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  • Decisions Taking Techniques for Agile

    The way that agile teams and organizations take decisions impacts the value that they can get from agile ways of working. To become agile, it can help to learn different decision making techniques, and pick the one which is most suitable for a situation.

  • Level Up Your REST Based Web API with Hypermedia

    When we started building a new Web API for our business we wanted to build a really great API and the answer on Internet was to build a RESTful API, Amy Palamountain revealed in a recent presentation at TechEd in New Zealand when sharing her experiences of how to build a RESTful API based on the core ideas of HTTP and the web.

  • Sound of Silence: A workshop for Improving Understanding and Listening

    At the Agile Tour Brussels conference, Luc Taesch facilitated a workshop about understanding and listening. He applied "cognitive science" or "neuroscience" for IT Professionals, and provided solutions to help them dealing with interrupting thoughts and feelings.

  • RAD Studio XE5 Adds Android, iOS and REST Client Support

    The recently released RAD Studio XE5 provides support for Android, iOS and Rest client including the ability to build prototype and native apps in standard C++ or Delphi without any need for multiple projects and schedules.

  • Oracle Unveils Project Avatar at JavaOne

    Oracle announced the open source release of Project Avatar during the JavaOne conference this past week. Avatar is a web application framework that is focused on building "modern HTML5 applications", while assuming "minor JavaScript knowledge" from application developers.

  • Stories of Using Real Options to Take Decisions

    Projects and product development is one long series of difficult decisions, says Pascal Van Cauwenberghe. Real Options can help you to take the right decision at the right time, even under difficult circumstances. At the Agile Tour Brussels conference, Pascal presented stories of his experiences with using real options in decision taking.

  • Understanding the Cynefin Framework by Playing with Lego

    Maurizio Pedriale & Alan Hortz facilitated a workshop at the Agile Tour Brussels conference where multiple teams played 4 exercises with Lego. The purpose of the exercises is to get a first understanding of the Cynefin framework, and discuss how to use it agile coaching situations.

  • Using Feedback Techniques for the Website

    Jake Benilov will give a talk on September 27 at Agile Tour Brussels about feedback techniques used for making InfoQ did an interview with Jake about using the feedback techniques and how the team applies lean startup with minimum viable products to do user research.

  • QConSF '13: JS Creator Brendan Eich Keynote Confirmed; Engineering Culture, Hadoop, NoBackend

    71% of speakers have been confirmed - including keynoters Brendan Eich and Rich Hickey - for the 7th annual QCon San Francisco 2013. New to the schedule this year: In-depth tracks on Hadoop, Engineering Culture, 'NoBackend', and the API Lifecycle. QConSF will take place at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco at the Embarcadero on November 11-15, 2013. Register before Oct 25th and save $400.

  • InfoQ's Interview with Trevor Eckhart- “Discoverer” of Carrier IQ Root Kit

    Trevor Eckhart became a household name when his video demonstrating Carrier IQ software in action and the questions that it engendered went viral. Culminating in the Department of Homeland Security’s recent recommendation to government employees to ensure that their mobile devices are Carrier IQ-free. InfoQ caught up with Mr. Eckhart for an update on this perceived threat to mobile privacy.

  • Apache Tez - a Generalization of the MapReduce Data Processing

    A new Apache incubator project, Tez, generalizes the MapReduce paradigm to execute a complex DAG (directed acyclic graph) of tasks.

  • Amazon Web Services Stability and the September 13th US East 1 Outage

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) suffered another outage of its US East 1 region during the morning of Friday 13th September. A number of popular applications such as Heroku, Github and CMSWire were disrupted along with many other customers in Amazon’s largest, oldest and busiest location.

  • Surprising Conclusions from London Java Community JCP Survey

    The London Java Community, London's most famous Java meetup, published the results of their survey about the Java Community Process that expose some surprising trends. The LJC, represented by member Ben Evans, currently holds one of the 24 seats on the JCP Executive Committee, and the LJC has been very active in promoting their "Adopt A JSR" initiative promoting community support for the JCP.

  • Reduce Waste by Changing from Waterfall to Agile

    Organizations adopt agile to be able to handle changes. Agile helps teams to deliver products that satisfy the needs of customers; products which do not contain unneeded (and unused) features. Lean software development says: everything not adding value to the customer is considered to be waste. How can a transition from waterfall to agile software development help organizations to reduce waste?

  • Java In-Memory Grid Hazelcast gets VC Funding from Bain Capital

    Open source in-memory data grid company Hazelcast received funding from Bain Capital Ventures. Joining the board of the company are Rod Johnson (founder of SpringSource), Salil Deshpande (a prominent venture capitalist who focuses heavily on open source and software infrastructure) and Ali Kutay (former CEO of WebLogic).