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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Amazon EC2 Gains Two-Minute Warning for Spot Instance Termination

    Amazon EC2 recently gained two-minute warnings before Spot Instances are reclaimed, a feature "formally known as a Spot Instance Termination Notice". The goal is to "allow more types of applications to benefit from the scale and low price of Spot Instances" by giving them time to save state, upload log files, or deregister from other components such as load balancers or cluster managers.

  • Aggregates, Entities and Value Objects in Domain-Driven Design

    Move as much as possible of the behaviour away from the Entities into Value Objects when working with Aggregates, As more behaviour is needed this is added as new value objects, Paul Rayner recommends in a series of blog posts covering aggregates, entities and value objects, all concepts from Domain-Driven Design (DDD).

  • Atlas: Netflix's Primary Telemetry Platform

    Netflix has open sourced Atlas, part of their next-generation monitoring platform they have been working on since early 2012. The company developed Atlas to store time series data in order to provide near real-time operational insight to teams.

  • CoreOS Shipped the First Stable Version of etcd

    CoreOS announced the availability of etcd 2.0, the first stable version of the open source distributed key-value store.

  • MuleSoft Announces ESB 3.6 and Anypoint Platform for Mobile

    MuleSoft has announced this month the release of ESB 3.6 runtime, improvements to Anypoint Studio and the Anypoint Platform for Mobile to support mobile application development.

  • JHipster 2.0 Released with AngularJS improvements, Liquibase diffs, and Spring WebSockets

    JHipster, the Yeoman generator for Spring Boot/Angular projects, released version 2.0 earlier this month, with some notable changes: 1) the AngularJS code has been modularized, making it easier to use JHipster for larger projects and 2) Liquibase is now able to create "diffs" between the JPA code and the database, making it easier to update your database schema.

  • Evidence-Based Managing of Software Development

    If organizations want to make informed management decisions to maximize the delivered value they will need to gather evidence about value says Gunther Verheyen. InfoQ interviewed Gunther about evidence based software management and finding evidence, how Scrum relates to evidence-based managing, challenges in scaling agile, and advice for enterprises that want to adopt Scrum.

  • Amazon Adds Managed Email and Calendaring Service to AWS Portfolio

    Amazon announced the launch of Amazon WorkMail, a managed business email and calendaring service.

  • Bad Practices Building Microservices

    When adopting a microservices architecture, using an external architect to create the design of a service instead of helping a team make their own decisions about design and implementation is one of several traps or bad practices that Vladimir Khorikov has experienced in his work.

  • EMRFS Brings Consistency to Amazon S3

    Amazon recently announced EMRFS, an implementation of HDFS that allows EMR clusters to use S3 with a stronger consistency model. When enabled, this new feature keeps track of operations performed on S3 and provides list consistency, delete consistency and read-after-write-consistency, for any cluster created with Amazon Machine Image (AMI) version 3.2.1 or greater.

  • QCon London 5 Weeks Away; Top Tracks, Sessions, and Speakers

    The ninth annual QCon London (March 2-6) will feature in-depth presentations and case studies from Netflix, Google, Facebook, Uber, eBay, SoundCloud and others. Learn from front line, industry practitioners on topics like Microservices, Docker, Engineering Culture, Go, Reactive Architecture, Low Latency Trading, Continuous Delivery, and more.

  • Microsoft Azure G-Series VMs are Generally Available

    Azure’s beefy, powerful G-series VM types are now available in East US 2 region.

  • Leveraging Nashorn at Netflix

    Netflix recently hosted the Silicon Valley Java User Group to talk about Nashorn, "The Hidden Weapon of JDK 8." In this presentation the Netflix Partner Tools team described how they’ve started leveraging JavaScript in their services.

  • Google Shares its Views on Containers

    The Google Cloud Platform team started an article series to share its views on container, leveraging their 10-year experience on the technology. Google's first two articles provide an overview of the topic. They explain the rationale behind container clusters and their defining traits. Along the way, they show how it all applies to Kubernetes.

  • vCloud Air Gets Disaster Recovery, Pay-Per-Use and Advanced Networking Services

    VMware has announced the availability of enhanced disaster recovery, advanced networking services and on-demand pricing of its hybrid cloud platform.