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  • Evaluating Porting Efforts with Xamarin Mobility Scanner

    Xamarin has announced the availability of Xamarin Mobility Scanner, a free online service for scanning .NET libraries in order to evaluate the effort needed to port them to Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Windows Store.

  • WSO2 Donates Stratos to the Apache Foundation

    Apache Stratos has entered incubation with contributors from Cisco, NASA, Citrix and Engine Yard, among others. WSO2 still keeps their open source middleware under their control.

  • RESTful Web Services Framework Jersey 2.0 Released, Implementing JAX-RS 2.0 Specification

    Final version of the RESTful Web Services Framework Jersey 2.0 was recently released. New features includes a Client API, Hypermedia support, Filters and interceptors, and support for asynchronous Clients and Services. Jersey 2.0 is a reference implementation of the JAX-RS 2.0 API Specification, (JSR 339), released late May.

  • Meet Nanoko: a Javascript SOA Platform and Build Process

    Built by Ubidreams and Dynamis Technologies, Nanoko is a Javascript build process designed to provide modularity and reusability, complementing existing tools instead of reinventing them.

  • Simplicity for Building the Right Thing

    At GOTO Amsterdam 2013, Russ Miles did a lightning talk about building the right thing in 5 questions: the 4 questions from impact mapping “Why? Who? How? and What?” and one additional question “What assumptions underpin everything?”. InfoQ did an interview with him about building the right thing using simplicity.

  • Stratos 2.0 Supports Any Runtime and 30 IaaS

    WSO2 has announced today Stratos 2.0, introducing a number of new features, the most important being: support for deploying runtimes written in any language through the use of cartridges, and the possibility to run their PaaS on multiple infrastructures via JClouds.

  • Greg Young on Documents and Processes as an Alternative to Events

    Not all systems are based on events or facts. In some problem spaces events make complete sense; they are about facts that are happening over periods of time. But a lot of systems are instead focused on information that flow through a process, Greg Young explained at DDD Exchange Day in London last week, using handling of a mortgage application inside a bank as an example.

  • Linda Rising Talks About Incentives at GOTO Amsterdam 2013

    The third annual GOTO Amsterdam conference covers Java, Mobile, Cloud, OpenSource, Lean/Agile, Architecture, New Languages & Process communities. The first day started with a keynote by Linda Rising, exploring research on incentives starting from the industrial age, and looked at how it is being doing in practice by managers with development teams. InfoQ interviewed Linda about her experiences.

  • Yahoo! Open Sources Storm on Hadoop

    Last week Yahoo! announced the open source release of Storm on Hadoop cluster. This implementation enables Storm applications to utilize the computational resources of a Hadoop cluster along with accessing Hadoop’ storage resources such as HBase and HDFS.

  • Vaughn Vernon on the Actor Model and Domain-Driven Design

    To take advantage of the great concurrency opportunities the new multi-core machines gives us we should use a programming model that helps us achieve this, and the Actor model gives us a number of tools for doing that, Vaughn Vernon stated at this year’s DDD Exchange Day in London.

  • What's New in JMS 2.0?

    After 11 years, JMS 2.0 has been released as part of Java EE 7, with a focus on simplicity. InfoQ takes a look at some of the new features.

  • Happy Melly: A Business Network to Help People to Become Happy Workers

    Inspired by the photo “Melly Shum hates her job”, Jurgen Appelo, Maarten Volders and Vasco Duarto initiated Happy Melly with the purpose to help people to become happy workers and live better lives. The Happy Melly business has now taken off to help organizations to survive in changing environments, with happy workers that are motivated to engage and contribute.

  • The New York Times Goes Digital: Technologizing an Originally Paper-Based Company

    In 2006, The New York Times had 20 engineers, all located in a separate building off-site. Engineering and journalism were organized as completely separate entities, even ad sales departments were separate. How do you change a culture like this into a culture where technology drives and supports journalism?

  • Windows Azure Service Bus Gets Better Interoperability With AMQP

    Microsoft recently announced general availability of AMQP support for Windows Azure Service Bus. The feature has been in preview for about six months now and allows interoperability between applications built on various technologies and different operating systems.

  • Google Extends Their Services with Cloud SQL

    Google is making MySQL available in the cloud as a fully managed service, including a JSON API for programmatic management.