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InfoQ Homepage Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • The Future of the Web as Seen by Gartner

    Gene Phifer, Managing VP in Gartner Research, and David Mitchell Smith, VP and Fellow in Gartner Research, recently held a webinar entitled How Web and Cloud Computing Will Drive Your IT Strategy (registration required), outlining some of the key characteristics of the future web as seen by Gartner, concluding with a number of recommendation for businesses that want to be prepared.

  • Cloud Computing Is Here to Stay

    Cloud computing has become a major priority for enterprises. 60% of CIOs see it as a priority, after BI, mobility and virtualization, while large enterprises have set aside for it 15% of their budged, according to some studies.

  • What Agile Architecture and Hurricanes have in Common

    In a recent presentation at SATURN 2011 Eric Richardson has drawn some analogies between architects in an agile environment and hurricane meteorologists. For example, both produce various forecasts respectively documents, use many kinds of data sources as inputs, and employ different techniques to acquire data. The question arises is: what can architects learn from meteorologists?

  • A Case Study for Continuous Delivery in the Cloud

    Paul M. Duvall, author of the book "Continuous Integration", wrote about a case study for adopting continuous delivery in the cloud by a large organization in the public healthcare sector. The post discusses the problems, tools and solutions they found in the process.

  • Jeremy Keith on the Design Principles of HTML5

    "Embrace HTML5" was held in Shanghai last week. Jeremy Keith, the author of "DOM Scripting" and “HTML5 for Web Designers”, presented a speech on the design principles of HTML5. He also introduced the history of HTML and answered some questions from the audience.

  • An Interview With Ed Schmit, AT&T Developer Ecosystem

    InfoQ spoke with Ed Schmidt at the Seattle Mobile Developer Hackathon last month. He shares his perspective on how developers should prepare to develop mobile apps and the trends he sees in the industry.

  • Spec Explorer 2010 Version 3.5 Adds Improved Change Detection, Batch Processing

    Spec Explorer 2010 version 3.5 is an extension for Visual Studio 2010 that allows users to generate reusable test code and create, analyze and reproduce graphical models of software behavior. In addition to several bug fixes and improved documentation, this release of Spec Explorer includes enhancements to model change detection, multiple machine processing and the Cord editor.

  • SAP announces StreamWork as Solution for Collaborative Decision-Making

    SAP has recently introduced StreamWork as a cloud-based solution for collaborative decision-making. According to the German ERP company its product brings together the people, information, and proven business approaches to drive fast, meaningful results.

  • How do you measure the RESTful-ness of an application?

    With debates on comparing and contrasting REST with WS-* or SOA having died down, the debate moves on to have to measure how RESTful a system may be, or how "mature" it is. One approach that is referred to many times is the Richardson Maturity Model. However, there is disagreement within the community as to whether or not this model is the right approach to use.

  • Essential: a new Language Workbench

    Pedro Molina has released the beta version of his new Language Workbench: Essential. Unlike other WLs, Essential is capable of interpreting the model definition, making it faster and easier to design and re-factor model driven solutions.

  • Agile 2011 Keynote Speakers Anounced

    The Agile 2011 organizers have announced the keynote speakers for the conference being held in August at Salt Lake City. Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, Kevin Henney and Linda Rising will deliver keynote talks with three distinctly different focuses.

  • Akka 1.1 Released, Brings Many Improvements to Futures and Performance, Reduces Dependencies,

    Akka 1.1 was released with many improvements in performance, Futures and more. The basic Akka also has no dependencies except for Scala 2.9. InfoQ caught up with Jonas Bonér to talk about the current state and the future of Akka.

  • Scala & Akka Creators Launch Typesafe Company for Multicore and Cloud Architectures

    Scala creator Martin Odersky joined forces with Jonas Bonér, the creater of Akka, and launched Typesafe. With $3 million Series A financing led by Greylock Partners, Typesafe offers commercial support for enterprise development of multicore and cloud architectures.

  • Microsoft releases Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS

    Following on from the recent release of the Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows Phone 7, Microsoft announced on May 9, 2011 that they were making available a version for Apple’s iOS, and planning to release an Android version within the next month.

  • Atlassian Replaces Builders with Tasks in Latest Bamboo Release

    As the discussion in Agile development moves from continuous integration (CI) to continuous deployment, CI servers are doing more to automate the overall build process. Atlasian, which today released Bamboo 3.1, has implemented a new feature called Tasks that the company hopes will aid developers in their continuous deployment efforts.