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  • Java APIs Take Centre Stage in Oracle vs. Google Trial

    Last week saw the beginning of the Oracle vs. Google trial. Oracle's main complaint, involving a damages claim of $1bn, is that Android's use of 37 Java APIs infringes its copyright in the Java programming language. Google maintains APIs cannot be copyrighted, and has tried to frame the case as Oracle's response to its own failure to build a Java-based smartphone platform.

  • Looking Back at Looking Ahead, Gloom for Agile in 2012?

    Many predictions for agile in 2012 were gloomy, with themes including adoptions by organizations that don’t know how, resulting in a lack of addressing management impact across teams and engineering practices in teams. With nearly four months of hindsight, readers can make their own judgments while remaining diligent so that 2012 won’t end gloomy.

  • WCF 5.0 – Vocabularies, Actions And Improved Spatial Support

    Microsoft recently announced RTM release of WCF Data Services 5.0 – this includes several new features to support OData v3 such as Vocabularies, Actions, new Spatial Primitives and several updates to OData libraries.

  • Gartner: Best and Worst EA and Application Architecture Practices

    A Gartner webinar discusses the best and worst practices in enterprise and application architecture.

  • Command Pattern In .NET

    In Command Pattern, an object is used to represent and encapsulate all the information needed to call the method at a later time – method name, object that owns the method and values for the parameters. In the first part of an article series “The Command Pattern In .NET”, Eric Vogel walks through using the ICommand interface in the context of WPF applications.

  • Future of Cloud Security Assessments: Microsoft Leads with Public Registrations on CSA

    Microsoft has registered security assessments for Office 365, Windows Azure and Dynamics CRM for public consumption on the cloud security alliance's security registry, STAR. Microsoft is the first major service provider to register their assessments at a time when security concerns in the public cloud space continue to grow.

  • Oracle and Google go to Court

    Last month, Judge Paul Grewal ordered the Oracle and Google to attempt to negotiate a settlement. Google offered a $2.8 million settlement on condition that Oracle can prove patent infringement. However, Oracle rejected that offer as too low, so the case will go to court on the 16th April.

  • Rich Hickey's Datomic embraces Cloud, intelligent Applications and Consistency

    Developed since 2010 by Rich Hickey and the Relevance team, Datomic offers some new approaches to database architecture. Leveraging current trends in cloud and storage it has strong transactions, rich query API and read scaling.

  • Yahoo! Open Sources Mojito, a JavaScript Framework Promising Write Once, Run Anywhere

    Yahoo! has open source Mojito, a framework for creating reusable widgets incorporated in various web applications and executed either on the client or the server-side without code change.

  • Udi Dahan and Oren Eini (Ayende) on NServiceBus 3.0

    NServiceBus 3.0 was recently released and InfoQ talked to Udi Dahan, the creator of NServiceBus, about the new features of the latest release. One of which is the RavenDb integration, a fairly new document data store written in .NET and created by Oren Eini (Ayende). InfoQ also took the opportunity to ask Ayende some questions and what the integration means for his own Rhino Service Bus.

  • Is IQueryable A Bad Choice For APIs?

    Mark Seemann suggests in his article “IQueryable is Tight Coupling” that designing an API such that it exposes an IQueryable<T> interface is a bad idea for several reasons.

  • Most Important Software Development Trends for 2012, as Voted by QCon London Attendees

    This is a survey of the most important software development trends for 2012, as voted by the attendees of QCon London 2012. It includes technologies like Big Data, HTML5, Mobile, NoSQL, Continuous Integration, GPUs & Multicore, Cloud - PaaS, Cloud - SaaS, Cloud - IaaS, Asynchronous Technologies, Lean, Scrum, Google Dart.

  • CQRS With Windows Azure

    CQRS is gaining popularity as a pattern suited for applications with high scalability and performance needs. In his article “CQRS On Windows Azure”, Mark Seemann uses an example to explore how to use this pattern with Windows Azure as the platform.

  • ZK Web Framework 6.0 Released: New Data Binding System

    ZK Web Framework 6.0 released with a completely new data binding system, jQuery style selectors that run on the server, Servlet 3.0 Async support, new components and several other enhancements.

  • Web API Design Book - Crafting Interfaces that Developers Love

    Apigee, provider of API products and technology for enterprises and developers, has announced the release of "Web API Design: Crafting Interfaces that Developers Love", a free e-book on designing Web APIs. The e-book is a collection of REST API design practices developed in collaboration with various API teams around the world undergoing the Apigee design workshop.