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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Apple Rebuilds Siri Backend Services Using Apache Mesos

    Apple have announced that the company’s popular Siri iOS-based intelligent personal assistant is powered on the backend by Apache Mesos, the open source cluster manager. The Mesosphere blog states that Apple have created a proprietary PaaS-like scheduler framework named J.A.R.V.I.S., which allows developers to deploy Siri services in a scalable and fault-tolerant manner.

  • Microsoft Makes Available Their Platform for Building Microservices

    Microsoft has announced and made available the preview of Azure Service Fabric (ASF), a cloud platform including a runtime and lifecycle management tools for creating, deploying, running and managing microservices. ASF microservices can be deployed on Azure or on-premises on Windows Server private or hosted clouds. Support for Linux is to come in the future.

  • Fabian Hueske on Apache Flink Framework

    Apache Flink is a distributed data flow processing system for performing analytics on large data sets. It can be used for real time data streams as well as batch data processing. It supports APIs in Java and Scala programming languages. Fabian Hueske, PMC member of Apache Flink, spoke about the data processing framework at the recent ApacheCon Conference.

  • Mashape Open Sources API Gateway Kong

    Mashape has open sourced their API Layer called Kong.

  • Domain-Driven Design the Wrong Way

    Applications claimed to have been built using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in reality often consists of entities or DTOs separating data and logic together with services containing a mix of business and infrastructure logic, Gabriel Schenker states, noting that this also often applies early on to projects building new applications. Lack of knowledge is one major reason for this, Schenker believes.

  • Scaling Microservices at Gilt with Scala, Docker and AWS

    At Craft Conference 2015, Adrian Trenaman discussed the evolution of the architecture from a monolithic Ruby on Rails application to a cloud-based microservice ‘lots of small applications’ platform utilising Scala, Docker and AWS. Trenaman shared both technical and organisational lessons learnt from the past eight years, as Gilt has grown from a startup to a $1B company.

  • Mary Poppendieck Discusses Containers, Microservices and Contract Tests

    At Craft Conference 2015 in Budapest, Mary Poppendieck discussed the ‘new software development game’ and offered advice on how best to utilise containers, microservices and consumer-based contract tests to lower friction and limit risk within software systems.

  • Hortonworks, IBM and Pivotal to Support Open Data Platform in Their Big Data Solutions

    Big data vendors Hortonworks, IBM, and Pivotal recently announced that their Hadoop based platform products will use the common Open Data Platform (ODP). They made the announcement at the recent HadoopSummit Europe Conference of the open platform which includes Apache Hadoop 2.6 (HDFS, YARN, and MapReduce) and Apache Ambari software.

  • Chip Childers on Modern Application Architecture and Cloud Native Application Platform

    Programming frameworks, containers, and application platforms are some of the components that make up the modern application architecture. Chip Childers of Cloud Foundry Foundation spoke at ApacheCon Conference last week about modern application architecture and the cloud native application platform.

  • Complexity is Outside of the Code with Dan North and Jessica Kerr

    At Craft Conference in Budapest, Dan North and Jessica Kerr presented a keynote session which cautioned developers that complexity is often found outside of the code. The key messages included: identify and manage areas of complexity; treat learning as a first-class citizen; focus on working to sustainably minimise lead time to business impact; and nurture a supportive team and community.

  • Web Frameworks Benchmark 2015

    We published in 2014 the results of TechEmpower’s benchmark of various web frameworks, a term including web platforms and micro-frameworks. A year later, they have published a new set of results outlining important changes in the performance of top 10 web frameworks.

  • Google Will Propose QUIC As IETF Standard

    Google has recently announced that they will propose their experimental transport layer network protocol QUIC as a IETF Standard. Furthermore. Google has provided the first available figures about the improvements in page load time that QUIC makes possible.

  • RAML Founder Talks About the API Industry: Governance, Technology, and Acquisitions

    InfoQ had the opportunity to interview Uri Sarid, creator of another famous API language, the RAML project. Uri is also CTO of MuleSoft and we appreciate that he was generous with his time to help the community understand RAML’s technology and governance, share his view of the SmartBear acquisition of Swagger, and provide interesting comparison points between RAML, Swagger and API Blueprint.

  • Grails 3.0: Built on Spring Boot and Gradle

    The Grails team released Grails 3.0, a complete rewrite of the popular MVC framework now based on Spring Boot. Grails 3.0 contains a number of new features including Groovy 2.4 and Android support, Spring 4.1, and Gradle replacing the old Gant-build system.

  • QCon San Francisco Nov 16 - 20, 2015 - Registration Open; Top 10 Presentations

    Registration is now open for QCon San Francisco 2015 (Nov 16-20). The 9th annual event - taking place at The Hyatt Regency San Francisco - will feature over 100 speakers, 15 tracks, and many opportunities for networking. Register before Jun 27th and save $800.