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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Ruby on Rails: 3.2 RC1 Released, 4.0 Will Drop Ruby 1.8.7

    The Ruby on Rails team announced the first release candidate of Rails 3.2. New features include a faster development mode, an explain feature for database queries and several smaller features. After 3.2, the next major release of Rails will be 4.0 and drop support for Ruby 1.8.7

  • Gartner’s Predictions for the Next 5 Years

    Gartner predicts a consumer social network investment bubble burst in 2013, and over half of top Global 1,000 companies will store client’s sensitive data in clouds by 2016.

  • The Agile Community Needs to Embrace... Agile Thought Leaders at YOW! Australia 2011

    What is the most important thing that the Agile community needs to embrace in 2012 and beyond? InfoQ had the opportunity to attend the recent YOW! Australia Software Developer Conference and took the opportunity of having such a large number of Agile speakers in one place to sit in on the sessions and ask them their thoughts on this question.

  • Architecting Service-oriented Technologies

    In his new article “Architecting service-oriented technologies”, Philip Wik describes how frameworks, principles and patterns can be leveraged for system design and Agile, XP and principles of Social Engineering can help improve implementations.

  • Sensor Networks - GEOCens finished its Pilot Phase

    In December the GEOCens (Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Sensing) is finishing its pilot phase, as the not-for-profit organization Cybera has recently published at The software architecture is supposed to improve researcher access to international environmental data drawn from more than 60,000 sensors and 2,800 web map servers.

  • Have the Pragmatists Won? Water-Scrum-Fall Is the Norm

    Dave West, Director of Research and Vice President at Forrester, asserts that Water-Scrum-Fall is the norm in IT today. Forrester's research raises the question: is anyone really doing pure scrum?

  • Can SAP HANA boost Real-time Data Analytics?

    In a recent press news from 13th December, SAP announced at the SAP Influencer Summit in Boston that “leading software vendors are adopting the open SAP HANA platform for their existing products and building completely new applications.” Among them are companies such as T-Mobile and TIBCO.

  • .NET Framework Support for Cloud Foundry Through Open Source Contribution From Tier 3

    Cloud service provider Tier 3 has released Iron Foundry, a .NET-friendly fork of VMware’s Cloud Foundry platform-as-a-service. Iron Foundry gives the sizeable number of .NET developers an open source alternative to Windows Azure and lets them participate in the increasingly popular Cloud Foundry ecosystem.

  • Agile Contracts Primer Available for Download

    Tom Arbogast, Bas Vodde and Craig Larman have released a sample chapter from their upcoming book on scaling Lean and Agile. The chapter deals with the difficult topic of writing contracts for agile development.

  • Announcing the 6th Annual QCon London: March 5-9, 2012

    QCon London 2012, taking place March 5-9, 2012 is now open for registration (£ 295 savings until Dec 16th). There is no other event in the UK with similar opportunities for learning, networking, and tracking innovation occurring in the Java, .NET, Html5, Mobile , Agile, and Architecture communities.

  • Agility@Scale: IBM’s Journey of Agile Transformation

    This webcast discusses how IBM learned that a haphazard implementation of Agile may result in more frequent development “turns”, but can also fail to deliver true business benefits. In effect, the wrong Agile implementation may just mean that bad code is being released to market faster than before. Learn more!

  • Forrester CEO: The Web is a Software Architecture and the App Internet is the Next Wave

    In his recent presentation at the Le Web 2011 conference in Paris, Forrester Research's Chairman and CEO George Colony claimed that most thinking models about the Internet and the Web are outdated. Moreover, users already seem to be saturated by the Social Network Model. According to Colony, the next real big thing will be the App Internet.

  • Safe User-Generated Templates for Ruby and .NET

    Unlike other templating engines that focus on given as much power as possible to the user, Liquid is designed to restrict what the user can do. The goal is to allow end-users to create their own templates without jeopardizing the security of the server. Originally created for Ruby, Liquid is now available for .NET as well.

  • ASP.NET MVC, Dependency Injection, and MEF 2

    For most types of applications dependency injection frameworks don’t make whole lot of sense. It is usually more than sufficient to manually wire up all of the dependencies during startup. But for ASP.NET MVC there are also session and request scoped dependencies. With so many competing lifecycles a DI framework quickly moves from needless distraction to an essential organizational tool.

  • MongoGraph Brings Semantic Web Features to MongoDB Developers

    MongoGraph from AllegroGraph brings semantic web features to MongoDB developers. They implemented a MongoDB interface to AllegroGraph database to give Javascript programmers both joins and the semantic web capabilities. InfoQ spoke with AllegoGraph CEO Jans Aasman about this new approach and how it helps the NoSQL developers.