty minutes, which was made possible due to the use of Go-based microservices, Docker container technology, and a continuous delivery methodology.

  • How NGINX Achieves Performance and Scalability

    Owen Garrett, heads of products at Nginx, Inc., has described on Nginx’s blog which design decisions allow NGINX to provide top-in-class performance and scalability.

  • Twitter Has Replaced Storm with Heron

    Twitter has replaced Storm with Heron which provides up to 14 times more throughput and up to 10 times less latency on a word count topology, and helped them reduce the needed hardware to a third.

  • Parquet Becomes Top-Level Apache Project

    Apache Parquet, the open-source columnar storage format for Hadoop, recently graduated from the Apache Software Foundation Incubator and became a top-level project. Initially created by Cloudera and Twitter in 2012 to speed up analytical processing, Parquet is now openly available for Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache Pig, Impala, native MapReduce, and other key components of the Hadoop ecosystem.

  • Uncertainty in Agile and the Discovery Mindset

    InfoQ interviewed Andrea Provaglio about business models for execution, optimization and discovery, dealing with uncertainty and leveraging it to create business value, understanding both value and cost, growing a discovery mindset, and creating a culture where people have the courage to make mistakes and can learn from them.

  • Stefan Tilkov: Skip the Monolith, Start with Microservices

    During the last months Martin Fowler among others have claimed that a microservices architecture should always start with a monolith, but Stefan Tilkov is convinced this is wrong, building a well-structured monolith with cleanly separated modules that later may be pulled apart into microservices is extremely hard, if not impossible in most cases.

  • Introducing CQRS and Event Sourcing with a Demo Application

    Improving on his understanding of the architecture and patterns involved in Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Sacha Barber has created a complete CQRS demo application including event sourcing and an article with a cross examination of the inner workings.

  • Engineering for the Long Term at Google

    Astrid Atkinson, director at Google, drew on their experiences over the last decade to present some rules and advice on engineering for the long term. The Velocity Conference 2015 attendees at Santa Clara learned that it's crucial to imagine that you're going to be wildly successful, that complexity mustn't be eliminated but managed and that the focus should be on scaling systems not teams.

  • Capgemini Apollo: An Open Source Microservice and Big Data Platform

    Capgemini are currently working on Apollo, an open source application platform built on top of the Apache Mesos cluster manager and Docker, which is designed to power next generation web services, microservices and big data platforms running at scale.

  • Model-based Migration Approach for Maintenance of Legacy Software

    Hans van Wezep, software architect at Philips Healthcare, talked about model-based migration at the Bits&Chips Software Engineering conference. InfoQ did an interview with van Wezep about the challenges in maintaining legacy software, why manual refactoring is error prone, using models to refactor and migrate a codebase, and the benefits of using models when maintaining legacy software.

  • Parse Adds New Schema API and API Console

    Parse has announced its new Schema API, which allows to programmatically manipulate the database schema used by an app, and the Parse API Console, which aims to make it easier to use Parse REST API without writing any code.

  • Meeting Regulatory Demands with Agile Software Development

    InfoQ interviewed Jan van Moll about regulatory demands for software in healthcare, satisfying these demands with waterfall project or with a mix of waterfall and agile, and introducing agile in an R&D organization that needs to fulfill regulatory demands.

  • WSO2 Announces API Cloud and App Cloud

    At WSO2Con EU 2015, WSO2 has announced API Cloud and App Cloud, two complete solutions for managing APIs and respectively enterprise applications throughout their lifecycle.