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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Moving from a Monolith to Microservices at SoundCloud

    Moving SoundCloud into a microservices architecture has been essential in enabling our teams to develop production-ready features with much shorter feedback cycles, Phil Calçado writes in a three-part series sharing their experiences moving away from a monolithic system.

  • Building a Reactive DDD and CQRS Based Application Using Akka

    DDD and CQRS are great for building scalable software considering concepts like bounded contexts, transaction boundaries and event based communication and is together with Akka a complete platform for building enterprise applications, Pawel Kaczor starts a three-part series building an reactive application based on these concepts.

  • Google Introduces Material Design at Google I/O

    Google is introducing Material Design, a visual language incorporating design principles for user interfaces spanning a multitude of devices from wearables to smartphones, tablets, desktops and TVs. Material Design attempts to provide fluid motion on tactile surfaces, but mouse and keyboard-based devices are also considered.

  • Domain Modelling Using Event Storming

    By gathering all domain experts and developers in a room, provide them with a paper roll, lots of colored post-its and a facilitator they may in hours create the best model ever, Alberto Brandolini suggested at the recent DDD Exchange conference in London.

  • AWS CloudTrail Expands Auditing of API Calls

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) has considerably increased the number of services supported by AWS CloudTrail to cover the majority of the extensive AWS service portfolio. This now includes most compute and networking and all deployment and management services, thereby providing comprehensive end to end auditing of almost any changes to customer’s infrastructure.

  • ING Netherlands' Measured Improvements on Transition to DevOps

    Jan-Joost Bouwman and Mark Heistek, from ING Retail Banking Netherlands, presented at Devopsdays Amsterdam how a CMMI-ITIL organization transitioned to a more agile mindset. Somewhat unusually in this kind of sessions, ING presented quantitative evidence of the improvements, such as a marked increase in the number of changes deployed to production and a decrease of the risk value per change.

  • Greg Young: Scheduling for Things to Happen in the Future

    Delay of message sending into the future is a very powerful pattern and is often the preferable way of dealing with temporal problems compared to batch job that will run a query on the domain model and update some aggregates, Greg Young explained at the recent DDD Exchange conference in London.

  • 3scale Targets API Consumers with APITools Offering

    3scale launched APITools in the month of April this year targeted at API consumers. InfoQ spoke to 3scale management regarding motivation and underlying technology among other things and walked away with some interesting insights as well as upcoming initiatives to involve the community.

  • Hortonworks Acquires XA Secure to Strengthen Security in Enterprise Hadoop

    Hortonworks recently acquired the data security company XA Secure to help the organization in providing comprehensive security to Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP). Security features would be available across all Hadoop workloads from batch, interactive SQL and real–time.

  • Clean and Representative Models are Key to Performance

    High performance systems is about clean and representative models, the code doesn't have to be ugly, obscure and hard to read, Martin Thompson stated at the recent DDD Exchange conference in London.

  • John Willis on the "State Of The Union" for DevOps

    John Willis, one of the leading lights of the DevOps community, addressed the "State Of The 'DevOps' Union" at DevOpsDays Amsterdam. He started by mentioning the findings of the 2014 State of DevOps Report, went on to discuss Software Defined Everything and asserted that the future will be built around "consumable composable infrastructure".

  • Eric Evans: Challenging the Fundamental Assumptions of DDD

    We need to constantly challenge DDD to find the weak spots, Eric Evans stated in his keynote at DDD Exchange yesterday in London when walking through and challenging his own fundamental assumptions of Domain-Driven Design.

  • Google Web Fundamentals and Web Starter Kit

    Google has published a number of guidelines and boilerplate code for cross-platform responsive website design.

  • Alternatives to Eventual Consistency

    Causal Consistency models offer an alternative Eventual Consistency for distributed systems; both models should be weighed against your system's requirements and risk tolerance.

  • An Introduction to Microservices Design

    Designing for simple components and systems is key when moving to microservices. The focus is on evolution of components and how we build systems that allow evolution and change, Russ Miles recently stated in an introduction to designing and building microservices.