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  • How Testers Can Make Organizations More Successful

    Tester should go beyond their testing discipline and go into the organization. By asking questions they can start a movement that increases product quality and helps organizations to become more successful as Mike Sutton explained in his closing keynote at the Agile Testing Day Netherlands 2015 about test beyond quality – beyond software.

  • Google Brings Places API Natively to Android and iOS

    So far, Places API has been available as a web service, but now it has been integrated in the recently released Android Play Services 7.0, and a beta program has been started to bring it natively to iOS. On Android, this new API can be used on all OS versions starting with Gingerbread. There are not many details yet on how it will work on iOS.

  • Yelp Engineering: Using Services to Break Down a Monolith

    The Yelp engineering team have stated that moving to a service-oriented architecture has allowed them to scale their development process and maintain a rapid pace of software delivery as the team and codebase has grown. This has been achieved by focusing on distributed systems education, creating a set of basic service design principles and implementing a supporting infrastructure.

  • Bitbucket Launches Snippets for Teams

    Atlassian's popular source code hosting site Bitbucket launched Snippets for teams, a collaboration oriented solution to "create and manage multi-file snippets of all kinds". Snippets can be created via drag and drop, owned by a user or a team and optionally shared publicly. They are backed by Git or Mercurial repositories and can be managed via a REST API.

  • Defining Classes of Service in Kanban Using an Alternative Approach

    There are some alternative ways of identifying different classes of service in kanban. This post talks about these methods.

  • Connected Companies Put Customers at the Center of Everything

    Dave Gray talked about how a connected company focuses on customer efficiency instead of company efficiency at the No Pants Festival 2015. A connected company has multidisciplinary teams where people work together to deliver a product or service. People working at a connected company feel empowered, they are able to solve problems together and to better serve the needs of their customers.

  • Microsoft Plans to Launch Azure IoT Suite

    At the Convergence 2015 event in Atlanta, Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella announced Azure IoT Suite – an integrated offering that brings multiple Microsoft IoT assets together.

  • Google Leverages Near Real-Time Backend Development With Firebase

    From Google Cloud Platform’s team, Mandy Waite presented at QCon London 2015 Firebase, a solution to help teams being focused on building (near) real-time mobile and web applications without dealing with the complexity of backend services.

  • Apache Spark 1.3 Released, Data Frames, Spark SQL, and MLlib Improvements

    Apache Spark has released version 1.3 of their project. The main improvements are the addition of the DataFrames API, better maturity of the Spark SQL, as well as a number of new methods added to the machine learning library MLlib, and better integration of Spark Streaming with Apache Kafka.

  • Effektif Open Sources BPM Software with an Emphasis on Developers

    Business process management software provider Effektif today announced the open sourcing of their workflow engine. The new model allows developers to include Effektif workflows from within their applications via Java and REST APIs

  • Uber Unveils its Realtime Market Platform

    Matt Ranney, Chief Systems Architect at Uber, gave an overview of their dispatch system, responsible for matching Uber's drivers and riders. Ranney explained the driving forces that led to a rewrite of this system. He described the architectural principles that underpin it, several of the algorithms implemented and why Uber decided to design and implement their own RPC protocol.

  • Phil Calcado on Lessons Learnt During SoundCloud's Microservice Migration

    At QCon London 2015 Phil Calcado shared lessons learnt from SoundCloud’s move from a monolithic to microservices architecture, and stated that the core requirements for building a microservice platform include developing capabilities for rapid provisioning, basic monitoring and rapid application deployment.

  • Leadership and Management Approaches from Radical Companies

    Introducing and managing change in organizations can be challenging. InfoQ interviewed Jason Little who is involved in organizing the Spark the Change Canada 2015 conference about the leadership and management approaches that radical companies use, on finding better ways to manage people and about what will happen to management in the near future.

  • QCon New York 2015: Netflix, Comcast, NFL, Goldman Sachs Case Studies Confirmed (June 8-12)

    The fourth annual QCon New York will feature in-depth case studies from Netflix, Comcast, Goldman Sachs, NFL Digital Media, and others. Software Engineers, Technical Team Leads & Data Scientists at these companies will describe how they're dealing with some of the greatest challenges in the arenas of Microservices, Data Science, Reactive Architectures, Fraud Detection, DevOps & Software Delivery.

  • Using Sociocracy for Decision Making and Learning in Agile

    Organization that are adopting agile often look for ways to establish self-organized teams where team members are able to take more responsibility. Agile software development teams could improve their decision making by using the consent principle and sociocratic procedures. Sociocratic governance structures can also be used to scale up agile principles to every level of the organization.