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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Build Simplicity into a System with Simple Event-Driven Components

    Use events for interactions between small business components to bring simplicity to a system’s architecture, Russ Miles suggests in a recent presentation about simple event-driven components, as a follow-up on his talk a month earlier where he laid the architectural ground for his ideas about simplicity.

  • Windows 8.1 for Business Users

    Windows 8.1 represents Microsoft's attempt to smooth the rough edges of user's transition to their vision of a touch-based future on the desktop. Windows 8 has a reputation of being consumer-focused, and 8.1 is intended in part to provide more features for business users.

  • Finding Ways to Improve Business – IT Collaboration

    Collaboration between business and IT can be a problem in enterprises. People are finding ways to better support the business needs and increase the business value of IT, using business IT fusion, DevOps or sociocracy.

  • WSO2 API Manager 1.4.0 Introduces Multi-Tenancy

    The latest WSO2 API Manager adds native multi-tenancy, automatic generation of API documentation, and SAML-based SSO, running both on servers or in the cloud.

  • New C# based CQRS Tutorial available

    A new CQRS, Command Query Responsibility Separation, C# based Starter Kit to help developers get up and running with CQRS on .NET has been developed, not as a framework, but as a tutorial for developers interested in learning about CQRS, and as a possible starting ground for a CQRS based system.

  • What’s New in OData 4.0?

    The fourth version of OData, the Microsoft-backed standard for querying data using REST conventions, has been accepted by the OASIS committee. The public review period will run thru June 2 and Microsoft expects OASIS to adopt the standard later this year.

  • Project and Class Templates for Prism and Prism with Unity

    Building Windows Store apps using Prism can be a rather tedious and error prone endeavor. When using it correctly, practically all models and views have to have their base classes replaced with Prism alternatives. To make things easier on developers, David Britch has released a set of project and class templates for Prism and Prism with Unity.

  • Documentation Guide for Teams Doing Domain-Driven Design

    The first thing a team should do on a new software project is drawing a context map to help them understand the context, the core domain and what other contexts they may need to interact with to get a shared understanding of the domain between everyone involved, Paul Rayner explains when sharing his experiences what kind of documentation teams doing Domain-Driven Design, DDD, should produce.

  • What Are The Drawbacks Of REST?

    A recent posting on a REST Architects list has prompted Ganesh Prasad to outline some problems that he sees with REST (over HTTP) in terms of more dynamic peer-to-peer environments and how they could be addressed. He suggests some lessons could be learned from Web Services and mentions an Internet Draft specification which he has been working on.

  • Just How Much Do Failed IT Projects Cost?

    Failed IT projects have a significant impact on the global economy, and on the public perception of the IT industry. Just how much is wasted on failed IT? In 2009 it was estimated to be over 6 Trillion USD. Not confident of those results Michael Krigsman got two experts to calculate the wasted funds and came to a "mere" 3 Trillion dollars.

  • Netflix: Dystopia as a Service

    A keynote presentation by Adrian Cockroft, Cloud Architect at Netflix, describes the Netflix "Cloud Native" architecture and the trade-off between the Utopia of perfection versus the new engineering challenge of building highly agile and highly available services from ephemeral and often broken components.

  • Spring adds HATEOAS Support to REST Based Web Services

    The Spring Framework is currently in progress of adding HATEOAS, Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State, support to REST web services. Primary focus for the library is to provide an API for simplifying the creation of hypermedia links and assembling of REST resource representations.

  • Concurrent Releases Pattern, a Machine Learning DSL for Hadoop

    Concurrent, Inc., the enterprise Big Data application platform company, today announced Pattern, a machine learning based on an industry standard called PMML which allows analytics frameworks such as SAS, R, Microstrategy, Oracle, etc., to export predictive models and run them on Hadoop clusters

  • High-Volume / Scalable Architectures with vert.x - interview with Eberhard Wolff

    Last year, vert.x was introduced - a runtime similar to Node.js but realized within the Java virtual machine. In contrast to Node.js, vert.x follows a true polyglot approach and allows developers to build their systems with JavaScript, Groovy, Java, and other languages.

  • Azul Systems release Zing Platform Edition for WebSphere Application Server

    Azul Systems, Inc. announced the launch of Zing Platform Edition with WebSphere. Zing PE integrates IBM WebSphere Applications Server (WAS) with an enhanced version of its Zing Java Virtual Machine.