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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • UBER: A New Hypermedia Format for APIs

    Mike Amundsen, author of "Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node" and "RESTful Web APIs", has recently announced a new media type design that he's been working on. It's called UBER hypermedia, which stands for "Uniform Basis for Exchanging Representations."

  • Zoeticx Middleware API Unifies Incompatible Electronic Medical Records

    Zoeticx has written middleware which can unify data from any current provider into a single common format. Their newly released API provides easy access to that middleware, enabling developers to easily write applications against multiple databases storing records in different formats.

  • The Strengths and Weaknesses of Microservices

    There has been significant buzz around microservices lately, enough to generate some hype. After implementing heavy and cumbersome SOA solutions for more than a decade, are microservices the solution the industry has been waiting for? Or, are microservices simpler than monolithic solutions?

  • JCP Enters Final Phase of Transparency and Developer Agreement Work

    Intellectual property concerns, transparency and the continuing development of a new version of the Java Specification Participation Agreement were among the topics at the recent meeting of the Java Community Process Executive Committee.

  • SharePoint 2013 FBA Pack: Usable Forms Based Authentication for SharePoint

    While it supports some basic Forms Based Authentication operations, SharePoint lacks many of the features necessary to properly use FBA. Projects such as the SharePoint 2013 FBA Pack by Chris Coulson fill in the gaps.

  • IBM's Nick O'Leary Demos Node-RED for the Internet of Things

    Nick O'Leary presented Node-RED, an open-source project focused on the Internet of Things (IoT), at the last QCon London. The project, created by IBM's Emerging Technology team, provides a browser-based environment for visually "wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways".

  • Q&A with David Mole and Sandy Mamoli of Trade Me on Migrating to Spotify's Squad Model

    Agile coaches David Mole and Sandy Mamoli recently presented a talk to Wellington's Agile Meetup group on their successful experience with team self-formation and a big-bang migration to a Spotify-esque Squad Model at Trade Me, one of New Zealand's largest online brands. We catch up with them to understand their motivations and experiences in this endeavour.

  • A New Style Is Emerging in the Enterprise: Software-Defined Architecture

    According to Gartner’s Yefim V. Natis, VP & Fellow, a new enterprise architectural style is rising these days: Software-Defined Architecture (SDA).

  • New Connector Links Heroku and Data Repositories

    Heroku – acquired by in 2010 – has just introduced its first built-in integration service for the two cloud platforms. This bi-directional data synchronization between Heroku Postgres and the Salesforce (Oracle) database is positioned as a way to connect mobile, consumer facing applications hosted in Heroku with business systems running in Salesforce.

  • Becoming SOLID in C#

    Brannon B. King, a software developer working for Autonomous Solutions Inc., has published an article entitled Dangers of Violating SOLID Principles in C# in MSDN Magazine, May 2014. The author outlines some of the mistakes developers can make in their C# code, breaking the SOLID principles and leading to code that is more difficult to extend or maintain.

  • PostgreSQL Gets Better NoSQL Capabilities

    PostgreSQL 9.4 Beta comes with the much-anticipated "binary JSON" type, JSONB. This new storage format for document data is higher-performance and comes with indexing, functions and operators for manipulating JSON data.

  • Splunk's Hunk 6.1 Brings New Capabilities for Big Data Analytics

    Splunk, a company specializing in searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data, has announced the release of Hunk 6.1. Hunk provides an analytics platform for big data. The new release also provides streaming resource libraries to connect Hunk to any NoSQL data store, such as Apache Cassandra, MongoDB, and Neo4j.

  • Big Data and Privacy as Viewed by the White House and European Union

    The White House recently published a report on Big Data and Privacy.Privacy advocates openly applauded the findings of the report. Privacy around Big Data is an issue that governments and the European Union are just starting to deal with..

  • QCon San Francisco Nov 3-7, 2014 - Registration Open; Top 10 Presentations

    Registration is now open for QCon San Francisco 2014 (Nov 3-7). The 8th annual event - taking place at The Hyatt Regency San Francisco - will feature over 100 speakers, 15 tracks, and many opportunities for networking. Register before Jun 21st and save $800.

  • Bridging the Gap Between Gesture and Animation with Facebook's Pop Framework

    Facebook has recently open-sourced Pop, the animation engine behind its iOS Paper app. Pop aims at making it easier for developers to go beyond fire-and-forget animations, thus enabling interactive animations. In addition to static animations, Pop supports spring and decay dynamic animations, as well allowing the creation of custom animations.