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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Step by Step Improvement Needs Relative Safety

    At the OOP 2015 conference Colin Hood talked about bridging the gap between requirements engineering process definition and successful iterative roll-out. He presented how the introduction of improvements to requirements engineering can be done better when done step by step, and how relative safety is needed to enable people to take the steps.

  • Apache Hive 1.0 Released, HiveServer2 Becomes Main Engine, Stable API Defined

    Apache Hive has released version 1.0 of their project on February 6th, 2015. Originally planned as version 0.14.1, the community voted to change the version numbering to 1.0.0 to reflect the amount of maturity the project has reached.

  • Cloud Foundry Foundation is Born and Gets a New Lead

    Cloud Foundry Foundation that was formed recently to advance an open source PaaS gets a new lead, Sam Ramji as the CEO. InfoQ talks to James Watters, VP for Product at Pivotal, Christopher Ferris, CTO Open Cloud at IBM and Dr. Nic Williams, CEO of Stark and Wayne.

  • Google Dumps SPDY after HTTP/2 Enters "Last Call"

    Google has announced giving up SPDY after HTTP/2.0 has integrated the protocol and its standardization is in its final stages.

  • Going Beyond Agility with Antifragility

    Antifragility emphasizes embracing chaos or randomness through adapting and evolving. It can help enterprises to be more able to deal with and even gain from uncertainty and disorder, making them more flexible and adaptive to events that happen.

  • Using Cost of Delay to Quantify Value and Urgency

    Joshua Arnold facilitated a workshop about Cost of Delay at the Lean Kanban France 2014 conference. InfoQ did an interview with Arnold in which he talks about the cost of delay: what it is, why it matters, the importance of quantifying it and some tips for getting started.

  • Udi Dahan on Defining Service Boundaries

    Udi Dahan, a SOA consultant, held the presentation Finding Service Boundaries – Illustrated in Healthcare at NDC London 2014, providing advice on establishing the service boundaries in a SOA or microservice architecture.

  • Java's JDK Repository Now Builds Warning-Free

    The cleanup programme for OpenJDK has reached a major milestone - the main OpenJDK jdk repository is now free of build warnings.

  • SAP Launched New Business Suite, SAP S/4HANA

    At an event hosted at the New York Stock Exchange, SAP launched its flagship Business Suite, SAP S/4HANA, which includes a new user interface, mobile capabilities and HANA in-memory analytics.

  • Immutability Changes Everything Including Microservices

    As computation and storage are cheap today, keeping immutable copies of lots of data becomes affordable, and by doing this, the coordination challenges can be reduced.

  • Infinispan Release JCache Compatible Version

    Infinispan release their first JCache compatible version. Does this signal the start of maturity in the distributed Java caching market? InfoQ talk to Galder Zamarreño from Red Hat to find out more.

  • Playing the Fearless Journey Game

    The Fearless Journey game, designed by Deborah Hartmann Preuss, builds upon the patterns described in the book Fearless Change. It is a game that teams can play to learn how to address obstacles over which they have no authority. Martin Heider and Holger Koschek facilitated a workshop where they talked about using patterns in change and played the Fearless Journey game.

  • Microsoft Open Sources Cross-platform Serialization Library – Bond

    Last month, without any official announcement, Microsoft open sourced Bond - a performant serialization system developed and deployed across dozens of mission-critical, high-scale infrastructure projects internally at Microsoft.

  • Powerstrip: A Tool for Prototyping Docker Extensions

    ClusterHQ, the team behind Flocker, have announced Powerstrip, an Apache licensed tool to prototype Docker extensions. Powerstrip works as a proxy between the Docker command line interface (CLI) and the Docker daemon allowing the Docker API to be extended. The main advantage of this approach is that it becomes much easier to compose together Docker add ons such as Flocker or Weave.

  • A Service View of Business Driven DevOps

    Over the years Steve Jones has had a lot to say about Business SOA. Recently he's turned his attention to DevOps and believes there are some important lessons that DevOps can learn from SOA and Business Architecture.