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  • Don’t Share Code Between Microservices

    Reasons for building microservices are often about using isolation as a means to handle change. Sharing code between services couples your services to each other reducing the effectiveness of the isolation and the ability to handle change, David Dawson writes in a series of blog posts questioning the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle in connection with microservices.

  • Using the "Worse is Better" Concept with Agile and Lean

    Less functionality can make a better product according to the “Worse is Better” concept described 25 years ago by Richard P. Gabriel. According to Kevlin Henney and Frank Buschmann we can learn from the worse is better concept for development and architecture with agile and lean.

  • Apache Flink 0.8.0 Released, Roadmap for 2015 Published

    Apache Flink has released the version 0.8.0 of their project. Besides the usual performance, compatibility, and stability improvements, it has also added a streaming Scala API, where streaming capabilities had so far been missing. Apache Flink has also been promoted to the top-level of the Apache projects recently after joining the incubator roughly nine months ago.

  • DevOps Adoption in the Large Enterprise

    CA Technologies recently published a study on the perceptions of 1,425 IT and line of business (LOB) executives on DevOps. It found that 88% of respondents have adopted (24%) or are considering adopting (64%) DevOps. The study focuses on the views of executives (e.g.: C-level, VPs, Directors) at organizations with revenues of at least $500M, bringing a different perspective on the subject.

  • Spring Boot 1.2.1 Released

    InfoQ speaks to Spring Boot co-creator Phil Webb about the latest release of Pivotal's convention over configuration offering for bootstrapping Spring based projects.

  • Pivotal Pulls Groovy/Grails Funding

    Pivotal Software today announced that it will be withdrawing funding for the popular Groovy and Grails frameworks after March 31, 2015. Pivotal cited their larger strategy to concentrate resources on accelerating both commercial and open source projects that support its growing traction in Platform-as-a-Service, Data, and Agile development.

  • Atom API 1.0 is Stable

    The Atom’s team has announced a pre-release but stable version of the editor’s API.

  • Google on the Technical Debt of Machine Learning

    A number of Google researchers and engineers presented their view on the technical debt of using machine learning at a NIPS workshop. They identified different aspects of technical debt and came to the conclusion that without proper care, using machine learning or complex data analysis in your company can induce new kinds of technical debt different from classical software engineering.

  • Putting People First to Increase Motivation and Performance

    Focusing on the motivation of individuals can positively impact performance. An interview with Peter van Oevelen about motivating individuals, influencing the mood of teams, applying radical management, economies of motivation and building effective teams with individuals that have their own ideas, preferences and motivations.

  • Architecture, Technology and the Lava Layer Anti-Pattern

    Successive changes to architecture and technology throughout the lifetime of an application can lead to a fragile and fragmented codebase that is hard to understand and maintain, an anti-pattern named Lava Flow or Lava Layer that Mike Hadlow often finds in enterprise software, especially in large, mission critical and long-lived software.

  • QCon New York 2015 (Jun 8-12): Track Topics Announced

    The 15 track topics have been finalized for the 4th annual QCon New York (Jun 8-12) including: Modern CS, Mobile, Fraud Detection, Streaming Data, Microservices, Modern Advances in Java Technology, Machine Learning, Architectures You've Always Wondered about and more. Register before Jan 17th and save $700.

  • RESTier: A New Framework for Building OData Services

    The Microsoft OData Team has made available the preview version of RESTier, a middleware development framework for building OData 4.0 RESTful APIs. RESTier is based on ASP.NET Web API.

  • Distributed, Fault Tolerant Transactions in NoSQL

    Five years ago many NoSQL databases were pre version 1.0 and when, it came to the CAP tradeoff, choosing availability over consistency was in vogue. Fast forward to today and distributed, fault tolerant transactions are moving into the fore as a new round of NoSQL databases seek to redefine our NoSQL expectations.

  • Google’s Android Performance Patterns

    The Google Developers YouTube channel has posted a set of 16 videos on Android Performance Patterns outlining a number of performance issues developers stumble across when creating applications for Android, along with advice on dealing with them which we will present in summary.

  • SQL Server Roundup

    A lot of small releases were made by Microsoft’s SQL Server team last month. Some of the highlights include Power BI for on-site servers, System Center support for SQL Server 2014, and updated Java/PHP drivers.