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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • How To Think Like A Cloud

    At the Interop 2011 conference in Las Vegas, Alistair Croll of Bitcurrent delivered a talk titled “How to Think Like a Cloud.” This session pointed out the differences between a traditional application development approach and a utility computing mindset.

  • Rethinking Models in MVC

    Jon Galloway is researching dynamic ASP.NET MVC 3 models using Mono’s Compiler as a Service. Meanwhile Karsten Januszewski is looking into deserialized JSON in lieu of statically typed models.

  • PMI Agile Certified Professional Body of Knowledge

    There is no single central reference for those seeking to prepare for the new Project Management Institute - Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) test; instead the PMI provides a list of test areas, and reference books, which taken together constitute the body of knowledge for the certification.

  • Caucho Resin is Officially Certified Against the Java EE 6 Web Profile

    Caucho Resin has recently been certified a compliant implementation of the EE 6 Web Profile, starting with version 4.0.17.

  • World IPv6 Day Has Started

    June 8th 2011 is World IPv6 day, where many large internet organisations such as Google and YouTube, and social networks like Facebook have IPv6 enabled their sites for at least the next 24 hours. If you have an IPv6 connection, then when you visit these sites you'll be going over the IPv6 network instead of the IPv4 network.

  • The Android Ecosystem by Tim Bray

    Tim Bray, developer advocate at Google, presented yesterday evening his views on the Android Ecosystem at the Seattle Android Meetup. He talked about the successful business models for mobile apps, the new features coming this month and shared briefly his opinion the Web vs Native app.

  • Big Data – The Next Frontier

    According to the new report from McKinsey Global Institute, Big Data is becoming a factor of production like physical or human capital.

  • Model-View-Presenter for Web Forms

    While it is possible to use a MVC-style architecture with ASP.NET Web Forms, most find it to be a clumsy match. The rich components and stateful nature of Web Forms simply doesn’t mesh well with the MVC pattern. Yet developers still long for the separation and testability that MVC offers. This is where the open source project Web Forms MVP comes into play.

  • Erich Gamma Has Joined the Microsoft Visual Studio Team

    Erich Gamma, one of the four co-authors of Design Patterns, known as GoF (Gang of Four), has joined Microsoft Visual Studio team.

  • Differing Opinions: DTOs vs Domain Objects

    Since the introduction of NHibernate and WCF, .NET developers have been moving closer and closer to the concept of unified entity-models. The end game here is that the same class can be act as your ORM entity, your WCF DTO, and your model for a MVC, MVP, or MVVM framework. Mark Seemann, author of Dependency Injection in .NET, argues this isn’t necessarily a good thing.

  • - Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! Agree on a Common Markup Vocabulary [Updated]

    Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! have decided to propose a common markup vocabulary,, based on the Microdata format, simplifying the job of webmasters who want to give meaning to their web pages content.

  • The Future of Terracotta after Its Acquisition by Software AG

    Software AG, one of the leaders in the SOA and BPM market acquired San Francisco based Terracotta that is behind prominent open source products such as EhCache, Big Memory and Quartz. Terracotta products fill in the application performance and scalability needs for cloud based offerings from Software AG. In this article, InfoQ talks to Ari Zilka regarding the future of this acquisition.

  • Model Binders in Web Forms vNext

    Despite claims of its death, ASP.NET Web Forms is still a very popular framework and Microsoft is continuing to invest heavily in it. Web Forms vNext offers significant improvements in several areas including strongly typed, two-way data binding.

  • Upcoming Conference CompArch 2011 in Boulder, Colorado

    The CompArch Conference is a federated conference that brings together researchers and practitioners interested in Component-Based Software Development and Software Architecture. This year the event is held at the University of Colorado in the United States from June 20th to June 24th. As general chairs Ivica Cnrkovic and Judith Stafford were appointed.

  • Lean Startups

    The lean startup movement is growing and all over the world local user groups are meeting to discuss, learn, and build successful businesses. But what is a lean startup? Is it two hackers in a garage, or is it more?