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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Microsoft Is to Undergo Major Reorganization

    Microsoft has detailed their plan for a major reorganization. All OSes will be under one lead. Other engineering areas will be Apps, Cloud and Devices.

  • GlassFish 4.0 Technology Roundup

    Oracle Corporation released GlassFish Open Source Edition 4.0, what they are branding as the "World's first Java EE 7 Application Server".

  • Private App Stores for Windows Phone and WinRT

    Private distribution of applications is possible for both WinRT and Windows Phone 8, but the experience is very different for the two platforms. Mobile devices cost 300 USD per year per company, while WinRT costs 3,000 for the first 100 computers or fraction thereof.

  • Get Started With Behaviour-Driven Development Focusing on the Domain Instead of on the Database

    Start using Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) when designing an application and focus on the domain instead of the database, Julie Lerman, a Microsoft MVP since 2003, suggests. BDD lets developers focus on user stories and behaviour in the business domain when building up logic and tests. New to BDD, Julie has implemented a working example using Visual Studio, C# and SpecFlow.

  • Pivoting when Using Lean Startup for Product Development

    There are different types of pivots possible in lean startup, which help you to decide whether to persevere or pivot during product development. They each with their own purpose and ways to use them. Let’s explore some of them to see when and how you can pivot? Or maybe have to decide that it’s better to quit?

  • Visual Studio Moves Closer to C99 and C++11/14 Support

    The state of standards compliance with Visual C++ has long frustrated developers looking to use the newest (C++11) and not so new (C99) language features. Microsoft has now announced a road map that indicates when developers can expect to have these features available in a Visual Studio release.

  • Uncle Bob: Architecture is About Intent, not Frameworks

    Architecture is about intent, we have made it about frameworks and details, Robert C. Martin, “Uncle Bob”, stated earlier at this year’s DDD Exchange Day in London. Robert refers to a book by Ivar Jacobson from 1992 and brings the original thoughts about use cases into architecture models, e.g. Hexagonal architecture and Clean architecture to improve these models.

  • Portable Class Libraries for Google APIs

    Google has released a new beta of their SDK known as the Google APIs .NET library. This SDK is being offered as a Portable Class Library and covers 45 of Google’s APIs. This allows Google to offer one DLL that works across .NET, WinRT, Windows Phone, and Silverlight.

  • What's New in JAX-RS 2.0?

    When JAX-RS 1.0 was first unveiled back in 2008 it became one of the first POJO/Annoation based frameworks for creating robust web-based applications. Now five years later Java EE 7 has been released and it includes the latest JAX-RS incarnation, version 2.0. InfoQ takes a look at the new features.

  • LightSwitch in VS 2013 Preview with Improvements to Design, JavaScript IntelliSense and API Support

    Microsoft in the recently held Build conference announced several features to LightSwitch in Visual Studio 2013 Preview which includes improvements to code editor, JavaScript IntelliSense in addition to integration with team build and code analysis.

  • QCon San Francisco November 11-15 - Registration Open; Top 10 Presentations

    QCon San Francisco 2013, taking place November 11-15, is now open for registration ($900 savings until July 12th). QCon is an enterprise software development conference for team leads, architects, and project managers covering architecture & design, Java, mobile, functional programming, Lean and Kanban, cloud computing, Big Data & NoSQL, emerging languages, and other timely topics.

  • Rails 4 Released: Faster Pages With Turbolinks

    The new Ruby on Rails 4 release improves page speed with Turbolinks and makes caching easier. Support for Ruby 1.8 has been dropped and Ruby 2.0 is recommended.

  • Outsource User Management and Authentication with Stormpath

    Most applications these days require user management, authentication, and authorization from the beginning and even a minor mistake can be disastrous. To help developers focus more on what the application actually does, Stormpath is offering turnkey user management and authentication services. Using these services, applications can authenticate users via a single API call.

  • Joy of StackMob

    In the beginning of MBaaS, there was StackMob. Since then the mobile ecosystem has become flooded with competitors in this new approach to app dynamics. InfoQ takes a closer look at the Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) provider StackMob and its privacy practices.

  • Java EE 7, Spring Standardize Batch

    This month’s release of the Java EE 7 platform includes a specification for a batch processing programming model that is heavily derived from Pivotal’s Spring Batch project.