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  • OData v4.0 Committee Specification with Data Models, URL Components, CSDL, Vocabulary and Annotation

    OASIS Open Data Protocol Technical Committee recently approved ODATA v4.0 as committee specification and also made available the complete reference documentation in both online and downloadable ZIP formats.

  • Experiences Versioning a RESTful Service

    Use server driven content negotiation, but enhance the response with links to alternate versions and formats of the representation, thus letting the client choose which URIs to follow due to its needs Howard Dierking recently wrote when comparing his newly gained experiences working with designing the next major revision of the NuGet API, V3, with his thoughts almost a year ago.

  • Department of Homeland Security Weighs in on Threats to Mobile Devices

    Especially branded as malicious in the unclassified document is an application known as Carrier IQ. The DHS specifically advises the various branches of the government to install a mobile app dedicated to removing the perceived security threat posed by any instance of Carrier IQ existing on their device.

  • Josh Clark About the Future of (not only) Mobile Interfaces

    With the rise of touch enabled smart-phones and tablets, a new category of user interfaces was introduced. And there are new technologies just around the corner: The 'Internet of Things' is becoming reality with lots of new device types that need to be considered when formatting output and natural user interfaces like speech and gesture provide challenges when interpreting input.

  • Benefits of Combining Agile and Lean Startup

    Enterprises want to increase their capability to deliver value to customers in less time. Many adopt agile software development to iteratively develop and deliver software solutions. Lean startup aims to support developing new businesses and products. Several authors shared their views on how combining agile and lean startup methods can be beneficial.

  • The Big Progressive Enhancement Debate

    Recently, Tom Dale, one of the creators of ember.js, wrote an article that re-kindled a brewing debate on the need for progressive enhancement. This is a quick look at the different views on the debate.

  • Creating Nobackend Applications with Firebase

    Firebase is out of beta with pricing plans and SLAs. This article contains details on Firebase and an interview with Andrew Lee, CTO.

  • Design Patterns for JavaScript Applications

    Writing increasingly larger and more complex JavaScript applications we tend to overlook the core principles involved, Carl Danley, a senior web engineer, motivates a series of blog posts about JavaScript design patterns. Patterns provide a clear approach to writing structured and maintainable code, concepts which are important when developing large JavaScript applications.

  • Performance Gurus Release jClarity Flagship Performance Monitoring Tool

    London-based start-up jClarity announces the general availability of their flagship product for locating Java performance problems in both Cloud and Enterprise environments. 

  • Developers, Developers, Developers: Rackspace and Others Aggressively Court Key Cloud Consumer

    Recent research has made it increasingly clear that developers hold the key to cloud adoption, and Rackspace is trying to make themselves an attractive option. The Rackspace Developer Discount program is designed to lower the barrier to entry and follows similar efforts by AWS and Microsoft.

  • Agile Retrospectives, Can You Skip Them?

    Teams sometimes consider to skip a retrospective meeting, when they feel time pressure, or do not see direct benefits of doing one. Next they question themselves if they have to keep doing retrospectives? Agile retrospectives help teams to learn and improve continuously, and there are valid reasons to keep doing them also with mature teams.

  • MS, Google to Sue US Govt. for Permission to Release More Data about Privacy Damaging FISA Requests

    Microsoft and Google are working together in a fight for greater transparency on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) orders. Not satisfied with the limited out of court agreement that’s already been reached with the US government to disclose summary data relating to national security requests, the two companies are now taking legal action and lobbying for support from Congress.

  • Implementing Hexagonal Architecture using Life Preserver and Spring Framework

    Russ Miles recently shared some thoughts and ideas about the needs for adaptability in a system and how his implementation of the Hexagonal Architecture can help in achieving this. He used a Java and Spring based application to exemplify how such a system can be implemented.

  • REST and the Travelling Salesman Design

    Recently Steve Jones from CapGemini commented on some text in a Nokia API project on github which indicated that designing and documenting APIs for REST based services was no longer required and that HATEOAS was sufficient. Given Steve's previous comments on IT valuing technology over thought, this was something he needed to call out as bad practice.

  • How to Use Feedback with Performance Appraisals for Agile Enterprises

    When enterprises implement agile ways of working, questions can arise if changes are needed in the way performance appraisals are being done? Several authors have suggestions on how you can use feedback next or as a replacement for existing appraisal processes, to improve the performance of individuals and teams.