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  • How Netflix Handled the Reboot of 218 Cassandra Nodes

    Amazon performed a major maintenance update at the end of September in order to patch a security vulnerability in a Xen hypervisor affecting about 10% of their global fleet of cloud servers. This update involved the rebooting of those servers, with consequences for AWS users and the services they provide, including one of their largest clients, Netflix.

  • Microsoft Releases iOS Mobile Services 2.0 Beta

    Microsoft has recently released a new preview of its 2.0 Mobile Services iOS SDK. The SDK allows iOS developers to easily integrate their mobile applications with Mobile Services backends hosted on Azure. Mobile Services is a MBaaS with support for cloud storage, push notifications, authentication, mobile analytics and custom APIs written in Node.js or .NET.

  • Codenvy Introduces Docker-Powered Developer Workspaces

    Codenvy has evolved its flagship service from a cloud-based code editor to a full fledged, container-based development environment. Codenvy CEO and Founder Tyler Jewell told InfoQ that Codenvy is no longer an “IDE, but an orchestration engine” that wants to optimize “everything before the commit.”

  • Having Leadership Emerge in Organizations

    Organizations should create an environment where people feel empowered and trusted, with a culture where leaders can thrive says Pawel Brodzinski. An interview in which Pawel shares his view on leadership and culture, explains what it is that makes leaders thrive in organizations and what organizations can do to create an environment where leadership would emerge.

  • Vormetric Partners with DataStax to Deliver Enhanced Data-at-Rest Security in Apache Cassandra

    Vormetric, a data security solutions provider has announced a partnership with DataStax, the company behind Apache Cassandra, to enhance the enterprise-class security features in the platform. The two companies will work together to enhance data-at-rest security that includes encryption, enhanced access controls and security intelligence in Apache Cassandra.

  • Using Complexity Measurements to Improve Software Quality

    Complexity is a direct indicator of software quality and costs: if the complexity for any code is high, the quality of that code will be lower and it will cost more to manage it. Complexity measurements can be used to estimate development and test activities and to decide where refactoring is needed to improve quality and prevent problems.

  • Testing Impact of Model Driven Development

    By using Model Driven Development component tests could be skipped and integration and system testing went a lot smoother, said Bryan Bakker in the presentation Model Driven Development (MDD) and its impact on testing. Main results from the MDD approach are a reduction of the amount of testing and increased reliability of the code that was generated from a mathematical model.

  • Apiary Announces Apiary for Enterprise

    Apiary, the company behind API Blueprints has announced a new offering, Apiary for Enterprise, that promotes API design best practices through tooling that validates API designs against defined API style guide standards and best practices. InfoQ caught up with Apiary to shed more light on this new offering.

  • Designing Systems for Testability

    Testability must be explicitly designed in the system said Peter Zimmerer from Siemens AG. Test architects should drive testability and collaborate with architects, designers and testers in using good design and engineering practices. At the QA&Test 2014 conference Peter gave a tutorial about design for testability for embedded software systems.

  • W3C's Latest HTML5 Standard Ignores WHATWG

    W3C published a new version of the HTML5 Differences from HTML4 working draft. The latest version describes the differences of W3C HTML5 and HTML4, and a comparison between WHATWG HTML and HTML4 is no longer covered.

  • Catching up with Neo4j

    Neo4j, the open source graph database project has doubled its contributor community in the past six months, which has enabled significant improvements in the product. InfoQ caught up with Emil Efrem after his keynote titled "Graph All the Things" to understand the current and planned features for the open source version of Neo4j.

  • Apache Camel 2.14: Java 8, Spring 4, REST DSL and Metrics

    The Apache Camel team recently released version 2.14, their 66th release. Camel is an open-source integration framework that provides components based on the popular enterprise integration patterns. It allows an application to define route and mediation rules in many domain-specific languages (DSLs), for example with Java, XML, Groovy and Scala.

  • Android 5.0 Brings Over 5,000 New APIs

    Android 5.0 (Lollipop) comes with a large number of new APIs, over 5,000 of them, according to Ankur Kotwal, a Google developer advocate. These cover many areas of mobile development from the new Material Design, to enhanced battery management, to managing devices to ART. We are presenting some of the most important.

  • Use Your Blockades to Sustainably Improve

    Blockades in work, like insufficient information, unclear requirements or having to wait for tools or systems to become available can have a systematic cause. It could be the case that similar problems that block the team keep happening until the underlying causes are addressed. You can use your blockades as treasures of improvement to sustainably improve the way work is done.

  • Fear Driven Development on the Rise

    There are several recent posts and discussions dedicated to a fairly common approach to software development: Fear Driven Development.