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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Architects: Chickens or Pigs in an Agile Development Process?

    Can architects play a meaningful role in agile projects, or does their tendency to do “big design up front” make them a sideline resource? Nick Malik, an Enterprise Architect with Microsoft, recently explored this topic in a blog post and concluded that architects can absolutely play a key role in software projects that use Scrum.

  • Scarce Resources Hampering Bug Fixing in Eclipse

    Doug Schaefer, project lead for Eclipse CDT, the Eclipse project that provides Eclipse-style execution, editing, and refactoring to C and C++ projects, laments about the scarcity of resources in the Eclipse community resulting in Eclipse bugs going unaddressed for years.

  • Dependency Principles for SOA

    Earlier this year Ganesh Prasad discussed the concept of thinking of SOA as "Dependency-Oriented Thinking". Based upon further interactions and involvement with real-world use cases, Ganesh has come up with a dozen principles which he believes can help successful SOA.

  • Event Store 2.0 Released with Security Support and the Projections Library in Beta

    Version 2.0 of the Event Store, (an Event Source based persistence engine), was released last week with support for security, allowing for lock down of the Event Store and setting up Access Control Lists on event streams. The Projections library is now in beta and more documentation has been added.

  • Tim Fox: What's new in Vert.x 2.0

    In recent years, new trends like mobile clients and social networks forced web applications to handle more and more concurrent connections. This resulted in new server architectures based on eventing and asynchronicity which you can find for example in Vert.x. Tim Fox told InfoQ what's new in version 2.0 of Vert.x.

  • Titanium- What’s it All About Appcelerator? Part 1 of 2

    Appcelerator, through its Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS) and Titanium Cloud Services, is a major Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) provider. There are two main approaches to developing a mobile app on Appcelerator. One is the self-titled “Appcelerator Platform.” The other approach is Appcelerator’s version of the JavaScript-based open source multiplatform code optimizer, Titanium.

  • Making Time for Innovation in Enterprises

    To stay competitive, enterprises look for ways to do innovation inside their organization. A first step can be to make time available which people can use to think about new products and services and discuss ideas and develop concepts, for instance with a dedicated “full-time” innovation team, by arranging frequent innovation time-slots, or by organizing short and intense innovation workshops.

  • QCon San Francisco Update (Nov 11-13, 2013): Tracks Announced, Registration Up 100%

    Track topics have been finalized for the 7th annual QCon San Francisco (Nov 11-13, 2013). Registrations for the event - which has been completely sold out for the past three years - are up 100% compared to the same time last year. Register before Aug 2nd and save $800.

  • Don't Tell Them its REST

    Node.js has built a user-base and reputation for fast and scalable back-end systems. In a recent edition of the Nodeup podcast, four engineers share their experiences developing APIs using the platform. The conversation covers a range of key concerns including API design, security, testing, documentation, schemas and streaming. But advertising your API as RESTful may not be a good idea.

  • Survey: The State of Mobile Development in Q3 2013

    A recently published VisionMobile study has measured the mobile landscape: the market, developer mindshare, preferred platforms, revenue, developer motivations and others.

  • The Flexibility of Agile: Flaw or Strength?

    The principle of “responding to change over following a plan”, is it a strength or a flexibility that can’t work in practice? For example, what about agile projects that had difficulties managing changes and customers who expect too much flexibility? Can agile not live up to its promises, or is it the way that teams and organizations have adopted agile that is causing the problems?

  • Google Dart Developments: Polymer Replaces Web UI

    Google Dart is going to dump Web UI, replacing it with Polymer. From the outside, the main differences are in data binding and handling events.

  • NServiceBus 4.0 with support for RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ

    Version 4.0 of NServiceBus, a service bus for .NET, has just been released with support for RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ in addition to MSMQ. Support for using database tables as queues has also been added, and performance for the MSMQ transport has been significantly improved. According to Udi Dahan, the founder of NServiceBus, this is the biggest release ever.

  • Safety, Software, and Accelerated Learning

    Agile methods have the potential of creating great results. But those great results are not a guarantee; in fact anecdotal evidence suggests that those great results are only achieved by a small percentage of those teams and organizations adopting and adapting agile methods. There are invisible requirements for this success. One of these requirements seems to be safety.

  • WSO2 App Factory: A DevOps Platform Running in the Cloud

    WSO2 has announced App Factory, a PaaS-enabled DevOps platform for the enterprise providing a set of integrating tools for creating, managing and governing applications along with the necessary runtimes to run those applications in the cloud.