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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Guidelines for Responsive Website Design

    This article includes several guidelines for creating websites that scale for different screen sizes and form factors.

  • DockerCon 2014 Highlights

    After the launch of Docker 1.0 there was more to come. The conference t-shirts said ‘Containers everywhere!’, with plenty of evidence of that from the large Bay area service providers. There were also some additional launches - libswarm ‘a minimalist toolkit to compose network services’, libchan ‘an ultra-lightweight networking library’, and more partners getting involved with libcontainer.

  • Splitforce Updates Toolsuite for Mobile A/B Testing

    Behavioral testing of mobile applications is becoming more and more important for a huge number of companies. Splitforce launched a tool suite to optimize mobile applications by A/B-testing in 2013. Now, Splitforce launched an updated version of its tool suite with functionalities like user-targeting, tests based on behavioral data or auto-optimization.

  • Docker 1.0 Released at DockerCon have used their inaugural DockerCon event to launch version 1.0 of their container management tools. It comes just days after the release of 0.12.0, which was focussed on stability, performance and usability rather than introducing significant new features. Production readiness means that is now providing support services for Docker.

  • Hadoop Summit 2014 Day Two - On the Path to Enterprise Grade Hadoop

    Hadoop Summit Day Two report covers the important trends and changes from last year's summit. It also covers the important announcements of the day in relation to this year's trending topics. This report shares an analysis of the Hadoop market by leading analysts, competing benchmarks by vendors and platform specific innovations and announcements.

  • Governing Agile with Architecture

    At the Agile Governance conference in Amsterdam Jan van Santbrink presented how architecture when used with an agile mindset can play a key role in governance. InfoQ interviewed Jan about why agile and architecture need to collaborate, how architecture can support agile decision taking and the benefits for development of doing architecture.

  • Swagger Creator Wants to Build Better SOAP for Web APIs

    During the recent GlueCon 2014 conference in Colorado, Tony Tam, the creator of Swagger and CEO of Reverb, gave a well attended talk on Swagger APIs for humans (and robots), where he announced the Swagger 2.0 Working Group and an early version of an online code editor offering a dynamic YAML to Swagger UI conversion.

  • Hadoop Summit 2014 Day One - On the Path to Enterprise Grade Hadoop

    Hadoop Summit Day One report covers the important trends and changes from last year's summit. It also covers the important announcements of the day in relation to this year's trending topics. This report focuses on the platform specific innovations and announcements and not the broader partner ecosystem, which will be covered in the next few days.

  • AWS Management Portal for VMware vCenter

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) have announced a Management Portal plugin for VMware’s vCenter. The plugin allows public cloud EC2 instances to be managed alongside of private VMware instances using the same administration console. The aim of the plugin is to make it simple for VMware customers to build hybrid clouds that span from their private environments to Amazon’s public services.

  • DataTorrent 1.0 Handles >1B Real-time Events/sec

    DataTorrent is a real-time streaming and analyzing platform that can process over 1B real-time events/sec.

  • Designing SOA Systems with ServiceMatrix

    The Particular Service Platform has four headline components: ServiceMatrix, ServiceInsight, ServicePulse, and the well-respected NServiceBus. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be looking at each in turn starting with ServiceMatrix, their SOA design tool.

  • DDD Exchange Day 2014 in London due In Three Weeks

    The sixth DDD Exchange Day in London is due in three weeks with a speaker list including Eric Evans, Martin Thompson, Alberto Brandolini and Greg Young. Eric will in his opening keynote challenge the fundamental assumptions of DDD and dig into the root assumptions to challenge each of them.

  • Play 2.3 Released: Modularization, Java 8 and WebJars

    The Play 2.3 release increases modularization of the framework by separating parts from the framework. Also, the Play shell has been replaced by Activator, which includes a browser UI and project templates. InfoQ also talked to Play tech lead James Roper to learn more about the changes and futures plans.

  • Functional Patterns in Domain-Driven Design

    Implementing Domain-Driven Design (DDD) concepts using object orientation principles with state and behaviour often gives you a muddled mutable model, instead building domain objects with only state and behaviour as standalone functions leads to a better realization, Debasish Ghosh claims in a recent blog post.

  • Google Is Now Indexing JavaScript and CSS Content: Pitfalls to Avoid

    Google has announced that Googlebot, its web crawler, now executes and indexes some content in JavaScript. This change could impact negatively search results, unless a few basic rules are taken into account.