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  • NASA Develops Space Launch System Flight Software

    Developing launch vehicle flight software requires a big focus on embedded systems and quality attributes such as safety. To develop such mission-critical software systems, sophisticated test beds are necessary. According to a NASA press release from the 31st of May, the software test bed computers for the new Space Launch System (SLS) are now available.

  • APIs Cannot be Copyrighted

    The judge in the ongoing Oracle vs Google case has set out an order that the structure, sequence and organisation of APIs cannot be copyrightable. The case is effectively over, with Oracle having lost on all counts, and the only copying found to be nine lines of code. Read on to find out more.

  • Microsoft-Led Consortium Submits OData Protocol to OASIS for Standardization

    Microsoft, along with a set of other software industry leaders, is attempting to make its data query protocol OData an industry standard. A proposal has been submitted to the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) with the hope of generating wider adoption of this framework.

  • Sonar Quality Dashboard 3.0: New Commercial Editions And The Developer's Cockpit

    Sonar Quality Dashboard version 3.0 has recently been released including separate commercial editions and a new plugin allowing developers to see how their individual commits affect project quality.

  • QCon New York 3 Weeks Away (June 18 - 22, 2012); Editor Testimonials; Popular Sessions & Speakers

    The first annual QCon New York is taking place in just 3 weeks - register before June 1st and save $300. QCon New York will host more than 100 speakers, 6 concurrent tracks, and many breaks, parties, and opportunities for networking. Attend the premier event for learning, networking, and tracking innovation in the Java, .NET, HTML5, Mobile , Agile, and Architecture communities.

  • Use IAPIExplorer To List Your ASP.NET Web APIs

    IApiExplorer is a new abstraction layer that allows you to obtain a description of the structure of your ASP.NET Web APIs. This interface also comes with a default implementation - APIExplorer.

  • Home Document Format for Non-Browser HTTP Clients

    On behalf of the IETF, Mark Nottingham has recently published a draft of the Home Documents for HTTP APIs specification. Intended for non-browser clients, it provides a way to describe resources available from a particular site as well as possible hints on how to interact with those services.

  • Google and Microsoft Want to Improve HTTP

    Google and Microsoft want to improve HTTP with SPDY and Speed+Mobility. This article reviews both proposals outlining what benefits they bring to the much used Internet protocol.

  • Jury Denies Patent Infringement by Google

    After days of deliberation, the Jury has returned in the Oracle versus Google case, delivering a resounding victory for Google by agreeing that there was no patent infringement.

  • Lean Software & Systems Consortium Reorganizes as Lean Systems Society

    The Lean Software & Systems Consortium (LeanSCC) whose mission is to improve the world by improving its systems and system-building capabilities (well known in the agile community for promoting the use of Kanban for software development) reorganized as the Lean System Society. The goal is to accelerate and deepen the Lean paradigm and bring together thinkers and doers from different perspectives.

  • Oracle vs. Google: Judge Alsup Reveals he is a Developer as Jury Considers Patent Claims

    The jury in the Oracle vs. Google case is considering its verdict on the two patents. With the mixed verdict they delivered in the copyright phase, where they were unable to agree on whether Google's use of Java constituted fair use, a great deal for Oracle now hinges on the outcome of the patent phase.

  • Is Beautiful Usable, or Is It the Other Way Around?

    A group of researchers from two European universities have evaluated if “what is beautiful is usable” is true in software, and they have concluded that “what is usable is beautiful.”

  • Do Software Engineers Need a Degree in Computer Science?

    The role of a software Engineer” does not necessarily require a degree in Computer Science. In his article for Dr. Dobb’s, “Software Engineers All!” Andrew Binstock discusses whether software engineers really require a degree in computer science to perform an excellent job.

  • Design Thinking and Culture of Collaboration

    Design thinking is about creating vision of the future, not just managing the present. Bill Burnett from Stanford University recently spoke about design thinking and what questions we need to ask to shift from design to design thinking.

  • IEEE Experts Summit on Mastering Uncertainty

    On 26th June the IEEE is organizing a one day expert summit in London called Mastering Uncertainty in the Software Industry: Risks, Rewards, and Reality at the British Computer Society.