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  • Ideas for Setting Up Remote Teams

    Organizations are increasingly working with remote teams to discover that it can be challenging to establishing remote teams and collaborate effectively with people in remote or distributed teams. An interview with Janis Janovskis on the challenges of remote teams, working together in different time zones, using hangouts and experiments to establish remote teams and finding the right people.

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk Adds Preconfigured Docker Containers for Go

    After introducing "Preconfigured Docker" as a new category of supported platforms in November 2014 with initial support for Java/GlassFish and Python 3.4 containers, Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently added Go versions 1.3 and 1.4 as the first additional language based on this new approach to its platform as a service offering AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

  • A Service is a Logical Construct Built by Microservices

    A service is a logical construct owning a business capability and made up of internal autonomous components or microservices that together fulfil the responsibilities of the service, Jeppe Cramon suggests continuing a previous series of blog posts clarifying his view on building services around business capabilities and bounded contexts.

  • Real-time Data Analytics at Pinterest using MemSQL and Spark Streaming

    Pinterest, the company behind the visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas, is using real-time data analytics for data-driven decision making purposes. It’s experimenting with MemSQL and Spark technologies for real-time user engagement across the globe.

  • Managing the Expectations from Agile

    InfoQ did an interview with Gil Zilberfeld about managing the expectations that organizations have of agile and how to prevent misconceptions, valuable ideas and practices from agile and what the future will bring for agile.

  • Measuring the Business Value in Agile Projects

    Technique of "value points" to determine the value delivered by any software project.

  • How to Manage Virtual Teams

    When working with virtual teams the basic management tasks or responsibilities remain exactly the same, but checking if the work has been done and if the quality is sufficient tends to be more difficult. Successful collaboration is a shared responsibility of the virtual teams and the customer.

  • 5 Design Principles for System Configuration

    Popular configuration mechanisms like conf.d pose multiple problems when trying to converge system configuration using configuration management tools. Ish-Shalom proposes five design principles for configuration that prevent those problems. The core ideas being the use of a configuration API and the separation of configurations based on the type of system updates they require.

  • Microsoft Acquires Revolution Analytics

    Microsoft increased its foothold in the data science community last winter by acquiring Revolution Analytics, a major provider of software and services based on the open-source R project for computational statistics. The deal is expected to bring R capabilities to the Microsoft suite of products and facilitate the adoption of R-based solutions in the enterprise environment.

  • Microsoft Consolidates Azure Application Services into App Service

    Microsoft attempts to bring web, mobile, API and workflow development under one umbrella called App Services. Along with this, Microsoft also added integration for many 3rd party APIs.

  • Clarifying Domain-Driven Design Using a Trading Application Example

    Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an approach to building software emphasizing collaboration between domain experts, developers and others involved in order to meet business objectives, Naresh Bhatia explains introducing the DDD base concepts exemplifying with Bullsfirst, an example system of medium complexity from the financial trading domain.

  • Playing the Product Owner Value Game

    The product owner value game is a card game for teams. The objective of the game is to deliver as much value as possible. Teams learn to prioritize backlogs, plan iterations, and deliver results. The game helps teams to talk about agile principles, and exchange experiences.

  • Making Sense of Event Stream Processing

    Structuring data as a stream of events is an idea appearing in many areas and is the ideal way of storing data. Aggregating a read model from these events is an ideal way to present data to a user, Martin Kleppmann claims explains when describing the fundamental ideas behind Stream Processing, Event Sourcing and Complex Event Processing (CEP).

  • Lessons Learned From Scaling Services at Google and eBay

    Randy Shoup shared his experiences to the QCon London audience in scaling services at Google and eBay, giving advice on building and operating services. A successful services strategy requires end-to-end service ownership, decentralized decision-making and standardization efforts focused on protocols of communications and supporting infrastructure.

  • Adoption of Agile in Eastern Europe

    The gap in agile adoption between Eastern Europe and the US and Western Europe is becoming smaller. Scrum is the most widespread framework, Kanban adoption is growing and SAFe, LeSS, DAD are trending. The way that companies are transitioning to agile is significantly different in Eastern Europe.