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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • New Books on Software Architecture

    Software Architecture is one of the important topics for software engineers, because many failures of software development projects are caused by inadequate design. Thus, it is essential to learn more about architectural issues in theory and practice. Interesting new books that have been published recently or in the near future could be very helpful

  • On Building Evolvable Systems

    In a recent post Mike Amundsen writes about building evolvable systems where he expands on his presentation "Beyond REST : An approach for crafting stable, evolve-able Web applications". The question he hopes to answer in the presentation is "How can we design and implement distributed network solutions that remain stable and flexible over time?"

  • Agile and Architecture Conflict

    There is a constant tussle between following Agile techniques and still managing to do enterprise architecture. While Agile development focuses on adjusting the design as more insight is gained, architecture establishes the technology stack and addresses quality attributes. Combination of the two is successful when agile techniques are leveraged to drive towards the desired architecture.

  • Appcelerator’s Titanium Studio Makes Its Debut

    Titanium Studio 1.0, an IDE for mobile, desktop and web development, is based on Aptana Studio and brings new features, such as: Android and iOS debugging, run-deploy-package mobile and desktop apps, Git support, integrated terminal, and others.

  • Opinion: Tim Bray on the Web vs Native Debate

    Tim Bray who spoke recently in Seattle about this topic published today a long post on the Web vs Native Mobile Application Debate. If the game seems open today, can the Web applications remain competitive and eventually win the mobile game? Can HTTP itself remain the protocol of choice in a power and bandwidth constrained environment where bi-directional telephony protocols play equally well?

  • VMware Announces vFabric Cloud Application Platform 5, Simplifies Licensing and Deployment

    VMware has today announced that the next version of its vFabric cloud application platform, which it expects to ship later in the summer, will see a licensing change to a per VM model. The platform gains elastic memory for Java applications running in Spring tc Server, and a new performance monitoring tool for Spring applications running in production, based on Spring Insight.

  • Windows Azure AppFabric CTP - Queues and Topics

    The Azure team recently shipped a Community Preview (CTP) for AppFabric, with Service Bus Queues and Service Bus Topics, which can be leveraged in a whole new set of scenarios to build Occasionally Connected or Distributed Systems.

  • Layer 7 Releases a New Web API Management Portal

    Layer 7 Technologies released last week its Web API Management Portal that enables companies to manage the developers creating applications against their Web APIs. The portal expands Layer 7’s API management suite, which includes the API Proxy for enforcing API security and SLA policies, and the Enterprise Service Manager for governing the API lifecycle and tracking API performance.

  • Talend Releases a Cloud Version of its Unified Integration Platform

    Talend announced at the Cloud Computing Expo last week that it was releasing a Cloud-based version of its Enterprise Unified Integration Platform.

  • QCon San Francisco November 14-18 - tracks announced & registration open

    QCon San Francisco 2011, taking place November 14-18, is now open for registration ($700 savings until June 22nd). QCon is an enterprise software development conference for team leads, architects, and project managers covering architecture & design, Java, Mobile, functional programming, Lean and Kanban, Cloud Computing, Big Data & NoSQL, emerging languages, and other timely topics.

  • Asynchronous Patterns in ASP.NET Web Forms vNext

    Asynchronous programming is all the range these days and for good reason, when properly used it can significantly improve the throughput of I/O bound applications. And while some may think this of the realm of new and esoteric languages, even Web Forms is getting in on the game.

  • Yet More Trouble with REST APIs?

    George Reese, writing recently on his and Adrian Cole's experiences on using REST and SOAP APIs for developing Cloud applications, caused quite a stir in the community. What started as hints-and-tips has turned into a debate over whether there are real problems and misunderstandings around developing APIs with REST, irrespective of Cloud?

  • Will Machiel van der Bijl make manual Software Testing obsolete?

    Machiel van der Bijl from the University of Twente in the Netherlands recently introduced a Model-based testing approach which is supposed to automate software testing.

  • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of REST APIs

    A new blog post by George Reese provides a wealth of recommendations on best practices and common pitfalls of REST APIs implementation.

  • Tools for Porting Android Apps to Windows Phone 7

    Microsoft attracts Android developers to Windows Phone 7 (WP7) with an API mapping tool and a WP7 Guide.