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  • Enterprise Reacts to Browser Release Cycle

    Enterprise organizations were taken by surprise with the recent release of Firefox 5.0 just three months after 4.0, citing security concern and lack of stable Firefox versions for enterprises to work with. At the same time Microsoft has reaffirmed its commitment to enterprises as well as general web consumers.

  • A New Enterprise Platform for Flex/Java EE Applications

    Granite Data Services released last week its Enterprise Platform for building Flex/Java EE Applications. Granite DS is an open source framework. InfoQ spoke with Frank Wolff, CEO and Co-Founder of Granite DS, about his perspectives on Rich Internet Applications.

  • ASP.NET MVC 4 Roadmap

    In keeping with their annual cadence, Microsoft has begun work on the next version of ASP.NET MVC. Areas of emphasis include smoothing out the development and deployment workflow, sharing more features with Web Forms, improving AJAX support, and offering a better story for HTML 5 on mobile and tablet devices.

  • JetBrains introduces the new JVM language Kotlin

    So far, Kotlin has been primarily known as a Russian island thirty kilometers west of Saint Petersburg. More recently, the Czech company JetBrains introduced a programming language named Kotlin running on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It is the intent of the Kotlin language developers to get rid of some challenges in the Java language.

  • Web Workbench Introduces Sass, LESS, and CoffeeScript to Visual Studio 2010

    Mindscape recently announced Web Workbench, a free extension that adds Sass, LESS, and CoffeeScript functionality to Visual Studio 2010. Sass and LESS are languages meant to simplify CSS3 development, and CoffeeScript increases JavaScript’s readability and conciseness.

  • Upcoming Agile Coach Camps

    Agile coaches facilitate the transformations of teams and organizations to agile methods. Agile coach camps are open space unconferences where coaches gather to share and learn. There are two upcoming coach camps, one in Bletchley Park in the UK, the other in Columbus Ohio in the US.

  • Making OpenXML Easy with ClosedXML

    When working with Excel documents, developers usually use raw XML or rely on the Office Automation libraries. But the Office Automation library is not appropriate for servers and working with XML can be quite tedious. ClosedXML bridges the gap by providing an easy to use Office-like API without the overhead of COM. To introduce this library we spoke with Manuel De Leon of the ClosedXML project.

  • The Diary of a REST “Convert”

    In his new article ZapThink’s Ronald Schmelzer tries to explain why REST is a better option for implementing SOA.

  • Veracity, a New DVCS Based on a Distributed Database

    Veracity is a DVCS that can be installed on Windows, Mac, and Linux, and uses a distributed database for its repository.

  • Confusion Abounds When Aligning Business Architects

    Organizations continue to struggle when identifying the role of business architects and persist in misaligning them to IT departments. Tom Graves, an Enterprise Architect at Tetradian Consulting, pointed out the problems this causes and challenges architects to not accept the status quo but rather, try and improve the situation.

  • CassandraSF2011: Progress and Futures

    Johnathan Ellis keynoted at Cassandra SF 2011. Ellis reviewed accomplishments including better support for multi-data center deployments, optimized read performance, included integrated caching and improved client APIs including a SQL-like language CQL. Looking forward, Ellis emphasized polish - efficient database repair, storage compression, optimized performance and an expanded CQL language.

  • Cassandra Indexing Guidelines from CassandraSF2011

    Ed Anuff reviewed Cassandra's built-in secondary indexes, noting that they don't work well for high cardinality values, require at least one equality comparison and return unsorted results. Anuff presented patterns for alternative indexing including wide rows and tables that use Cassandra 0.8.1's new composite comparator operators to overcome these limitations.

  • Forrester Proclaims Data Virtualization Technology Coming of Age

    Businesses have been strangled by high integration costs from ETL and DBMS consolidation initiatives which still leads to information silos and a broken data infrastructure. Forrester in its latest report claims that data virtualization driven by technological advances and customer successes is ready for massive adoption.

  • Proposal for Eclipse-based Requirement Modeling Framework Released

    Recently, a proposal for the Requirements Modeling Framework (RMF) has been officially released by Vision is to have at least one clean-room implementation of the OMG ReqIF standard in form of an EMF model and some rudimentary tooling to edit these models.

  • SQL Server ‘Denali’ CTP Gets Self Service BI Capabilities

    Microsoft recently announced CTP 3 for SQL Server ‘Denali’, which boasts of improved BI capabilities like Self Service Alerting, Self Service Reporting, improved Office integration, SharePoint Shared Service, better VS Tooling for developers and more.