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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Product Backlog Ordering, Sequence for Success

    Historically, some product owners have prioritized backlogs by making pairwise comparison of projected economic return between two items in isolation. Successful Agile teams often take a holistic approach, accounting for risk, dependencies, and the complex interplay among and across backlog items.

  • Individual Yield

    Tony Wong, a project management blackbelt, enumerates some practical points on individual procutivity. This article wonders how well these apply to software development and contrasts his list with that of other lists.

  • Navigating the Maze of EA Certifications

    There are over a dozen Enterprise Architecture certifications available and they are becoming increasingly critical when hiring and evaluating architects. Microsoft’s Mike Walker categorized these certifications into a Reference Guide that can help architects better understand which certification(s) to pursue.

  • SOA and Cloud: What is in store for 2012?

    In traditional fashion, we celebrate the new year with a roundup of predictions in the SOA and Cloud space for 2012. This coming year the promising trends in big data and IT consumerization are expected to lead SOA and Cloud adoption. What is your prediction?

  • REST API or Graph API? Can changing the name help?

    Steve Jones, Global Head of Master Data Management at Capgemini and a SOA practitioner, thinks that Facebook's recent announcement about deprecating their REST API in favour of what they call a 'Graph API', is actually a good step for REST in that it may offer a way to cut through the "religious fundamentalism" that often surrounds it.

  • X-Mas Showcase: High Scalability and Usability Rule

    Who ever has wondered what kind of software is used by Santa Claus & Co, got a hint recently in youtube. This might irritate some software engineers who have assumed, Santa Claus would only use Open Source Software.

  • IEEE’s Hans Karlsson Standards Award 2012 for Paul R. Croll

    IEEE announced that the Hans Karlsson Standard Award 2012 has been given to Paul R. Croll for dedicated leadership of the IEEE Systems and Software Engineering Standards Committee, and for his diplomacy and collaboration in facilitating the development of a collection of high-quality standards.

  • Riak NoSQL Database: Use Cases and Best Practices

    Riak is a key-value based NoSQL database that can be used to store user session related data. Andy Gross from Basho Technologies recently spoke at QCon SF 2011 Conference about Riak use cases. InfoQ spoke with Andy and Mark Phillips from Basho team about Riak database features and best practices when using Riak.

  • Ruby on Rails: 3.2 RC1 Released, 4.0 Will Drop Ruby 1.8.7

    The Ruby on Rails team announced the first release candidate of Rails 3.2. New features include a faster development mode, an explain feature for database queries and several smaller features. After 3.2, the next major release of Rails will be 4.0 and drop support for Ruby 1.8.7

  • Gartner’s Predictions for the Next 5 Years

    Gartner predicts a consumer social network investment bubble burst in 2013, and over half of top Global 1,000 companies will store client’s sensitive data in clouds by 2016.

  • The Agile Community Needs to Embrace... Agile Thought Leaders at YOW! Australia 2011

    What is the most important thing that the Agile community needs to embrace in 2012 and beyond? InfoQ had the opportunity to attend the recent YOW! Australia Software Developer Conference and took the opportunity of having such a large number of Agile speakers in one place to sit in on the sessions and ask them their thoughts on this question.

  • Architecting Service-oriented Technologies

    In his new article “Architecting service-oriented technologies”, Philip Wik describes how frameworks, principles and patterns can be leveraged for system design and Agile, XP and principles of Social Engineering can help improve implementations.

  • Sensor Networks - GEOCens finished its Pilot Phase

    In December the GEOCens (Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Sensing) is finishing its pilot phase, as the not-for-profit organization Cybera has recently published at The software architecture is supposed to improve researcher access to international environmental data drawn from more than 60,000 sensors and 2,800 web map servers.

  • Have the Pragmatists Won? Water-Scrum-Fall Is the Norm

    Dave West, Director of Research and Vice President at Forrester, asserts that Water-Scrum-Fall is the norm in IT today. Forrester's research raises the question: is anyone really doing pure scrum?

  • Can SAP HANA boost Real-time Data Analytics?

    In a recent press news from 13th December, SAP announced at the SAP Influencer Summit in Boston that “leading software vendors are adopting the open SAP HANA platform for their existing products and building completely new applications.” Among them are companies such as T-Mobile and TIBCO.