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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • CMU SEI Hosts Free Virtual Software Architecture Event on 28th February

    The Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute is organizing a free virtual event on software architecture. The show will provide information on tools and methods on 28th February, 1 pm to 4:30 p.m. ET.

  • Lighter Configuration Files and Better ASP.NET Support with WCF 4.5

    Ido Flatow has been posting a series on the upcoming changes to WCF in .NET 4.5. Most of these changes revolve around making configuration files lighter and easier to work with in both stand-alone and IIS hosted modes.

  • MapReduce Patterns, Algorithms, and Use Cases

    In his new article “MapReduce Patterns, Algorithms, and Use Cases”, Ilya Katsov gives a systematic view of the different MapReduce patterns, algorithms and techniques that can be found on the web or in scientific articles along with several practical use case studies.

  • QCon London One Month Away (March 5-9, 2012); Martin Fowler Keynote Confirmed

    The 6th annual QCon London (March 5-9, 2012) is taking place in just 4 weeks, with the last early bird discount quickly approaching. ThoughtWorks' Martin Fowler and Rebecca Parsons have been confirmed to present the Day 1 keynote. QCon London will host more than 80 speakers, 5 concurrent tracks, and many breaks, parties, and opportunities for networking.

  • "The Object Network": Data Linking for Web APIs

    Developers are overwhelmed by Web APIs. APIs are being published at an alarming rate exposing a myriad ways to access data which in turn is incompatible with similar objects across other Web APIs. The Object Network is an attempt at universalizing data formats for objects to create a data fabric that leverages the network effects of hyperlinking similar to the Internet.

  • Online Social Networks Face Litigation Risks

    Google, Facebook and other companies operating totally 21 Social Networking websites are facing criminal proceedings in an Indian Court, over objectionable content accessible through the websites. A High Court has warned that the sites can face a ban in India unless they screen content. Is the growing flux of regulations surrounding social media a risk for businesses investing in social?

  • Cloud Wars – U.S. Army Using Agile Platform For Cloud Migration

    According to CGN (Government Computer News) the U.S. Army’s Architecture Services Division within the Software Engineering Center (SEC) has deployed a platform for the quick development and migration of applications to the private cloud. The engineers are using OutSystems’ Agile Platform for this purpose.

  • Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5 Adds Versioning, Designer Improvements

    Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5 is the first major update to the library since WF4 was released in early 2010. It includes C# expressions, versioning support, and improvements for better management of large workflows.

  • The Open Group Releases Standards for SOA Architects, Cloud Service Providers

    The Open Group recently published three standards that aid organizations that are building infrastructure-as-a-service offerings and service oriented architectures. In concert, these standards provide expert advice in the form of best practices, questionnaires, and templates for SOA and cloud-scale infrastructure architecture.

  • ebXML RegRep v4.0 approved

    OASIS recently announced that v4.0 of the ebXML Registry and Repository standard has been approved. However, in an age where Web Services appear on the wane, REST is taken for granted, and Cloud is on everyone's lips, does ebXML have a role to play?

  • Phalanger Roundup

    Phalanger 3 is out with improved support for PHP namespaces, Mono/Linux, and C# interoperability.

  • Preview of Visual Studio 11: Agile Support, Group Collaboration, and Clone Detection

    VS11 will provide new tools that expedite unit testing, refactoring, and easier communication across the entire development team. These new components are intended to benefit everyone from developers, and testers to those deploying and maintaining the resulting application.

  • SOPA, PIPA – Should Engineers Care

    On 18th January, wikipedia.or among other estimated 10,000 web sites stopped their service in order to protest against the US legislation planning to endorse SOPA and PIPA. Software engineers might think, that they are not affected by the legislation, especially if they are outside the U.S., but considering Big Data, Cloud Computing and other trends this could be a rather naive perspective.

  • Best Practices For HTTP API Evolvability

    As the title suggests, in Best Practices For HTTP API Evolvability, Benjamin Carlyle, set out to define priciples and practices for designing systems, that are built around HTTP API’s. Systems, that are extensible and can evolve over time.

  • OASIS Delivers Cloud Computing Application Portability Specification

    Leading tech vendors are working together to establish a standard for enabling “portability of cloud applications and IT services that comprise them running on complex software and hardware infrastructure.”