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  • NY Announces New High School for Software Engineering

    Mayor Bloomberg announced recently the opening of a high school for software engineering in New York. The school will be located in Union Square. The main driver behind this idea has been Mike Zemansky, a computer science teacher. According to Bloomberg this is part of a bigger strategy where New York will open new Career and Technical Education Schools in the next years.

  • Apache Hadoop 1.0.0 Supports Kerberos Authentication, Apache HBase and RESTful API to HDFS

    After six years of gestation, Big data framework Apache Hadoop 1.0.0 was recently released. Core features in the release include Kerberos Authentication, support for Apache HBase and RESTful API to HDFS. InfoQ spoke with Arun Murthy, VP of Apache Hadoop, about the new release.

  • Making Technical Community More Active - 2011 Year-End Review of Baidu Technical Salon

    Baidu Technical Salon is a regular offline communication activity hosted by Baidu, planned, executed and implemented by InfoQ. The topics included cloud computing, mobile Internet, big data, log analysis and other current popular topics. This article mainly reviews Baidu’s support for technical community via Technical Salon, community’s feedbacks on these activities as well as a brief plan in 2012

  • InfoQ Issues Call for Articles

    InfoQ is announcing a call for articles and is encouraging practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical. Topics of interest include cloud architecture and development, Java, Agile, NoSQL, big data analytics, HTML 5 and mobile development. Author guidelines are now also available.

  • IBM is now wearing a Green Hat

    On January 4th, IBM announced it is going to acquire the cloud and SOA integration service company Green Hat. Testing is one of the main challenges when developing cloud or SOA based applications. Buying Green Hat IBM hopes to offer more productive testing approaches and other benefits for such types of large scale software systems. Green Hat will be integrated into IBM Rational Solution.

  • Microsoft Previews Windows Azure Application Integration Services

    In late December 2011, Microsoft announced the pre-release of a set of services labeled Windows Azure Service Bus EAI Labs. These enhancements to the existing Windows Azure Service Bus make it easier to connect (cloud) applications through the use of message routing rules, protocol bridging, message transformation services and connectivity to on-premises line of business systems.

  • The Lean Startup Frenzy

    Is the Lean Startup movement another fad or a real source of value creation? The implications of the latter are extreme. If Lean Startup is a real way to achieve consistent success in new ventures then Eric Ries may have cracked the code toward persistent venture success and ultimately: wealth creation.

  • Product Backlog Ordering, Sequence for Success

    Historically, some product owners have prioritized backlogs by making pairwise comparison of projected economic return between two items in isolation. Successful Agile teams often take a holistic approach, accounting for risk, dependencies, and the complex interplay among and across backlog items.

  • Individual Yield

    Tony Wong, a project management blackbelt, enumerates some practical points on individual procutivity. This article wonders how well these apply to software development and contrasts his list with that of other lists.

  • Navigating the Maze of EA Certifications

    There are over a dozen Enterprise Architecture certifications available and they are becoming increasingly critical when hiring and evaluating architects. Microsoft’s Mike Walker categorized these certifications into a Reference Guide that can help architects better understand which certification(s) to pursue.

  • SOA and Cloud: What is in store for 2012?

    In traditional fashion, we celebrate the new year with a roundup of predictions in the SOA and Cloud space for 2012. This coming year the promising trends in big data and IT consumerization are expected to lead SOA and Cloud adoption. What is your prediction?

  • REST API or Graph API? Can changing the name help?

    Steve Jones, Global Head of Master Data Management at Capgemini and a SOA practitioner, thinks that Facebook's recent announcement about deprecating their REST API in favour of what they call a 'Graph API', is actually a good step for REST in that it may offer a way to cut through the "religious fundamentalism" that often surrounds it.

  • X-Mas Showcase: High Scalability and Usability Rule

    Who ever has wondered what kind of software is used by Santa Claus & Co, got a hint recently in youtube. This might irritate some software engineers who have assumed, Santa Claus would only use Open Source Software.

  • IEEE’s Hans Karlsson Standards Award 2012 for Paul R. Croll

    IEEE announced that the Hans Karlsson Standard Award 2012 has been given to Paul R. Croll for dedicated leadership of the IEEE Systems and Software Engineering Standards Committee, and for his diplomacy and collaboration in facilitating the development of a collection of high-quality standards.

  • Riak NoSQL Database: Use Cases and Best Practices

    Riak is a key-value based NoSQL database that can be used to store user session related data. Andy Gross from Basho Technologies recently spoke at QCon SF 2011 Conference about Riak use cases. InfoQ spoke with Andy and Mark Phillips from Basho team about Riak database features and best practices when using Riak.