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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Getting Started with OData v3 and WCF Data Services 5.x

    If you are building new web services with .NET then OData should be high on your list of frameworks to investigate, especially if you need to support unknown third parties. The technology inherently supports both SOAP and REST style messages with the latter offering ATOM (XML) and JSON representations. This means consumers can pretty much request whatever format is best for them.

  • A Fist Full of RIM, For a Few Mobile Devs More

    All of the ducks are in the proverbial row for the much ballyhooed debut of Research In Motion’s Blackberry 10 (BB10). The all new OS is slated for release on January 30, 2013. InfoQ scrutinizes the salient facts and more to gain the most in-depth perspective on the new release from the venerable developer.

  • QCon London in 8 Weeks (March 6-8): Barbara Liskov (MIT) Keynote; New Tutorials; Schedule Now Live

    The QCon London 2013 schedule is now live, with new sessions and speakers being added daily. Hear MIT's Barbara Liskov on "The Power of Abstraction" during her Day 1 keynote, followed by Perl aficionado Damian Conway, who explores "The Power of Dead Languages". With less than 8 weeks left, you can still save up to £341, if you register by Jan 11th.

  • Google Drops Free Apps Offering, Paying Customers can Downgrade to Free till January 9th

    On December 6th, 2012 Google stopped to accept new registrations for free Google Apps domains, that could be used for up to 10 users. Existing free Google Apps users can continue to use the service without any change. Google Apps for Business domains can downgrade to the free version till January 9th if they have no more than 10 users and fit into the reduced features set.

  • Things you can Check when Adopting Agile

    An agile checklist is a tool which can help you to assess your agile implementation in an organization, and assist when adopting agile. Some examples of lists with things that you can check when adopting agile.

  • HTML5 and Canvas 2D Are Feature Complete

    HTML5 and Canvas 2D have reached Candidate Recommendation status, High Resolution Time and Navigation Timing are Recommendation, while HTML 5.1 and Canvas 2D Context Level 2 are Working Drafts.

  • Are your Software Development Projects using Agile?

    A Gartner research report from December 2009 predicted that by 2012 “agile development methods will be utilized in 80% of all software development projects”. Let's check if the prediction from Gartner has come true?

  • Dear Agilist....

    Christopher Avery at the Cutter Consortium publishes a challenge to agilists: become managers and revolutionize the corporate culture yourselves.

  • Demand For Agile Skills Outstripping Supply

    The supply of agile professionals can't keep up with the demand. That's great news for coaches and practitioners, but bad news for companies hoping to implement agility cheaply.

  • Predictions For SOA, Cloud and Big Data In 2013

    With 2012 drawing to a close it's the season for analysts and others to give their thoughts on what we can expect in 2013. These range from how SOA will be used more in social and mobile, through to it being the year when people will see that Private Cloud is really just virtualization. What do you think of these predictions and can you offer some of your own?

  • Netflix Hystrix - Latency and Fault Tolerance for Complex Distributed Systems

    Netflix has released Hystrix, a library designed to control points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, providing greater tolerance of latency and failure. Hystrix features thread and semaphore isolation with fallbacks and circuit breakers, request caching and request collapsing, and monitoring and configuration.

  • QCon London 2013 (March 6-8): Future of Mobile Dev, Finance Track Highlights; New Speakers Added

    The 7th annual QCon London will feature over 100 speakers presenting more than 80 presentations across 15 tracks. Last year’s event was completely sold out with over 1,200 attendees. Topics include: Architectural Case Studies, Big Data/NoSQL, Distributed Systems/REST, Performance & Scalability , Mobile, Web APIs, Agile, Cloud Computing and more. Save up to £341 if you register by Jan 11th.

  • Changing the Culture for Agile

    Organizations have a need for changing the culture when implementing agile. Different approaches exist to spread agile ideas and make changes happen.

  • Managing Hadoop with Apache Ambari

    In his new blog post Hortonworks Vice President of Corporate Strategy Shaun Connolly discusses the importance of Apache Ambari incubation project and the main milestones achieved by the project in 2012: simplified cluster provisioning, pre-configured key operational metrics, job execution visualization, a RESTful API and an intuitive UI.

  • JAX-RS 2.0 and Bean Validation 1.1 First Java EE 7 JSRs to Win Public Approval

    Java Enterprise Edition version 7 is well under way. Late last month JSR 339 and JSR 349 were adopted by the public review ballot, making them the first two JSR's to be ratified. InfoQ spoke to Marek Potociar, JSR 339 co spec lead about the latest version of the RESTful Java API.