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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • A Modern Microservices Architecture

    After living with microservices for three years at Gilt we can see advantages in team ownership, boundaries defined by APIs and complex problems broken down. Challenges still exists in tooling, integration environments and monitoring, Yoni Goldberg explained in a presentation at the QCon London conference describing the challenges they encountered moving to a microservices architecture.

  • Microservices Are Conceptually Too Big

    Microservices are conceptually too big; they conflate optimizing for organisational and technical factors, but solutions to problems of each type may not fit together very well, Phil Wills, senior architect at The Guardian, explained in a presentation at the QCon London conference promoting thinking about independent services and single responsibility applications, rather than microservices.

  • How Twitter Answers Handles Five Billion Sessions a Day

    Twitter's Answers is an analytics service for mobile apps that has come to see five billion sessions per day. Ed Solovey, software engineer at Twitter, has described how their system works to provide "reliable, real-time, and actionable" data based on hundreds of millions of mobile devices sending millions of events every second.

  • Microservices and the Goal of Software Development

    The goal of software is to sustainably minimize lead time to positive business impact, everything else is detail, Dan North claimed in a presentation at the QCon London conference describing ways of reasoning about code and how this leads him into an architecture style that may fit microservices.

  • Your Code as a Crime Scene

    Measuring software complexity is a popular and common activity among the software development community, judging by the number of tools built over the years and the literature around the subject. Drawing from his blend of engineering and psychology backgrounds, Adam Tornhill proposed to its audience at QCon London to treat their code as a crime scene, with the help of version control tools.

  • The Benefits of Microservices

    Gene Kim (moderator), Gary Gruver, Andrew Phillips and Randy Shoup have discussed some of the benefits of microservices in a recent online panel.

  • Microservices and Evolutionary Architecture

    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) made us think about breaking up monolithic systems into individual services but also encouraged building producer driven monster services with centralised control. With microservices we are going back to the underlying notions of why SOA made sense, Rebecca Parsons claimed in a presentation at the QCon London conference.

  • An Architect's World View: A Guide to Values, Principles and Practices

    At QCon London 2015, Colin Garlick presented “An Architect’s World View”, which provided a set of values, principles and practices to act as guidance for a software architect. The core values included people, the big picture, teamwork and integrity. Garlick proposed that these values are essentially characteristics that can be prioritised in order to work as a successful software architect.

  • Spring XD 1.1: Simplifying Big Data like Spring Did for Java EE

    Pivotal recently released Spring XD 1.1 GA with new features including stream processing with Reactor, RxJava, Spark Streaming and Python. Additionally support for Kafka, batching and compression with RabbitMQ, and support for container group management when running on YARN are now featured.

  • Mobile Survey Q1 2015: Platform Status, Swift Adoption and Revenue

    The recently published survey, State of the Developer Nation Q1 2015, conducted by VisionMobile analyzes the key mobile developer trends including the status of mobile platforms, Swift and revenue.

  • jClarity Releases Illuminate Gold Edition Performance Evaluation Tool

    jClarity is a relative newcomer on the Java Application Performance Monitoring scene, focusing on tools that deliver a diagnosis and a remedy rather than simply providing metrics that require skilled interpretation. InfoQ spoke to jClarity CEO Martijn Verburg about their new Illuminate Gold release

  • RightScale State of the Cloud Survey Indicates Increased IaaS Adoption

    Recently published results from RightScale’s 2015 State of the Cloud survey indicate higher adoption of IaaS than PaaS. In a blog post, the company highlighted the usage patterns of Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform among enterprises.

  • Groovy Lead Guillaume Laforge Joins Restlet

    In response to cloud vendor Pivotal pulling support for the Groovy/Grails project, Groovy head Guillaume Laforge has joined open source API platform Restlet to lead API development tools. InfoQ spoke to Laforge about Restlet, Groovy, and his new responsibilities.

  • Characteristics of Microservices, Applications and Systems

    The assumption that a large system must have a single environment, often with a one-to-one mapping between a project’s scope and the system built are challenged today Stefan Tilkov explains when looking into ways to split a large system into smaller parts and comparing the characteristics of systems, applications and microservices.

  • Google Releases gRPC, a HTTP/2 RPC Framework for Microservices

    Google has opened sourced gRPC, a RPC framework used internally to connect cloud microservices. gRPC comes with support for 10 languages, making it attractive for creating back-end cloud services for mobile applications.