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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • SOLID Design Principles and Other Patterns Revisited For .NET

    Andras Nemes, a web developer on the .NET platform, is doing a series of blog posts on the SOLID design principles and other design patterns he has found interesting in object-oriented programming and design, currently on D in SOLID, the Dependency Inversion Principle. Earlier he has among other patterns covered Command, Builder, Visitor, Bridge and Observer.

  • Scaling Twitter to New Peaks

    For many of us Twitter has become an essential communications utility. Since experiencing scalability problems in 2010, Twitter has moved to a loosely coupled service oriented architecture based on the JVM, allowing it new levels of scalability and feature agility. Twitter engineering recently reported a new record throughput and took time out to describe their new architecture.

  • Steve Ballmer Steps Down as Microsoft’s CEO

    Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, has announced today his retirement from Microsoft, stepping down from his position within the next 12 months after a new CEO has been chosen.

  • 8th Annual State of Agile Development Survey Now Open

    The 8th annual State of Agile Development Survey was announced at the Agile 2013 conference. Previous surveys have provided insight into agile adoption. You can participate in the survey, and get the data before it goes public.

  • QuantCell Research Announces First Public Beta of their Java-Aware Big-Data Spreadsheet

    Big Data analytics startup QuantCell Research has announced the release of the first public beta of what they are positioning as their "Big Data" spreadsheet.

  • Simplified Multiple Provider Authorization with is an API and a service interfacing with more than 80 OAuth providers. This article contains an interview with Mehdi Medjaoui, Co-founder of, providing details on security, licensing and future developments.

  • QConSF 2013: 40/100 Speakers Confirmed; Web APIs and Data Science at Netflix, LinkedIn, Pinterest

    40/100 speakers have been confirmed for the 7th annual QCon San Francisco 2013. QConSF will take place at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco at the Embarcadero on November 11-15, 2013. Registration is open and new speakers and sessions are being posted to the conference site every week. You can get in early by reserving your seat now saving up to $700 by Aug 30th.

  • Mike Amundsen Workshop on API Design

    "Don't version unless you absolutely must, and it is rare that you absolutely must" says Mike Amundsen in a series of API design workshops he held recently. Amundsen describes the "USE" paradigm for API design focussing on usability, scalability and evolvability. He describes the three most common styles of API implementation and how they compare to these principles.

  • Best Practices for Amazon EMR

    In his new whitepaper, Best Practices for Amazon EMR, Parviz Deyhim outlines the best practices in using AWS EMR including moving data to AWS, strategies for collecting, compressing, aggregating the data, and common architectural patterns for setting up and configuring Amazon EMR clusters for processing.

  • Microsoft Continues Ascent to OSS Relevance with Engine Yard for Windows Azure

    At the end of June 2013, Engine Yard announced that they had formed a partnership with Microsoft. The first fruits of that partnership have been released as developers can now run the full Engine Yard platform-as-a-service stack on the Windows Azure cloud. This, coupled with updates to the OSS VM Depot repository, positions Microsoft as a reasonable host for a variety of open source platforms.

  • IBM Backs Cloud Foundry

    IBM announced its support for Pivotal's Cloud Foundry last month through a partnership in the continued development of the popular, open source Platform-as-a-Service. The announcement comes as one in a string of backings from IBM for cloud-related open source projects.

  • XML Can Give the Same Performance as JSON

    Many of the presumptions of how slow and resource-demanding "Fat” XML is compared to JSON’s lightweight payload do not hold up to a test David Lee, lead engineer at Marklogic, states after running a "crowd sourcing" experiment with 33 different documents and almost 1200 tests on a multitude of browsers and operating systems.

  • Ti.Next-What’s It All About Appcelerator?- Part 2 of 2

    In his recent post, ‘Thoughts on Ti.Next’ for the Appcelerator web site, CEO Jeff Haynie talked about the reasons that the popular MBaaS provider is busy revamping Titanium, their signature SDK.

  • Combining Data, Intuition and Fun in Lean Startup

    The lean startup is a “scientific approach to creating and managing startups” as Eric Ries describes in the lean startup principles. It uses “hard things” like validated learning with experiments and data. But what the “soft things” like intuition, guts, feelings, passion, inspiration and fun, do they also matter when you are developing new products?

  • Oracle Resurrects getCallerClass, At Least for Now

    Oracle has reversed their decision to remove the method sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(int) in Java 7u40. The method is planned to remain at least through Java 7.