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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Getting your Quality Management System Used

    Creating and maintaining a Quality Management System (QMS) can be difficult, certainly when organizations have multiple product lines where different regulations and standards are applicable. InfoQ interviewed Willem van den Biggelaar about the benefits of having a QMS, dealing with multiple regulations, assuring adherence, how a QMS can support agility and deploying a QMS in an agile way.

  • Facebook AsyncDisplayKit Touts Smooth Asynchronous UI for iOS Apps

    Facebook has open-sourced its AsyncDisplayKit, a framework originally built for Facebook's Paper app that promises to make it easier to keep apps smooth and responsive even on older devices.

  • Mixing Agile with Waterfall for Code Quality

    The 2014 CAST Research on Application Software Health (CRASH) report states that enterprise software built using a mixture of agile and waterfall methods will result in more robust and secure applications than those built using either agile or waterfall methods alone. InfoQ interviewed Bill Curtis about structural quality factors, and mixing agile and waterfall methods.

  • Leslie Lamport on Distributed Systems and Precise Thinking

    Leslie Lamport is the author of some of the most cited computer science papers and won a Turing Award in 2013 for his seminal work in distributed and concurrent systems. This is a summary of an interview that Lamport gave to Software Engineering Radio touching themes such as his early work in distributed systems and the importance of precise thinking in programming.

  • Second GOTO Berlin Conference Due Early November

    The second GOTO conference in Berlin is due early November, with two days of conference on November 6-7, preceded by one day of training. The program is titled "for developers, by developers" with emphasis placed on presenting the latest developments as they become relevant and interesting for the software development community.

  • Google to remove support for SSL 3.0

    Google have announced that they will remove support for the obsolete SSL 3.0 after discovering vulnerabilities that may be exploitable by forcing clients or servers to downgrade. Removing SSL 3.0 may also unlock stalled negotiations with HTTP2. Read on for more details.

  • QCon London 2015 Registration Open & Tracks Announced; March 2-6

    The 9th annual QCon London (March 2-6) has been announced and registration is open! QCon London has become a mainstay conference for the UK and European software development community. This year continues in our tradition of practitioner-driven high quality content with 19 tracks and over 100 speakers. Register before Oct 22 & save £540.

  • Forrester Wave: Evaluating NoSQL Key-Value Databases

    In their first Forrester Wave: NoSQL Key-Value Databases, released in Q3 2014, Forrester has evaluated the most popular NoSQL database offerings.

  • Alan Cooper Talks About Face 4 and Issues in UX Design

    Alan Cooper shares his views on the state of UX Design and how the fourth edition of his book, About Face, helps designers address challenges such as flat design, wearable devices, and implementing goal-directed design.

  • Martin Thompson Discusses the Reactive Manifesto 2.0

    The second version of the Reactive Manifesto was announced at September's GOTO conference in Aarhus. Martin Thompson discusses the need for a revised version of the Manifesto and what its changes mean for the burgeoning reactive community.

  • Lessons Learnt Using Microservices

    Several companies have reported their move to adopting Microservices. Recently Tom Livesey from startup Droplet has joined the discussions by posting several lessons they learnt when moving to that architectural approach.

  • Ceylon 1.1: OSGi, Vert.x, Dynamic Interfaces, Use-site Variance, Promises

    Ceylon 1.1 comes with dynamic interfaces, use-site variance, OSGi and Vert.x deployment, ceylon.promise module, IDE enhancements, compiler performance improvements and others.

  • Splunk Conference Recap: The Key to Big Data is Machine Learning

    Splunk’s user conference has drawn to a close. After three days with over 160 sessions ranging from security and operations to business intelligence to even the Internet of Things, the same central theme kept appearing over and over again: the key to Big Data is machine learning.

  • Book Series on Managing Remote Teams

    In the book series the art of managing remote teams authors share their experiences and provide advice on establishing and working with remote teams. The books are intended for people who are about to setup an offshore or nearshore team, or people who are already managing a remote team and want to improve.

  • JavaOne: Hazelcast Announce JCache Support, JCP Run

    Hazelcast announce their new 3.3.1 release, with JCache support, preview their technology roadmap and discuss their run for the JCP Executive Committee.